"How did you.." Victor began as he looked at Blaze slightly. Blaze
blinked, and went into the forest. He accidentally collided with a
"What do you think you're doing?" Feraligatr snapped, and used Aqua
jet. Blaze bounced back from the move.
Victor came, and looked at Feraligatr. He tried to calm the Pokemon
down, but Feraligatr growled and used Aqua jet once more.
Blaze got hit, and got up. He suddenly learnt thunderpunch. Victor
clenched his fists and looked at Blaze, as he hit Feraligatr.
Cyndaquik grunted as he almost fell into the river. He then got uo
and glanced into the water, where he looked at a scar on his
shoulder the scar led to his back. "Maybe that's what's been
stopping me from evolving" he said softly he remembered his past as
he looked at it.
Feraligatr growled, "Not so easy.." He said as he fired ice
Blaze got hit, and growled himself. He used thunder punch. He
thought that he was once move away from fainting.
"You can do it Blaze! Believe in yourself!" Victor commanded. Blaze
was hit by a super effective Aqua jet.
Blaze's eyes began to glow red, and he and Victor looked at
Feraligatr in almost the same way.
Feraligatr approached Blaze in attempt to use dragon claw, but just
before the move hit him, Blaze became surrounded in a veil of fire,
which rose to the height of the tallest trees in the camp.
"What's this?" Feraligatr growled as he looked at the Quilava
surrounded in flames.
Blaze growled, and the flames got even higher. There was a shadow
visible around him, of a Typhlosion. He, still surrounded in the
flames, used fire blast, weakening Feraligatr, who tried an aqua
jet, which hit Blaze.
Cyndaquil froze slightly in fear at the sight of the evolution he
then remembered more from his nightmares he had often. In his
nightmare a Typhlosion always seemed to attack him for no reason.
The fire starter always woke up upon the Typhlosion hitting him
with a finishing blow sending him off a cliff. The Pokemon then
shook himself back to reality and fled the area before Blaze could
see him.
Blaze completed his evolution, and used a thunder punch on the
Feraligatr, knocking the Pokemon out. The flames disappeared, and
Blaze turned around, hearing cyndaquil run away.
Cyndaquil travelled through the trees unaware of which way he was
going. He was about to jump into a tree when he messed up and
crashed into the river he was at originally.
Cyndaquil struggled in the water as he was about to go under once
more he growled as the light from his evolution made him glow once
more. He then attempted to focus it, but was knocked out of it once
more causing him to crash into a fallen log on the other side of
the lake bed. The fire Pokemon then limped across it and fought off
the exhaustion he had recieved from the failed evolution.
Cyndaquil got to his paws and shook the water from his soaked fur.
He then limped toward the cabin area not wanting to talk to the
others, or train anymore.