(Maybe we should go with the regular fnaf story i wanted that in
the beginng but things changed because of people who wanted to
change it so i went with it)
(Remember that Purple Guy was like 40 in 1970 with the Fredbear
Diner thing and died in DAMN 2017(80 years old.) I blocklist both
Arwen and Teius. I quit.)
Freddy went in his corner of Parts and Service. He died because of
time and everything.
(im sorry that this happen all i wanted in this rp was it to be fun
and stay with the backstory that it always had with purple man
killing the children im sorry :( )
(is still night or is already morning , i waiting for kids ! And
dont worry , Superior alwayd doing these things , one time he tryd
to turn Experiment RP into Kingdom hearts RP :/ ))
(Oh, yeah. This should be Night 1/before Missing Children Incident.
I won't quit yet and I'm removing you from Blocklist. But then
after the Bite of 87 don't expect to see me in this RP. Children
were not killed in war, I completely modified Freddy's backstory,
and I will go with the true one.)