Forum Thread
» serein forest «
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → » serein forest «Serein's are creatures that live in Serein Forest. They have skulls on their head and come in many different colours according to their personality.
All Serein's are either 'innocent' or 'evil'. Evil Serein's aren't exactly "evil" but they're looks make them look evil'; like patterns and their colours, eg. red, orange, black, yellow, . Evil Serein's seem to be the rebellious type.
Innocent Sereins have "innocent" looking traits for example light colours, eg. blue, purple, pink white. Not many of them have patterns, only rare ones.
If you want to have one please remember to follow these rules;
-no editing them
-you may sell them, but what you receive shouldn't be higher than what you bought the Serein for
-you can trade them for other Serein's as long as the other owner is fine with them
-you can make art of other Serein's that aren't owned by you as long as you have permission from the owner
Customs are available, "custom potions" will go up for auction along with Sereins.
Customs potions are potions
*Blank Sereins are very rare Sereins that are fully white and a special potion can change their appearance.
Custom Guide:

everything that has been highlighted are the things that can be customized.
EDIT: hairstyles are customizable as well
Current Auction(s):