Forum Thread
1x1 with elytraaden
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → 1x1 with elytraadenIts a beautiful night, the star is shining and you can see the pretty moon color blue. every pokemon is getting to theyre home and get ready to sleep.
Just in case
And this is mine

name : sam
pokemon : banette
other info : its a she. She is very quite and she love to play with her doll. But she can be dark inside soo be very carefull
pokemon : banette
other info : its a she. She is very quite and she love to play with her doll. But she can be dark inside soo be very carefull
Title: The Thing i think
the day of a hero rise from the depths of the tundra maze bringing the artifact of sky lord. but evil forces stole the artifact for good. what hope can these hero make. find out here with some risen hero from the isle of valhala
Title: cnbhzs
gliscor just go on ahead ask stoRE keepEr for some gr8 games "kecleon ahave the games been released?" kecleon answer "yeah but its early acsess double prize so you need a lot of moolah and ca--...[cuts out by the money] ok grab em gliscor" "ok kec im going back to play on 3D reality"
kecleon said "those games arent for it" gliscor headed out.