Forum Thread
[Let's Rage] Coinflip
Forum-Index → Discussion → [Let's Rage] CoinflipCoinflip
I think it's finally time for such a topic :|My story: Made it up to 25,000 Game Chips. Always betting only 2,000 Game Chips. What happens?
Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose - Lose
This is seriously driving me crazy!
So this is now the official "Let's Rage" and "Discuss about the Coinflip"-Topic c:
For example:
What's your most awkward moment at the Coinflip?
What's the highest amount you won/lost at once?
What's your strategy?
All on the same coin DX
So when I was betting my way up from 10k to 15k by a 1000 coins at a time it only took me about 10 tries. >u>
You guys are doing something wrong. Ohohoho~
I don't even know why I bothered with the game. I went down from 5,000 chips to nothing. Oh, well. Now I know that I'll be avoiding anything luck based, from now on...

I had 32,000 Game Chips - enough for Mewton M. Meowth!
Unfortunately, I had no empty space in my party. So... "Oh man, let's play again with the 2,000 Game Chips, that I don't really need :3"
"One last time"
"Common, I need the 30,000 again!"
[and so on]
10,000 left
"D; My last chance: all in."
:| :| :| :|
I'm so stupid XD
Lost lost lost lost
I had left 64 coins
Win lost win lost win lost win win lost lost LOST
No more coins for me. I will never reach the many I need for what I want.
So, from now, I just have to resist and buy one ticket from the lottery and play the golden slot ONLY
It's going to be difficult :'3