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Pokémon Zombie Apocalypse Part 3! (Open and Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Pokémon Zombie Apocalypse Part 3! (Open and Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 16:35 (8 Years ago)
Quill activated his night vision goggles and gulped. He picked up Rose and placed her gently on to his bag. "I'll carry ya." He said quietly. He pulled up his Poncho to cover his nose and head towards the tunnel.

Thorn saw Ricky/Death. He followed behind. "I shall accompany you, Death." Thorn claimed.
Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 16:49 (8 Years ago)
"Good we are not alone. Happy now Ricky?" Death asked.

"I still don't think we are strong enough." Ricky replied.

"Stop being a Debbie doubter!" Death yelled at Ricky.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Tue, 16/08/2016 21:02 (8 Years ago)
Autumn picked up Candy and walked with the group.

(Yay! Z V2.0 returns!)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 14:26 (8 Years ago)
"Wait up for me!"Mousa exclaimed as he ran towards the group with his super sharpened claws but tripped flatly. Jake sighed and helped him get up "Are you okay,Master Mousa?"Azelf asked "Um..Guess so?To be completely honest,I'm scared of the fight against Darkrai."Mousa said as a tripwire hook caught his eye "WAIT!"Mousa shouted as he pointed at the hook.
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 14:33 (8 Years ago)
"Darkrai! Come on out!" Death yelled.

"He won't come out like that." Ricky replied sarcastically.


"So we just step over the trip wire?" Lilly asked.

"I could throw you all across." Conquest replied.

Famine shook her head, "No. My stomach couldn't handle that."

Schrodinger laughed and flew over the wire singing the 60's batman theme.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 14:37 (8 Years ago)
Mousa walked over to it and carefully disconnected the tripwire hook revealing a pitfall trap with large sharp spikes at the bottom "Now..How do we get across?"Mousa said as he watched Schrödinger fly over it calmly
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 14:43 (8 Years ago)
"I could throw you all across." Conquest said once again causing Famine to go green in this face.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 327
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 14:57 (8 Years ago)
"Oh dear...."Draco wish that he was still flexible.

*throws ds at wall*

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 15:53 (8 Years ago)
Quill simply sighed. He took out one of his knifes and tied it to a rope. He threw it across and it landed, hooking between to large rocks. Quill tightened the rope and tied the end he was holding to the floor using another knife. "There, problem solved." Quill remarked proudly. "Will just have to hold on to this Beedrill and walk over." Quill explained. He picked up Rose and went first across the line. Drill helped him balance himself.

Z V2.0 began setting up the main sail he had brought along from an alternate dimension. He sealed the portal and continued with the upgrades on the ship. Regigigas helped by bringing and breaking down more materials. Other forest Non-zombie Pokémon helped as well with the ship building. Word had gotten across very fast. Many Pokemon from across the land had gathered there to help.
(I'll do Z V2.0 forms later.)
Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:12 (8 Years ago)
Famine quickly scurried over with Lilly in tow.

Conquest walked back a few steps and began running before leaping over the pit.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:15 (8 Years ago)
Mousa and Jake quickly passed as Azelf simply floated over "Guess it's you and Schrödinger."Mousa muttered
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:21 (8 Years ago)
Schrödinger smiled revealing bat teeth, "I flew, Azelf flew, Drill will fly."

Famine took a rock and ate it.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:45 (8 Years ago)
"If this was one trap,then we can expect a lot more so keep your eyes peeled."Mousa said to everybody with determination,clenching his fists.
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:45 (8 Years ago)
Quill looked at Conquest and muttered "Show off..." He said as he sat down. When he sat on the rock, he had pulled a trigger. Rocks began to fall down. Drill pushed Mousa and Jake out of the way before the rocks fell on them. The rock, instead fell on to Drills left leg. Quill quickly slid into a small hole on the caves wall just before the rocks crushed him. The rocks covered the small holes entrance.
Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:48 (8 Years ago)
"Holy Sh*t!You okay,whatever your name is?!"Mousa said as he examined his wound to see the damage (He doesn't know the name cuz Drill was quite introduced to him.) Meanwhile,Jake and Azelf moved the rocks away from the small hole's entrance.
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:48 (8 Years ago)
Famine opened wide and ate the rock that would have fell on her, while Conquest caught his rock and chucked aside to destroy a few other rocks.

Schrödinger was crushed and a moment later Schrödinger reappeared as a monkey.

Lilly rolled to Famine who seemed to be safe were she was at.

He is my buddy Adam.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 16:51 (8 Years ago)
Mousa heard Darkrai laughing "One mistake..is all it takes." "That evil f*cking b**ch!" Mousa said with a tone of anger in his voice. Jake's eyes widened when heard those words "This is one of the times where it's okay if you say that.
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 17:05 (8 Years ago)
(@Mousa, I, uh, currently control Darkrai... Just don't control him too much, Kay?)

Drill shook his head. "Name zzz Drill. My legs will be okay." Drill said. His leg began to rotate as a drill and broke the granite rock. "Eazzzy."

The hole Quill had jumped into was actually a tight small tunnel that led to a semi-aquatic tunnel. Quill fell with a thud. "Ow..." He said as he got up. Blood trickled down his face. He ignored it and looked up to the tunnel he fell from. "Can't climb back up... May as well find another way there..." Quill muttered. "Guys, don't come down here. We'll find another way." Quill shouted back up.

Darkrai watched everybody from the shadows. They were going to fall into ever single of his traps.

Thorn stopped Ricky. "The others need us. We must go back." He told Ricky.
Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 130
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 17:11 (8 Years ago)
(Just needed to use him to say that one thing.)

"Okay,glad to know you're okay,Drill."Mousa smiled
The Ultimate Supreme Leader is back! 💜

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 169
Posted: Wed, 17/08/2016 17:16 (8 Years ago)
"Here that. They need us!" Ricky shouted.

"Darkrai! Reveal yourself!" Death yelled.

He is my buddy Adam.