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Getting the most out of fishing

Forum-Index Suggestions Getting the most out of fishing
Trainerlevel: 87

Forum Posts: 58
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 12:06 (8 Years ago)
Hello everybody who reads this. First off, I want to say that I love this new feature. I had been hearing things off and on since I started the site about fishing implemented, and originally thought I'd have to wait for Staid to show up when it became functional. I've gotten a lot of enjoyment at taking my hand in this, and have been relatively successful so far.

That said, now that the luster has worn off, I can see a few ways that the fishing can be improved. So here we go.

1. Have different pokemon cycle through the bait options!
Currently, the bait has a static requirement for its trade-in values.

Regular Bait requires a normal and water gem (personally, too valuable to trade for the basic version)
Tasty Bait requires a Magikarp
Delicious Bait requires a Gyarados
Shiny Bait requires a Squirtle, Totodile, and Mudkip.

I'm excluding Magnetic Bait from this list because it's a greater specialty, rather than a progressive bait pattern.

My suggestion for these would be to change the gem requirement, if you feel this to be a good enough trade-in, for a tasty bait. Or otherwise maybe add in a steel gem requirement for the Magnetic Bait, rotating out Tynamos and Chinchous/Lanturns.

For Regular Bait and Tasty Bait, a fresh cycle between the three most common catches would serve nicely. Tentacool/Tentacruel, Magikarp/Gyarados, and Goldeen/Seaking. You could even throw in Azurill and Marill with the cycles just to spread them out further.

For Shiny Bait, using the starters is a smart pick. I would like to suggest using all of them as a potential. Especially with Generation Seven coming in the next five months, and most likely an event to usher it in, the seventh generation Popplio will eventually make its rounds to the Beach as a catch-able. By cycling through the current starters, there will exist a possibility to use it as an ingredient with the others and make it a clean weekly cycle.

If the worry is oversaturation, by cycling the pokemon and making all catches able to lead toward something, you could even offer them up for 3-5 of the species per bait.

2. There are box trade-ins every day, what about keys?
I realize that keeping boxes valuable is important. I completely agree with that. But perhaps there's a way to have it become part of the once-a-week special. Instead of having a box trade-in, having a key trade-in day. Wailmer and Clauncher would be the two most likely pokemon to use in this aspect. Wailmer is catch-able, yet not trade-able. Clauncher currently is used only to trade one piece for a Mega Stone. This would allow the potential for all the boxes to get used, and the chance to continue to fish in order to nab more of those types of pokemon.

3. The Shoal Salt and Shoal Shell need to go for something!
I'm not sure if you guys have something planned for it down the road in the upcoming months, but presently they don't have any purpose other than a lost turn. With Shell Bells also being catch-able as an item (and I'll mention more next), there doesn't seem to be much use for them. No maniac is paying for those items here, at least not yet.

So my suggestion here is to have them involved in the recipe business.

By requiring a lot of the salts and shells, there's a potential to get them to be useful toward an ingredient in making something like a lead-up to White Powder. you could also get some of the baits involved as well. If 100 flour, 50 salts, 50 shells, 20 honey, and maybe 3-5 shiny baits were involved in the recipe, then the price for shiny baits would help to raise value in the market, and provide a worthwhile investment to keeping all of those items we fish up.

Alternatively, you could perhaps allow trading in 50 shells in for maybe a King's Shield, to create the alternative form of Aegislash.

4. Lastly, Shell Bells, if they're fish-able, should be as rare as the bottles and ornament!
I liked the fact that the shells were catch-able. But it reduces their value. Considering how many festival points it takes (2000) to purchase, they need to be a rare catch. Considering that it can be difficult for some to compete in the contests each month, getting it so much easier this way reduces their value. Since it's a forme-changing item for a legendary, I would suspect it should be given a certain level of respect.

Anyway, thank you for whoever reads this. If you guys want to use these, cool.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 325
Posted: Wed, 29/06/2016 16:27 (8 Years ago)
I agree with pretty much all of your points. They are well thought out and they solve many real problems. I hope they add this necessary features!