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Forum Thread

An unexpected Journey

Forum-Index Diaries An unexpected Journey
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2016 19:25 (8 Years ago)
[Last update: July 2, 03: 20 (Timezone)]

Come one and Welcome all! My sister and I are wanting to save up normal gems so we can get a ditto!!

1st ~ Mega Stone
2nd ~ Mew
3rd ~ Rare shiny hunt of choice*
4th ~ Medium shiny hunt of choice*
5th ~ Message in a bottle
6th ~ Easy shiny hunt of choice*
7th ~ Event of choice from one of our boxes
8th ~ Relic Gold
9th ~ Random Fossil
10th ~ Relic Copper

* For those who win the shiny hunts: You must be patient and understanding. As we are sure you know shiny hunts take time, but we will keep you informed. All hunts exclude legendary, events, and special pokémon.*** To keep things fair, one user can win no more than 2 of the prizes***

How to enter:
You MUST write #PurpleButterJellyTime in the message details or your package will be considered a donation!! You are to send the gems through the Delibird in the Global Trade Station.
*** If we do not have at least 25 users participating by July 31st: we will cancel this lottery and send all participants their items back. We WILL keep a list of participants and their donated items.

How to get Tickets:
* Hashtag share [Limit 1 per day] = 1 Ticket
* Send 3 Normal Gems = 1 Ticket
* Send 10 Normal Gems = 5 Tickets
* Send 20 Normal Gems = 13 Tickets
* Send 50 Nuggets = 80 Tickets

Post to share:
Quote#PurpleButterJellyTime is hosted by KateYoke and Kerri0o7

We're looking to collect enough normal gems for our own ditto, and we need your help! Share the hashtag to get the word out there!

Prizes include: a Mega Stone, Mew, a Message in a Bottle and more!

This will end after we reach 10,000 normal gems!
We deem this as not progressing after the end of July and we return all items.

116 / 10,000

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Argentis x5 Tickets
EspeUmbre x2 Ticket
STIINO x1 Ticket
mr27Unbreakable x2 Tickets
xAPPLEPIEx02 x2 Tickets
mrdeadcool x2 Tickets
Starlightofstartribe x14 Tickets
Espeon- x21 Tickets
PhoeniXXTalon x1 Ticket
BlazingReshiram x1 Ticket
Glacionthegreat x1 Ticket
Green_Oak x33 Tickets
ShadowSami x1 Ticket
snapchienne x1 Ticket

Any questions? Feel free to send them! We also hold all rights to change any of the above rules if we deem necessary