man i wish i knew this was here 11 days ago lol would have started
one long time ago. So any way! Hi my name is Tori i love love
pokemon have been a fan since the series came out. here and a
little while i will be adding up pokemon that i have (including if
i got it from the action house and how long i have had it if it
started as an egg) also i am selling pokemon that are extras here
is the link
woot did my first sale today ^.^ learning a long the way so im
happy... coming soon will be breading but right now i got to save
up 150k pd for it along with everything else i need (or want) my
current goal is to get all key items and than work from there may
start breeding soon but not for any shinys just pokemon to sell and
trade so i can get some mula saved up. I will be working an my
"list" of pokemon soon and i got to go over another list for
another person to sell to. my work on that list on my lunch who
knows. coming up on May 30th to 31st i am moving so i may or may
not be on just depends on how the move goes.
and just bc i dont like taking a lot of room i did the spoiler,
wish i could rename it some how kind of would like some thing like
"pokemon list" instead of show hidden content... but that is for a
latter date
boy o boy, I got caterpie coming out of everywhere 27 eggs hatched
so far and no shiny :'( i am woundering when i will get a shiny out
of the caterpie but right now i am trying everything got 2
butterfree in daycare and hunting caterpie in tall grass hopefully
soon i will have a shiny but i am almost at my limit on storage and
i dont want to spend any PD to get more due to saving up for other
things i want like the key items.... im at a point where idk what
to do :'(