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The mystery of the high-school ~A Gijinka Rp~
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Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The mystery of the high-school ~A Gijinka Rp~
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:55 (8 Years ago)
"Probably left it in your house or in Chase's dorm." Draco said "I
can go get it if you want. I know what it looks like and I am much
faster than you."
Giyu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:56 (8 Years ago)
Coal looked at her. "An amulet?" She looked thoughtful. "I saw one
on the ground back near our dorms."
Forum Posts: 496
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:57 (8 Years ago)
" thanks, I'll get it myself. " She disappeared, having had
teleported to her amulet.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 14:58 (8 Years ago)
"Ok." Draco replied. "What I said about finding someone applies to
you too Coal." he said
Giyu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:00 (8 Years ago)
"Everyone's getting sassy." Coal sighed.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:01 (8 Years ago)
"Well, sorry." he said. "I'm not used to talking to people." he
Forum Posts: 496
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:02 (8 Years ago)
She had reappeared already. "WHO THE ACTUAL MAGIC AM I GOING TO
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:03 (8 Years ago)
Draco sighed. "Fine, I will." Draco said
Forum Posts: 496
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:14 (8 Years ago)
"You don't want to. SO why should you." She said irritably.
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:15 (8 Years ago)
Draco looked at Lacsita "Do you want to dance or not?" he simply
Forum Posts: 496
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:17 (8 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:28 (8 Years ago)
"Then let's go dance." He said
Forum Posts: 496
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:35 (8 Years ago)
Giyu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:37 (8 Years ago)
Coal hefted a camera. "I'll take pictures!" Her eyes gleamed.
Forum Posts: 496
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:40 (8 Years ago)
Giyu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 38
Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 15:42 (8 Years ago)
Coal pouted and shoved the camera away. "Fine, fine."
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 16:41 (8 Years ago)
Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 18:35 (8 Years ago)
Sophie-Oh crap! The ball! *frowns and gets up putting her necklace
Sterg OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 37
Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 19:33 (8 Years ago)
What happen?
Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 24/06/2016 19:34 (8 Years ago)
"But I can't really lie, both of you are cute." Draco said "And no,
I'm not flirting. I'm just complimenting."