Forum Thread
1x1 with Edmund
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with EdmundBastiaan stirred himself awake and groggily glanced over at his clock. It read 7:24 AM, just around a half an hour before school would begin. Every muscle in his body ached. His nose felt stuffy and the pressure in his head was almost unbearable. The male let out a deep sigh. "It seems as if I have gotten myself 'sick'," he muttered to himself, wincing at the throbbing pain in his head as he spoke. He rolled over to his side opposite the bruises and stared at the openness before him. There is no way I'm going out today like this. I need to get some rest.
The male reached over to the nightstand beside his bed for his phone. The screen lit up, but revealed no new notifications. I hope Durae will be alright today, he thought as he set his phone back up, the light of the screen fading. He hoped that the demons wouldn't be back, especially on a day like this, when he didn't even want to get out of bed. He'd stand no chance against them.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
Durae checked his watch as he entered history class. The bell rang a few seconds after he had gotten situated in his seat at his desk. His eyes scrutinized the room, looking for the dark-haired male. Maybe he went back to his normal grade since he did so well yesterday? Durae asked himself mentally.
The teacher stepped into the classroom, looking as if he rolled out of bed in his work clothes. He released a large yawn and plopped his thick books on the podium. "Good morning, class," he said as he stifled another yawn. "We have a new transfer student today," he said as he looked at the door. He made a small motion with his hands, and the door crept open.
Durae's eyes first focused on the shiny black flats lightly tapping the ground as the new student walked to the teacher's podium. His eyes moved up a little, where he saw a thin female with long, wavy blue hair and violet eyes. She stopped besides the podium and turned to face towards the class. "Please feel free to introduce yourself, if you'd like," the instructor had suggested.
The new girl bowed respectfully at her now-peers. "Hello, everyone. I'm Stella Dalin. I was born and raised in Sweden until transferring here to learn about this new culture." She stood up straight again, and smiled a small, yet friendly smile. "I hope we can all get along," she beamed.
The students gave smiles in return to the new student, however, Durae took the time to really look at her. He couldn't tell what it was, but something felt a little bit The teacher noticeably looked around the room until he decided there weren't any seats left. "Miss Dalin, you don't happen to have any preferences of where you'd like to sit, right? I'm afraid we lack enough desks at the moment," he informed. "Perhaps I could order another one after school or something," he mumbled to himself.
The female looked around the room until she found an empty seat next to Durae. "Could I sit there for today?" She asked as she softly pointed towards the desk. "Oh um...sure."
The student strutted towards the desk, softly sitting down in Bastiaan's chair and laying her belongings on the ground below. Durae anxiously glanced over at the new student, who seemed to pay no mind to him.
"Alright, class," the teacher began as he cleared his throat. "We will now begin our lesson."
Durae checked the time on his watch, which read 8:07 AM. That's odd. I didn't expect Bastiaan to be the kind of guy who'd be late to school, he wondered to himself. He quietly slipped his phone out of his bag and typed in his passcode without the teacher noticing. He scrolled through his contacts until he found Bastiaan's name. 'Hey, where are you?' he had texted the male. He turned off his phone, setting it to vibrate beforehand, and began daydreaming as he waited for a response.

The male decided to sit up in bed and take a look at his phone. There was a text from a number stating 'Hey, where are you?' and he guessed it was from Durae, as the boy was the only one who had his number. Before replying, Bastiaan saved the number, in case he needed to text the other male first. He went back to view the message and responded with 'Didn't feel quite well, so I stayed home. Are you doing okay?'. The male set his phone down on the nightstand once more and got out of bed to start his morning routine, first with showering.
The hot water had definitely soothed the tension in his muscles and cleared out his sinuses for the time being. It was a relief knowing that it wasn't something more severe and that it was actually something his body could handle, because after all, this was his first time experiencing some sort of sickness from the human world.
After the alleviating shower, the male got himself dressed; he wore another plain white shirt with black denim shorts. He sat down on his bed to take a good breath, considering he still didn't have all his energy back and decided to take this moment to check his phone to see if Durae had responded.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
"What might be so important on your phone so as to consume your class time?"
Durae's mind raced for words to think up of a good reason as to why he had been texting on his phone. "" he stuttered. "I-I was feeling nauseous, so I asked my mom if she could pick me up early today," he fibbed. He flinched as the teacher snatched the touch-screen phone out of the boy's small hands. "Perhaps you might want to think about going to the nurse if you don't feel well," he said in an I'm-not-buying-it sort of tone. He clicked off the phone and set it on his desk next to a pack of sticky notes.
"Mr. Sakimoto, if you're stilling feeling whoozy, please feel more than welcome to head down to the nurse's office," the instructor informed in a semi-sarcastic tone. A few of the girls' giggles were heard by the boy, although he wasn't sure if the girls were laughing at him or something else, as they always hinted at making small giggles during class. He tilted an eyebrow and blew a strand of white hair out of his face.
"Now then, let's continue with the class, shall we?."
The teacher cleared his throat. "I'm going to call role."
He flipped open something similar to a notebook and flipped through a few of the thin pages until he expressed a satisfied look on his tired face. "Aaliyah Aaron?" He called. "Here," a feminine voice replied from the left-center of the classroom. He made a quick check on the sheet of paper. "Mamoru Aberdeen?"
"Here," a masculine voice responded. The teacher made another check on his sheet of paper.
Durae was typically at the end of the role-call list since the lists were organized in alphabetical order, and 'S' came later than most letters. Finally, the teacher reached Durae. "Sakimoto Durae?" He paused before the student could respond. "Ah yes, I know you are most certainly present," he said with a click of his pen. Durae laid his head on his hand and sighed as the lesson finally began.
It had seemed like forever had passed until the second period school bell had rung. The class bustled out of the medium-sized room and Durae packed his things, watching as Stella packed up her belongings. She seemed in no particular rush to get to her next class, unlike most of the students in the ninth grade. Her shiny electric-blue hair framed her soft and semi-tan skin perfectly, and Durae almost felt himself blush, but he ignored the feeling and continued shoving books in his bag.
He only normally only used three items in history - his text book, a composition book, and his binder, but fitting them into his small backpack without tearing it was quite the challenge, and his mother said she'd punish him if he tore this one. Stella stood up and tossed her bag around her shoulder fitting her thin arms through the straps. Despite her rather soft and kind doll-like appearance, her lavender eyes seemed to pierce into Durae's mind, and he felt a shiver run down his spine as she glanced down at him, still bent over his backpack.
She flashed an eerie, yet somehow friendly smile at the boy. "I'm assuming you're Durae Sakimoto, yes?" She said in a completely kind and innocent tone. He stuttered a bit before deciding language was not on his side this morning and nodded. She tilted her head in a childlike manner. "We don't have any classes together until after lunch, so I guess now would be the proper time to ask if you'd like to eat our lunch together?" He mumbled a few stutters and nodded once again, a bit more shyly this time. "Great. See you then," she said as she walked out of the classroom, waving. "Goodbye, Mr. Kanzaki. Have a good day."
Durae's eyebrows twitched in slight annoyance. There's friendly, but this girl was pushing it. Durae felt as though she was hiding something, but he couldn't put his finger on what that might've been. Pushing away the thought, he stood up, dragging his backpack up with him and lazily swinging it over his shoulder. He turned around so he could face the instructor who was sitting at his desk writing things on his notepad. Durae acknowledged that nobody else was currently present in the small schoolroom, so he figured now would be the best time to ask the question he had been wanting to ask since a couple dozen minutes ago.
"Mr. Kanzaki," he muttered as he began advancing towards the seemingly oblivious teacher. "When do I get my phone back?" He asked, playing with the zipper on his sweatshirt. He heard the teacher sigh out of lack of satisfaction.
"Durae," he said as he looked up, adjusting his spectacles. "I'm disappointed in you. Not only do you constantly arrive late for class, but I catch you playing on your phone, too," he said. Durae could definitely identify that the man was strongly dissatisfied, but he still kept his typical calm and controlled tone, even during lectures. Durae supposed that was the only reason he hadn't given up on history completely. "You can have your phone back," he began. Durae almost felt a flutter of joy take over his heart until he heard the rest of what the teacher was going to say. "...whenever you can get your mother in here. I'd like to talk to her, please."
The boy's jaw moved up and down, trying to find the right words to say. "B-but she's busy, and she really doesn't have the time to come in here and have a parent-teacher meeting, and-" he was cut off by the school bell's second ring, signaling the beginning of second period.
"You need to get to your class. I'll call your mother and schedule a mini-conference after school today. After all, you do want your phone back soon, I suppose." Durae looked away from the teacher and turned around towards the door and began walking. "Oh and um, Durae," the teacher called once more. "I know you weren't texting your mother. Who was that?"
The boy stopped and bit his lip, his eyes moving as if they could locate the teacher while Durae was facing the opposite direction. "Just Bastiaan," the boy said as he walked out of the classroom, leaving the teacher alone with his non-existent second period class.

Despite still feeling a bit under the weather, Bastiaan decided that he didn't feel like sitting inside for the rest of the day. While it wasn't exactly safe outside due to what had happened the day before, it wouldn't exactly be good for his body either to sit inside his stuffy apartment room for hours on end. The male unplugged his phone from the charger and shoved it in his pocket, placing his room key in the opposite one. He made his way out the door of his room and locked it behind him, tracing his steps from yesterday to the outside of the building.
It was definitely nicer outside today; it was decently warm, though the horrible humidity from the day before was almost entirely gone. There was a satisfying breeze to compliment the weather overall, which made it easier for the demon to breath through his stuffy nose.
He took a seat on the ground along the front wall of the building, deciding not to wander in case trouble came back.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
An anxious feeling swept over him as he remembered he'd have to bring his mom to history class soon. He already had a D in the class, and now his mom would most likely ground him for using his phone in class. Not to mention, she'd probably want to look through his device. He sighed just thinking about it.
The bell finally rang, and Durae exited the classroom to head to lunch. He didn't really like lunch that much. It was noisy, crowded, and he usually had to sit against the wall since nobody wanted him at their table. He didn't know why nobody liked him; he wasn't rude to them. Guess they just like tall, athletic guys, he had always assumed. He had some times wondered if that was really the case, but he never thought too hard about it, as he preferred to be alone, anyway. The loneliness reminded him that he had told Stella they would sit together at lunch. He looked around for her, and finally saw her sitting at one of the tables near the back of the cafeteria. She was surrounded by other ninth graders. "She probably wouldn't want me over there to ruin her new reputation," he muttered as he went to go sit in his usual spot in the corner.
He opened up his bento box and began messing around with his eating utensils. He had wondered what Bastiaan was doing. "He's definitely not late..." he said to himself. "I wonder what happened." He looked around some more, and realized that the older male hadn't even come to school that day.
Suddenly, thoughts of yesterday's event infiltrated his mind. What if he was killed by one of those demon things? he thought to himself.
Nah, Bastiaan could take them down.
Or maybe not...
No, he totally could.
Or could he...?
He smacked his forehead in disdain. "Of course he can protect himself, idiot," he mumbled to himself. He took a bite of meat, but shuttered in distaste at its cold temperature. He sighed and attempted to lean his head back against the wall, but only ended up smacking it against the door. He let out a groan of annoyance at his non-existent luck.
"God must hate me," he muttered with a smile of selfpity plastered on his face.
"Sakimoto," a voice called. He looked up only to see Stella standing above him with her lunch. She smiled at him. "Let's sit together," she exclaimed happily - a little too happily for Durae's taste. "Sure," he whispered as he scratched the back of his head.
"How come you're sitting alone?" She asked as she made herself comfortable on the floor next to him. "Well, I'm not sitting alone anymore," he murmured. She giggled her plastic giggle and poked his cheek. "You know what I'm talking about," she whispered in his ear. He could feel her breath against his cheek, which made him shiver in an uncomfortable manner. He scooted away a bit, and Stella frowned. "Don't be like that; I'm just trying to be a good friend," she said. She moved closer to his cheek once again, and he felt himself blush in discomfort.
He choked on his food as she poked his cheek again. "Are you okay?" She asked. Before he could reply, two girls came up to them. Durae immediately identified the girls as Aaliyah and Cecelia - two girls who made it clear that they enjoyed making a laughing stock out of him. He sighed and bowed his head in attempt to avoid eye-contact.
"Stella, why're you over here?" Cecelia questioned. "Come join us at the table again where there are actually normal people." Durae muttered a few swear words under his breath as Aayilah shifted her balance to one leg.
"Oh, alright. Durae, do you want to come with us?" Stella invited. Aayilah answered the question for him. "No, I'm sure he's having fun sitting here all by himself, just like he does every day. Let's go." Stella stood up with her lunch and smiled at him. "Bye then," she said cheerfully as she walked away with the girls.
Durae heard them talking about him as they made their way away from him. "Don't associate yourself with social-outcasts like him. It'll give you a bad reputation," Cecelia had told her. Durae couldn't hear what else they said, which he was slightly relieved about. He knew the girls didn't like him. However, the reason was unbeknownst to him.
The lunch bell finally rang, and Durae went to his next class.
The day had passed by seemingly quickly after lunch, and Durae began making his way home, feeling rather anxious about how his mother would react to the phone situation.

"Sir? Sir?" came a feminine voice, sounding almost concerned. The words were followed by a gentle, but firm shake on his shoulder.
The demon's eyes flew open and fixated on the woman that stood before him. His eyes traced her figure before they met into the woman's own gaze. She was a brunette and her hair fell just a bit below her shoulders. Her eyes were a clear blue, like they contained their own ocean, which captivated whoever met their gaze. He read the emotion on her face, which didn't seem to match the tone in her voice just a few moments before. Rather, her face presented a relieved expression and her mouth turned upright with a smile.
"Glad to see you're okay. I was a bit worried there," she commented, her voice sweet.
The words took a few moments before they registered in the male's mind and his attention quickly snapped towards his phone. He pressed the home button and the screen lit up, the time reading 2:37 PM.
Damn it! Did I fall asleep?
The shock must have registered on his face for the woman before him knelt down to meet face to face with him. The expression on her face returned to concern. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you want me to guide you back to your room?" The woman held out her hand towards the male.
"N-No," came his response, the words stumbling out of his mouth, "I'll be okay."
The male contained himself and held onto the wall as he pushed himself to his feet. The woman did the same as she watched him closely.
"If you say --"
"Thank you."
"Of course." The young woman smiled again, despite her being cut off by the male's words. She dipped her head as a farewell and made her way to the door or the apartment building and disappeared inside.
Bastiaan let out a deep sigh, thankful that the situation was done and over with. He was still bewildered at the fact that he had fallen asleep out here, being as vulnerable as he was now, due to the previous day's event. He needed to be more careful and aware.
He checked the time on his phone again, which read 2:43 PM. Durae should be making his way home from school at this point.
The male unlocked his phone and went straight to the messaging app and sent a quick text to Durae.
You okay? The text read.

Character owned by me, art by JadeING
He was suddenly taken out of his gaze, however, as he acknowledged angry, yet soft, footsteps behind him. He turned around, only to see the one person he most certainly did not want to see, approach him. He was taken aback when that person, Cecelia, seized him by his collar and pulled him towards her with much more force than necessary. Only then, did he acknowledge that she was only about a centimeter shorter than him, yet seemingly much stronger.
"I'm only going to tell you this once, so listen closely," she hissed. "Don't think about Bastiaan, don't look at Bastiaan, don't talk to Bastiaan, and don't you dare think about touching him. Otherwise, all of hell will turn loose on you. Is that understood?"
The way the female had emphasized "hell" made a shiver run up his spine. He didn't know what it was about the female, but she always had made him feel small and insignificant. Durae's jaw moved up and down, and after a few seconds, he realized his vocal cords wouldn't cooperate, so he simply nodded and swallowed.
"Good," she smiled. Durae had to admit that her smile was beautiful, however, he could definitely sense hatred in it. She released his collar and ran over to Stella, who welcomed her with her warm, beautiful smile.
He adjusted his collar and took a deep breath, then noticed Cecelia steal him a glare before turning around and entering the school building once again. He assumed she was busy with after-school club activities.
He turned around and continued shuffling slowly towards the gates and out of the school's campus.
The thought of his phone and his mother returned to his mind, only bringing him the reoccurring anxiety. He had never wished for a miracle so hard in his life.