Forum Thread
The Item Cloud
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → The Item Cloud

[Closed Until Further Notice]
The Item Cloud - Rules and Expectations

1. As I am not online all the time, please do not rush me for any trades.
2. Please be respectful when asking for a trade.
3. Only ask me for items in the shop.
4. Let me know if I messed up a trade!
5. You get to decide the price, but please make it reasonable. I will not make a trade, for instance, to someone who says "Give me mega stone for 10,000 PD!!!!!"
6. Please use the form. Failure to do so will result in a warning, because it proves you did not read the rules.
Accepted Payments


Evolution Items


Lugia Egg Voucher x10
Retro Starter Egg Voucher x2
Emera Beach
Coming soon!
Pokemon (Very few for sale - this is mainly an item shop.)
Anything in this box.
[size=12][color=green][b]Sup Clouds.[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Item(s) you are looking to purchase:[/b]
[b]Your offer:[/b]
[b]Extra Details:[/b]

Username: celebity
Item(s) you are looking to purchase: All the boxes and keys except gold keys
Your offer: 300k pd
Extra Details: Can I still buy those keys and boxes?
Any color of mystery boxes & keys
Except Gold keys
~Common gem~
~Normal gem~
PalPad me!
@Celebity - I'll have less boxes after making the trade with Sazuka, just make sure you take note of that. EDIT; the enigma stone was taken. Forgot, sorry.
Also, after these two trades I am closing for a restocking. I will open up with lots more, hopefully.
Hiya, Aquatic!
Username: Zelfdoding
Item(s) you are looking to purchase: 6x brown boxes, 15x purple boxes, 9x pink keys, 1x red key, 8x gold key, 3x dragon gems, 25x normal gems
Your offer: 400k for the keys and boxes, 150k for the dragon gems and 25k for the normal gems. 475k total? :)
Extra Details:
I may be wrong on the color for the keys. Currently on my phone so I can't see it too clearly.. I'll be at work so if the offer is okay please delibird and I'll send PD as soon as I get on my break or home, depending on when you send. Or if you want to negotiate then send a counter offer :)
Username: sylveonlover30
Item(s) you are looking to purchase: 4 Ice gems
Your offer: 2,000 PD (500 each)
Extra Details: