"I think your very pretty." Coal said, following her gaze. "I'm
sure Chase thinks that too." She pushed her hair behind her
shoulders. ((The dress was red))
"And your sweet." Coal said, hesitantly reaching out and touching
Lacsita's shoulder. "Don't focus on the negative things." She
smiled. "Focus on the positive things!"
Coal still smiled. "You've come this far haven't you? Might as well
finish it. Plus, don't you have to ask Chase to dance?" She
shrugged and pulled her sweater on.
Coal sat down, still wearing her sweater and humming. I hope
Lacsita manages to ask Chase to dance. I'll be happy for them!
A pang flashed through her chest. She held her fist to where her
heart was a tool a deep breath. I knew I shouldn't have used
magic. It's going to kill me someday, honest.
"That Glaceon will have everyone's eyes on her... She's to
beautiful..." Cried the Espurr gijinka. "M-maybe this d-dress..."
She muttered, pulling out a black dress. It was satin and rather
wide at the skirt. "Yes, I'll take it." She said, pullling it on.