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ℍomu Diary

Forum-Index Diaries ℍomu Diary
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Tue, 14/06/2016 05:23 (8 Years ago)
Homu Diary Entry № 21.......

.......No sloppy sketch today! I wanna get to bed earlier.

.......My new Emera beach shinies:

.......God I am mildly pissed today: I was one Big Pearl away from getting a Mega Stone.
.......Before I forget:

Yesterday + today events.......

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◆ Math. Finals....I actually have a chance of regaining a B again!
◇ Pass math quiz retake tomorrow (2) and get (2+) on finals. BOOM! Back to a B!!
◇ Fail math quiz retake tomorrow (1) and get (3+) on finals. TA-DA! Revival to a B!!
◇ According to law (dunno where the person I heard this from got this information), if someone dies in your math class, your grade will become an automatic A. How morbid.... It would be nice to have an A though.
◇ If all else fails, I'll do some convincing to my math teacher because I'm only 0.07 away from a B.
◆ Nashita, a good friend WHO IS GOING TO MOVE TO TEXAS AS SOON AS SCHOOL IS OUT TT_TT, started dating this total nerd boy lmao. But I'm happy for them because they both like each other a lot. In previous school years, my friends and I used to tease them for hating each other, saying that they actually had secret love for one another. And now it's come true. ; u ; I'm like a proud mother.
◆ Omigod, so today in humanities (it's always humanities :'D), Nora and I had this genius idea to play capture the flag during our free period (long story). Some other students that don't have the free period also got involved and said they would skip class to come play with us. So far we have 10+ students that are interested. xD
◆ I've been watching a crapton of Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei. It is so great oml. I love the animation style and gosh, I can't pick a favorite character! All of them are pretty likeable and have their own quirks. I also can't stop listening to the ending either. The anime is so great. I think I've found a new favorite.

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Fri, 17/06/2016 06:07 (8 Years ago)
Homu Diary Entry № 22.......

.......An art request from a school friend (WIP)

5 / 8.......

6 / 16.......

.......I feel so bad for putting it on hold for so long....sorry arleen

.......I FINALLY HAVE ENOUGH FOR A MEGA STONE!! Now I just gotta wait until I can trade with Leah. .......I'm also super loaded right now and I could easily bid for a mega stone without worrying about PD. .......8)

; u ;

Some recent events (lmao what happened to my daily updates).......

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◆ Math finals sucked....did not pass quiz either. I love math so much.
◆ In science we are building bridges! Fun way to spend the last week of school, stressing over deadlines and final science grades. Hope my 6.5 (A) doesn't drop.

This piece of wood crap held up 9 kg....and got us a nearly proficient. Good times, man.
There's Nora in the background.

◆ Nora came over yesterday to work on our bridge project. She tried this Asian bread thing my mom gave us and apparently she really liked it?!
◆ We're building piñatas in Spanish. My group made a lollipop. One of my group members, Meredith, is so down to earth. I can't goof off around her. ^o^" But I've been getting sugar high for the past few days. 8D

◆ The capture the flag game never happened.... T_T But the people in my classes were super hyped until they all realized how risky playing it would be.

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 71
Posted: Sun, 19/06/2016 05:19 (8 Years ago)
Homu Diary Entry № 23.......

.......I finally got my shiny Clamperl sent on the rumble mission to the Submarine Volcano. Hopefully it's .......strong enough. This is my first map rumble mission.

Last day of school + today.......

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Later on 5 / 8

Sent via Instagram DM.
I didn't want to put it outside of this spoiler because it ruined the SZS theme of this post. o 3 o

◆ It was the last day of school yesterday. I didn't cry, even though I was graduating. A few of my other friends were crying though. :'(
◇ I wore a dress and mascara. For my hair, I wore it in a ponytail. A little secret: I pinned my dress up so it would appear shorter. No one found out. ;) It's actually really cute, but it's too long for my taste. The dress is sleeveless and it has bright aztec-y patterns. It is so great. I got lots of compliments for my outfit but....
◇ ....at my school, there's a tradition to watch a crappily put together slideshow on the last day of school with soooo many throwback pop songs playing in the background. I was in multiple pictures. And in one of them, I was wearing the same dress I was wearing on the last day of school. I was cringing so hard. I hardly wear dresses so it made me seem like I only had one freaking dress lmao. But other than that mishap, the slideshow was really cool. 10/10, also because they played Justin Timberlake's Can't Stop That Feeling.
◇ The eighth grade choir sang And So It Goes at the assembly for our graduation song. Last year's eighth graders got to sing And So It Goes AND Bohemian Rhapsody. :P Lucky ducks. Also imo, Meizi did the ending solo and it wasn't so great. Her voice is kind of flat. Not saying that I'm a great singer, but I could've done better.
◇ Shout out to Josie, for giving me candy and giving me a Sharpie so I could sign yearbooks.
◇ I snuck out of my advisory class to join my friends' advisory. However, I was marked absent by my original advisory teacher. At that point, I didn't really care. But I do have an award for perfect attendance. lol not anymore.
◇ We had some boring activities arranged by the teachers. First, we stopped at a motivational speaker in the library. He was alright. The next activity was dope, though. I've never used the word 'dope' in my life until just now. Becoming a high schooler is doing crazy things to my mind. But back to the second activity[]
◇ Lunch was super nasty. I thought it was going to special because the teachers had promised us an amazing lunch, but it was just some soggy burritos with weird tasting meat and artificial cheese. They even ran out of salsa half way through! But I was already stuffed on candy. I kept going back for more cookies, even though we were only supposed to have one. I got like four. 8D I must not have a memorable face, cus the lady handing out cookies let me exceed the limit.
◇ After lunch, I walked around the field with Nora.[]