Rowlet is adorable but I'm going for Litten. I have always gone for
the fire starter except once. And that only time was when I picked
Froakie because you know... ninjas :3
I normally get the water types, but after pokemon b2/w2 i started
picking the fire types.
I think I'll end up doing litten on sun and rowlett on moon, making
it the first time I chose a grass type pokemon starter.
First I wanted Litten, but after seeing that so many people
literally hate Popplio, I felt bad for it so I decided to take it
instead. If I ever had 3DS of course...
I've pretty much decided on Rowlett at this point.
I pretty much always wind up picking the Fire starter and usually a
cat-based starter would be right up my alley. But I also really
love owls and with barn owls being my favorite type, Rowlett being
based on one, and so few owl-based pokemon troughout the game
franchise I just can't pass it up.
Here's hoping the evolutions are just as appealing.
This'll be only the second game out of every generation that I'll
be straying from my love of Fire starters, so it ought to be an
interesting adjustment.
I'm getting both Sun and Moon I'm torn between Litten and Rolett so
be tween them I can start with both and I have a friend who in my
main one will take one of thise two I talke the other we breed them
then trade the eggs.
My norm is starting with the Fire starter, but Rowlet is too cute!
I'm reserving my judgement for when we start to see their
evolutions, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's going to be
even harder to choose then...:/
Uhm that's a tough choice, but think I'd go with Rowlet. The rest
is kind of dull to me. Popplio looks like it ran away from circus
and Litten is nothing more than a "fire-starter" common kitten.
Well see if they're going to share the fate of Unova [or Kalos]