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Calling Post for Magic Academy RP! (Gijinkas)

Forum-Index Roleplay Calling Post for Magic Academy RP! (Gijinkas)
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 07:05 (8 Years ago)
Dear Reader,

You have been accepted to attend Full Moon Academy, a newly opened school for young aspiring magicians like you!

Attached are the rules, information, and enrollment for your classes.




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☾ For each student, two characters maximum are allowed.
☾No OPing, but higher class is acceptable.
☾Try to keep an even amount of more and less experienced characters, for a variety of skill among all who join. Yes, a character with very little knowledge of magic but still wants to learn is just as welcome as a character from an elite family of magicians~
☾Please put a little BBCoded icon of the Pokemon you're using in front of your reply, so people can keep track of who's using what instead of going back and forth!
☾Keep romances to a medium, for it's okay if it's filler.
☾Make sure no one gets left out! I and a friend will try to keep everyone engaged as much as possible.
☾Have fun!! And if there are ANY ideas you'd like to bring up to put in, please say something! (I might make a separate thread for that discussion at a later time.)




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-Please include a filled out form that's included below for each character individually, using as much description as possible. BOLD which house you would like to be in. Descriptions of Houses down below under "Houses" tab.
Enrollment Form

Appearance: (*Will be given a uniform, so don't stress too much on clothes. Just face+accessories)
House: New // Crescent
WHY you applied to this school:



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New Moon is the house to pick if you're interested in pursuing the dark arts and black magic while studying (safely!) in our Academy. This house is led by Drakkar (-NyanCat15), who founded it during the start of development. His rival house is Crescent Moon.


Crescent Moon is the house to pick if you prefer working in white magic, summoning, and medicinal remedies. This house is led by Celeste (-Minimowspeck) who founded it during the start of development. Her rival house is New Moon.



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Hi! Thank you for taking interest in this thread! I am very excited to have you here. I'll be working along side Waddlenohara and NyanCat15 to lead this roleplay. You will see us most likely cycling characters out for each "class" to build up to the main part of the story. The story is still in development, given I literally just brought this idea up to them, so please be willing to work with us! I trust it will not take too long to decide on something final, but we do also attend school, so just because questions aren't answered immediately doesn't mean we don't care! We will get to them as soon as possible. LINK WILL BE PROVIDED WHEN PROMPT IS UP AND READY TO START. PLEASE PUT YOUR ENROLLMENTS IN THIS FORUM.
In the meantime, please enjoy an excerpt of what our roleplay will be about!
Your characters have just been accepted and enrolled into Full Moon Academy, a school just for magic and exploration into the mystical unknown world only few know to see. Will you follow a darker path into the house of New? Will you be led into the light of Crescent? It seems that something is brewing between the two houses, will one triumph over the other? Here you'll meet Headmistress Sabrina , Dark Arts Specialist Ryouta , sweet but talented right-hand man Paris , and many other peers in this magical experience you can only have here! Welcome to Full Moon Academy, new students!
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 530
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 21:46 (8 Years ago)
Name: Clover
Species: ZORUA

Gender: Female
Height: 5 Ft?
(Small little babu)
Age: 11
Pronouns: She / Her / It
Appearance: I'm currently making it
House: New // Crescent
Skills: She is a bit skilled in the dark arts (From being a dark type and having a magical family)
Personality: Stubborn, emotional, I don't know, blah blah blah
WHY you applied to this school: She has a magical family so basically she got forced to do this

I'm not a bot, I swear-
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 23:58 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Memetown Mavuto Nixid
Species: Spiritomb
Gender: Female??? Male?? Nobody knows. Very androgynous most of the time
Height: Seems to be tall most of the time? Casts illusions a lot so it's kind of hard to tell. Probably actually a smol.
Age: At least 17, most likely older than that
Pronouns: Honestly doesn't care, but typically uses they/them
Due to almost constantly using illusions, they tend to change between more feminine or masculine forms. They tend to wear uniforms in the least proper way possible, the rebel they are. They always wear a worn chain necklace with a small carved runestone attached to it. Their eyes are almost always a faintly glowing purple, and though their hair switches between light blue and purple, it's nearly always either, while long, in braids or simply all over the place. You could probably hide a machete in that hair. They're often seen with small violet wisps floating around them, typically when their powers are used.
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Mavuto is talented at pretty much anything resulting in pranks/tricks, especially jinxes and illusions. They're also pretty adept at hiding things and causing massive confusion, and has the ability to kind of walk through most objects/people. Also surprisingly good at necromancy. They are often followed by small violet wisps that act a bit like small orbs of energy, and these can be manipulated by them. They're pretty mediocre at everything else.
Personality: Absolutely bonkers. They're very, extremely mischievous and not to be trusted most of the time, except when they're being serious(?). Point is, Mavuto is kind of extremely unpredictable, but despite being a bit of a wild card, they don't really mean any harm. Has some conflicting aspects of their personality, and has very quickly changed opinions about most things. This little demon will absolutely sneak into your room at 3 am to show you the latest memes. Never sleeps. Possibly not as crazy as they seem? Seems to have some issues with being made out of dead people. Has no concept of personal space.
WHY you applied to this school: They really just kind of wanted to try something new, and learning new magic is a great perk to it. They also kind of crave interaction with other people their age(?).

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Name: Lanh Aeives
Species: Togekiss
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5"
Age: 17
Pronouns: She/her
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Lanh has a great talent for summoning, and an even greater potential for healing. She's also decently skilled in enchantments, though not quite as skilled as her family wishes she was. Compared to her parents, she's not very skilled, and is thus a bit of disappointment, despite being one of the more skilled students her age. Has some mixed ancestry, so she's better at curses than she wishes to be. She's not that fast of a learner, but she's awfully hard working. Has the capacity for flight, but has a bit of a fear of heights, so it's mainly hovering for her.
Personality: Typically very restrained and ladylike. Basically trained to be "perfect from birth," and absolutely hates this. A vicarious shipper and Memetown™ x Edgy mcEdgelord is her otp. Secretly kind of wild when left unsupervised. Usually all prim and proper, but is actually pretty hardcore when she wants to be. Would jump off a roof for you if she weren't so scared of heights.
WHY you applied to this school: Her parents basically forced her to, though she didn't object. She does enjoy the learning part of this experience, and she definitely doesn't miss being around her parents all the time.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 00:39 (8 Years ago)
@emilicious, this is a gijinka rp my dude
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 02:30 (8 Years ago)
Welp everyone's making female characters so to ensure maximum shipping opportunities *cough* sandevi i'm looking at you *cough* I'll make some guy characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Name: Edgelord Maxwell "Max" Stephens
Species: Luxray
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1" (a tol child to go with my smol child.)
Age: 16, soon-to-be 17.
Pronouns: He/him
Appearance: xX_2edgy4u_Xx

His hair has a tendency to gather a lot of static electricity and touching him most often results in getting shocked. Depending on how much electricity he's built up, it can range from a swift pinch to numbing your hand for a few hours.
Also he's left handed and always wears a glove on his left hand so he doesn't get ink and graphite all over his hand
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Besides nearly electrocuting anyone he comes into contact with, he does ok at black magic. His talent is nothing to write home about, but he does well in his classwork regardless mostly thanks to help from friends. He is one of the more practical students when it comes to use and application of skills, and he can come up with interesting and creative ways to use them efficiently. As the saying goes, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it."
Personality: I would say "gay af" but he doesn't swing just one way if you catch my drift ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Also he's a useless flirt please stop the fangirls. He's pretty extroverted, and almost always talking to someone or hanging out in various "packs" of friends. He also has a tendency to loaf off in class, particularly if it's in order to spend time with said friends. If he has one weakness, it's food. Perhaps it's his height or even how much time he spends running, he has a bottomless stomach. Giving Max food is the easiest way to get him to do something, and his morals are...less than ideal. He will do anything just short of murder if you offer him the right stuff.
WHY you applied to this school: Because he thinks it will make him cooler Because his family consists of dark mages and they believe that going to this academy will be a valuable learning experience for him about what it means to be a black mage.

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Name: Tristan Grace
Species: Noivern
Gender: Agender
Height: 5'3", but what they lack in height they make up for in fury.
"How high are you?" "You blind? Five-foot-three."
Age: Barely 18. By like a month and a half.
Pronouns: They go with they/them for the most part but really aren't all that picky, any pronouns are ok.

Wears a white gold ring on the middle finger of each hand, and wears this pendant at almost all times:

House: New // Crescent
Skills: Has potential in both white and black magic, seeing as they come from a line of mixed white and black mages. They studied black magic under their mother for some time since they considered it more interesting, until a recent discovery of their talent for white magic compelled them to switch to the path of white magic. Although they only recently began delving into white magic, they are already somewhat adept at using magic in general and should prove to be a fast learner. Also idk if this counts but since it is a gijinka/pokehuman rp, perhaps limited flight?
Personality: Rather passive and reserved on the outside, mainly because on the inside they have no idea what's going on 70% of the time. The only reason they do ok in school is because they have a knack for learning and using new skills and techniques. Usually lost in thought and has a bad habit of spacing out and staring quite intensely at whatever or whoever they're facing, but they don't actually see what's in front of them so it gets kind of awkward when they unintentionally starts a staring contest with someone opposite the room from them. Spends most of their time trying to remember song lyrics and attributing said lyrics to their surroundings. Doesn't handle emotions very well so if there's too much tension in the air they try to dispel it with a joke (do not try to out-pun them it only encourages them and especially don't try to out-rhyme them). They'll listen to friends who need to vent, but like the previous statement, they're bad with emotions because they're so used to bottling them up and aging them like a fine wine so they aren't very good at comforting, but they consider themselves a rather good fight mediator. That is if they don't end up taking the fight into their own hands. Likes to curl their tail around their legs while they sleep and still sleeps with a stuffed animal, will sleep literally all day if you let them and takes a lot of naps. In fact, they usually spent a majority of lunch hour passed out while sitting facedown at a quiet library desk.
WHY you applied to this school: Taken an interest in summoning basically. Currently lives with their grandparents who are dark mages, so they need to go to school in order to learn from an expert white mage.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 03:06 (8 Years ago)
This is actually going to be a gijinka RP @emelicious, sorry for not specifying!
Owl Enthusiast / 24 / PH Player since 2015 / Digital Artist / @sunnyvore
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 04:13 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Sabrina Magius
Species: Mismagius
Gender: Female
Height: 6'1
Age: 24
Pronouns: She/Her
Appearance: Due to her position, she does not wear a uniform. Sabrina has shoulder-length purple hair that flairs outwards. She wears a long, slimming black dress under a long darker purple (with orchid accents on the bottom) shawl similar to that of a Mismagius's bottom half. The two sides of the shawl is held together by red gem-like pins. She also wears a dark flat top-wide brimmed hat with a black veil that covers her face.
House: New // Crescent // Sabrina is the Headmistress of Full Moon Academy.
Skills: She is a highly skilled magician in both white and black magic, due to long and grueling years of training in her youth. The strongest magician in the school, and plans each lesson out carefully. Pays attention to detail.
Personality: Almost motherly in actions, she cares deeply about others and is passionate in others beliefs and will do all she can to ensure the success of each individual student at the academy. She speaks somewhat hollowly, but her intentions are always pure.
WHY you applied to this school: As a founder of this school, Sabrina found it an opportunity to help more than just her student Paris, and assist Paris in making her dreams become a reality.

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Name: Celeste Aylia
Species: (Shiny) Cresselia
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her/They/Them
Appearance: She wears the basic black witches uniform for instructors. She has bright blue eyes, flippy blonde hair and a blue streak down the center. Her skin is pale, and she wears eye make-up to have them stand out.
House: New // Crescent
Skills: A white mage who runs the Crescent House, she has outstanding summoning skills. She provides private tutoring for the members of her House when they're struggling.
Personality: Celeste has a sarcastic streak. She's very competitive when it comes to the New House.
WHY you applied to this school: Had the idea to give the Academy houses, so she founded Crescent.

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Name: Noctis Owlie [WIP]
Species: Noctowl
House: New // Crescent
WHY you applied to this school:
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Thu, 19/05/2016 14:08 (8 Years ago)
Name: Phara Kesral
Species: Charmander
Gender: Female
Height: 2'10"
Age: 12
Pronouns: She/Her ("Almighty One" is expectable as well O_o)
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Due to her heritage, Phara possess incredibly powerful magic abilities, from healing glows to classic fireballs. Controlling said magic is the real problem. Her magic is wildly unpredictable and sometimes dangerously so. Her power fluctuates greatly with her emotions, causing her to lose control completely depending on the situation. Though she is powerful, her combat skills are quite lacking. Unless she is frightened or angry, the most she can usually manage is a puff of smoke or some embers. The focus where she truly shines however, is her summons. Lacking any real combat ability, she uses her powerful elementals to protect herself. She is young however, and lacks control over her creatures. Dangerous rampages are not an uncommon occurrence for her.
Personality: Shy and quiet, when presented with conflict, she would much rather run and hide than fight. Her timid nature has embarrassed her family to no end, causing them to lose respect among their clan. Due to this, they sent her here, hoping a good education in combat magic will "toughen her up"
WHY you applied to this school: Forced to by her family, Phara hopes to find a quieter life here, if only for a time. A peaceful place of learning, away from her battle hungry kin. She wishes to strengthen her summoning further, and hopefully gain a bit more control in the process.
Welcome To The Family
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 04:32 (8 Years ago)
Wips bc I'm,,, tired rn...

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Name: Paris Ashtonn
Species: Braixen
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5
Age: 15 1/2
Pronouns: She/Her
Of course, she wears the school uniform during school hours.
House: New // Crescent
Skills: She isn't naturally talented, and she doesn't have the easiest time learning about magic, but she's a very dutiful and relentless student, who's determined to learn as much as she possibly can. Through hard work and dedication, she's decent in most areas of magic, though she excels in fire-based magic, and has a vast knowledge of summoning spells.
Personality: A very sweet and helpful girl, Paris doesn't hesitate to offer help or encouragement to anyone, ecenter if she might not like them very much. She, above all else, believes that everyone should have at least one person who believes in them, and who's kind to them, and Paris is determined to be that person for nearly anyone she meets.
WHY you applied to this school: She wanted a chance to go somewhere where she'd be able to learn herself, and help others if they need a hand as well.

Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 208
Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 10:32 (8 Years ago)
Name: Spencer
Species: Blaziken
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Age: 14
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Appearance: (*Will be given a uniform, so don't stress too much on clothes. Just face+accessories) : Has a battle scar on his left eye, it was not lost thankfully. Wears a black wristwatch
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Flamethrower, High Jump, Karate Black Belt
Personality: Friendly, bold, loyal
WHY you applied to this school: Last time in a battle, my eye had a scar but was not lost thankfully, I don't want it to be repeated.
RReason No. 2 : I want to kill a certain person.

Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Sat, 21/05/2016 06:50 (8 Years ago)
Name: Alex
Species: (shiny) Umbreon
Gender: Female
Height: 6'3''
Pronouns: Her,she
Appearance: (*Will be given a uniform, so don't stress too much on clothes. Just face+accessories) She has Black hair with light blue streaks in it and has Light blue eyes.
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Almost anything to do with Dark powers. She loves pulling pranks and likes to help ot people. She like to make it rainy and really windy but she wont do it for fun.
Personality: Sweet at times,can be mean when she has too,keeps to herself
WHY you applied to this school: She got bored with her life and wanted a Challenge. so she applied for a dark magic study in hopes of having a good challenge and she want to improve her powers

Name: Luke
Species: Glaceon
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1''
Appearance: (*Will be given a uniform, so don't stress too much on clothes. Just face+accessories)Has light blue eyes,and light blue hair.
House:New// Crescent
Skills: Mostly anything to do with Ice. He also enjoys making it snow and hail at certain times.
Personality: Sweet,gentle,likes to do athletic things but also likes to work on light magic
WHY you applied to this school:He wants to discover what he can do

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 15:45 (8 Years ago)
So uh
Is this dead already?
I mean it's been more than two weeks so I mean
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 04/06/2016 20:56 (8 Years ago)
I'll be speaking of it to Waddlenohara soon but I think the ideas turned to bust because I have a feeling one key person might be unreliable for pushing this along, and we'll be missing key characters.

THE THREAD IS UP http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=47134
Owl Enthusiast / 24 / PH Player since 2015 / Digital Artist / @sunnyvore
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 05/06/2016 00:48 (8 Years ago)
Name: Draco Kusanagi
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Appearance: (*Will be given a uniform, so don't stress too much on clothes. Just face+accessories):
House: New // Crescent
Skills: Draco has the ability to create fire and change the properties of fire. He can make the fire hotter or make it solid so that when it hits something, it doesn't go through. Draco can also move around fire. Draco's skill set is basically the ability to create and change fire.
Personality: Draco is constantly silent as he is afraid to say something wrong or start a fight. Draco only wanted to apply and go to school to become better at fighting but he didn't actually want to fight anyone. Draco was afraid or killing someone or himself getting killed. Draco always a serious and mean like look on his face. Draco doesn't do it on purpose to intimidate anyone, that's just how his face looks in general
WHY you applied to this school: Draco was abandoned by his family at the age of 7 because he was constantly hurting people and getting in trouble with the police. His family only saw him as a nuisance and no one that could grow to become someone they could be proud of. After being abandoned, Draco took the streets and got into even more trouble. Draco got into loads and loads of more fights and before he knew it, by the age of 10, Draco was sentenced to 12 Years in Jail. Fortunately, a kind young lady graciously paid off his 12 year imprisonment and raised him. Draco was 13 when the same young lady had died do to dangerous amounts of stress. As Draco grew up on the streets again, Draco kept remembering what his parents and the lady said. His parents said he would never grow up into someone with respect and the lady said that if Draco kept playing smart, he could become the greatest protector of the weak of all.

Draco took these words to heart and started to fight to protect the weak and the helpless. By 16, Draco was a legend in poor towns full of homeless adults and children. Draco even occasionally was gifted books and learning lessons from strangers everywhere he traveled and somehow became incredibly smart even though he was only given minimal amounts of information. Draco then set a goal, to become a King. Draco didn't know what he wanted to become the king of, he just wanted to be a king so he could protect the weak without violence. Which leads us to now. Draco applied to the academy so he could learn and be more beneficial and helpful.