Forum Thread
[L] The Shiny Lottery (Shiny Tyrunt)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] The Shiny Lottery (Shiny Tyrunt)

I probably should have made a thing like this earlier orz. I do various
different shiny hunts to eventually complete my shiny dex. I decided I will take
the time to try and hatch some extra's from those hunts so I can give them
away as prizes.
I decided to make a lottery, as shinies (believe it or not) are not the only
things I'm looking for/trying to collect here on PH.
The prize currently:
Shiny Tyrunt -

Well how do I enter?
This is just like a raffle, but includes a rather small payment. So this will have a
'ticket' system, where you'll be given a number, and I will use to get
a winner
x1 Ticket = x1 Box/Key
x3 Tickets = Feed, advertising this lottery *only once*
Feed must be up for at least 24 hours
Pretty self explanatory so far, right? You just send me a box or
key via the Delibird Delivery feature, and...
in the comment/description (for when you're sending the items),
please try mentioning that it's for the lottery, or else I will not add
you/give you a ticket
And another thing to mention! You can send more than 1 box/key.
So if you send me 15 different keys and boxes, you will get yourself 15 tickets!
Obviously the more tickets you have, the higher chance you have to win

001 - 010 | Minccino
011 - 015 | Solar-Moonlight
016 - 016 | CharaVsSans
017 - 021 | Akky
022 - 042 | Gale_Akolt
[size=14][color=navy][b]I'd like to enter the shiny lottery![/b][/size][/color]
[b]Number of boxes/keys you'll send:[/b]
If you have advertised the lottery via feeds, make a normal post saying so, and I will enter you into the lottery with 3 tickets

Winner: #11 sharkner
001 - 005 | Lunar_Moonlight
006 - 010 | Minccino
011 - 018 | sharkner
019 - 042 | Giraffe_A_Laugh
043 - 056 | Fasionist
057 - 076 | Giraffe_A_Laugh

Winner: #74 Argentis
001 - 002 | MUSHIEZ
003 - 017 | Giraffe_A_Laugh
018 - 024 | Noctowl
025 - 038 | Akiruru
039 - 046 | Minccino
047 - 079 | Argentis
080 - 102 | Jingler
103 - 110 | Noctowl

Winner: #59 Khalida
001 - 007 | Starlightofstartribe
008 - 023 | Smofty
024 - 028 | Smofty
029 - 037 | Starlightofstartribe
038 - 041 | Solar-Moonlight
042 - 054 | Tobey
055 - 068 | Khalida
069 - 072 | Smofty
073 - 076 | Solar-Moonlight
077 - 079 | Solar-Moonlight
080 - 081 | Akky
The winner of the Shiny Furfrou is...

#11 - sharkner!
Congratulations! I've set the doggy up in the GTS for you! ^^
A new shiny is now available as a prize!
Shiny Chimchar

This will end on: 16/07/16 (18:00 ST)
I'd like to enter the shiny lottery!
Username: MUSHIEZ
Number of boxes/keys you'll send: 1 Mystery Box (Dark Blue) / 1 Mystery Key (Purple)
Other: Trying to Aquire My FIRST Shiny!!