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The Complaint Corner for Dadchi

Forum-Index Diaries The Complaint Corner for Dadchi
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 14:24 (8 Years ago)
Hey Guys and welcome to my corner for complaints

Warning my posts are long and I tend to rant a lot about something that it may be split into multiple posts in one day. You have been warned

Although not everything here is going to be a complaint, it's also just a place to throw out all of these things that are stuck inside my head

So everything here is about to be color coated in rainbow so my apologies ^^ But back to me, I am always open to talking. I may be shy at first but the more often we talk and the more things in common the more you will hear from me!

this is my favorite color Okay so I have many names you can call me by: Sam, Satan, Father of Evil, Dadchi, Meuling, Crimson, Meu, Cat, Kitty, ect. If you dont want to call me by any of those names you can go ahead make a new one for me! I really answer to any name :o Also as for my He,She,They things just whatever really. But I am biologically a female!!!!

A few things you must know about me! I LOVE HAIKYUU!!!! Haikyuu is life :33 I also like Durarara!!, Blue Exorcist, Fairy Tail, Another, The Doubt/Judge/Secret series, ect in animes. I am also into the Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead (even if this one isnt as good as the original!) I desperatly love all types of animals, but unfortuantely I am allergic to all that has fur :/

I LOVE TO WRITE STORIES!!!! So if anyone wants to collab a story with me I am well open to that! I have so many ideas but I need so much help writing them! I'll post here whenever I get a new story idea so if anyone ever wants to just take one and write it out just let me know and try and credit me in some way thanks!!!!!

When I am really sad, I tend to not want to do anything or talk to people. but if I trust you with all my heart, than be prepared to get random palpads from me wanting to confront in someone about my troubles. I will post some of it here as well!

If I post anything when I'm really sad/mad Palpads and Pm are welcome. My Line is: catycatgrr , I also have a discord but you will have to PM/Palpad me for that.... Feel free to add and message me anytime on there too if you cant catch me on here!!

COMMENTS ARE WELCOMED AND I APOLOGIZE IN ADVANCE FOR THE LONG ENTRIES! But for those who care and actuall ready my problems thank you ^^

FlightRising Account
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Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 14:44 (8 Years ago)

So this lady came in asking for a soufflé, there was only one left of the kind she wanted and after she had paid, it was gone. So I offered her a refund and she was rude about it. I saw my manager putting some fresh ones in the oven and offered one of those and told her it would take about 20 minutes or more so agreed to that. About every 5 minutes she would come up and complain if they're done yet or not. When they were finally done I was in the middle of making drinks for someone so I couldn't get it right away. She came right back up to the counter and started complaining and bi*ching about how she waited forever and she hasn't gotten it yet and now she really needs to leave. So one of my co-workers got her the food and was really nice about(funny thing was the person who got the soufflé for the customer is actually one of the sassiest and somewhat rude but really chill workers and she was genuinely nice and even smiled at the customer) My manager came out and talked to the lady, they talked for about 10 minutes. I thought this lady was in a hurry to leave but she had time to talk to our manager!!!! When our manager came back he just starting laughing and dying going on about how my co-worker who gave the customer her food was rude and snazzy about. How I was at fault for not getting her food in time and that I was being slow on purpose. I swear these customers some times, some times I wish I wasn't working here so I could just slap them.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 21:03 (8 Years ago)

Title: Story Ideas!

Idk what To title this Idea XP
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Alexander and Daniel are brothers. At a young age they lost everything, including their parents. They live with their uncle who owns not only one of biggest Magic Academy's but the world's most top ranked graduated Academy's. They live out their lives at the school in peace until one day their uncle hired two new teachers. For most schools this wouldn't have been a problem but for this Academy, not a single teacher has ever been hired or replaced since its creation. One of the new teachers was named Meuling, she was taking over Historical Literature and was also in charge of the moving Library. The other teacher was named Crimson, he was taking over Medical classes and became the schools new Doctor. When a magic terrorist group threaten the school, they also threaten to reveal the truth on who Meuling and Crimson truly are. The secret older siblings Alexander and Daniel never even knew existed, and the only one's who know the full truth on what happened that night the house burned down and the death of their parents.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Tue, 26/04/2016 00:49 (8 Years ago)

Hahahahah HAHAH HAH!!! I just love it when My parents ask me how my classes are doing and I told them they were decent and that grades are decent like they always are. My dad asked me how my psychology class was going I said I had a C grade and he asked why and I told him that the class was hard and before I got to finish my sentence he started getting annoyed at me. "I don't ever want to hear you say that a class is hard and use that as an excuse to give up." Well first off, I'm not giving up I still have 3 weeks to go before anything is final. Second of all, I was going to say that the class is hard and even though I'm studying and looking over the materials, I just can't comprehend the materials fully. I wasn't signaling that I was giving up. Oh the best part is that he went off on how he was like me when he was younger but had it worst because not only was he full time college and full time work together but he had kids to care for. He spent every second of his time studying trying to get things done. Only recently did he get his CPA. Well excuse me if I want to use my only day off to sleep and relax. Excuse me that you're at work and I'm here at home. You don't know what I do. You don't sit there and watch me do everything. You just assume that I don't do anything. I actually finish up any homework I have left over from the day before and study a bit of what I have readily available. Yeah I know I'm stupid and I can't get shit done. So excuse me for not being the girl to expect me to be. I'm not your golden child, if you want a golden child go be proud of the who actually get's A's in all of his classes and is actually worried about school.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 03:30 (8 Years ago)

So this week or so has been really stressful for me. I have so many things I want to say but each one will get its own post. So the first thing I wanted to talk about are these two guys at my work, both of which piss me off severely. The first guy is a normal associate who does dining and cashier, but mostly dining. About a week ago my stores GM(general Manager) asked the guy to shadow to get more familiar with the bakery and cashiers. It's early morning so I'm still wrapping cash wrap items and cleaning up. There were very few customers this early in the morning and since he's shadowing me I asked him if he could help me finish up. He just stands there right behind me and doesn't hear a word I said. The other cashier is ringing up a customer and the customer asks or a bagel and hears that! Not even a second later he turns around and asks where where the bagel was on the rack with signs on each bagel basket with large lettering that can not be missed from up close. Not even that I counted how many times I had to tell him to grab any pastries from below the counter before grabbing from the trays to get rid of all the extras first. It took him twenty two time TWENTY TWO TIMES before he finally turned and asked me if he was supposed to be grabbing from below. Not only does he not listen to me when I'm asking him for help but when there are no customers around and I'm not doing anything he tries to flirt with me and I have told him so many times that I don't like him and that I don't date men. He doesn't understand that and I pisses me off. He also has the nerve to ask me how to do the most simplistic of things that he obviously knows how to do! He makes up so many random excuses just to get me to talk to him!!!!!!
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 03:45 (8 Years ago)
05/12/2016 Part 2

Onto the second guy at my work place. So this other guy is a manager who used to work at the same company but different store location and he has been at that location for over 7 years. The other day while I was working he asked me multiple times on how to ring up a bagel and where to find the button to ring up coffee. This man has been working at the SAME COMPANY, DIFFERENT STORE LOCATION, FOR SEVEN YEARS!!!! Are you telling me in those 7 years of working you have never had the need to ring up a bagel or drinks? Because I have been to that exact same store to buy food on my days off since it's closer than the one I work at. AND THEIR SYSTEMS IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS OURS! Not only does he not know how to do the cashier correctly but when he's not on it he's just standing there on his phone texting people or standing at the food line just leaning on the counter doing absolutely nothing. The other day as well he told me that he would stay on register so that I could stock up all the fridges before I had to leave so I went in the back grabbed a couple of things came back up sat them down and went back and did the same thing a few more times until I grabbed everything I needed. Once everything was up front but not put away yet, he just left the registers when a long line of customers showed up. He claimed that he was going to help the food line production but even they didn't want his help because he was bad at that too. He dropped a fresh pot of soup all over the flour. A brand new fresh pot of soup that hadn't even been touched was wasted all over the floor and just said whoops and left and DIDN'T CLEAN IT UP!!! He said it was the lines job to clean up their messes. When I asked him to come back to register to help so that I could finishing stocking things he just disappeared for 2 hours. I had cream cheese, milk, all types of fridge items just sitting on the counters. I NEEDED OT PUT THINGS AWAY AND HE JUST LEFT!!!!! I was ready to just end my shift eave to go home and never come back. He pissed me off so badly that night. TTuTT
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 02:03 (8 Years ago)

I know that I have been inactive for some time and I apologize to those friends that I once had. I appreciate all those fun memories I have talking to everyone and messing around. I will try coming back on here more often if I can. Work has been getting better for me. Most of the annoying people are gone and I have my friends applying there to come help me too. I kind of want to talk to all the old friends here again but idk if they'll still want to talk and all ^^;; I'll still continue on my shiny mega Banette hunt. With or without the premium I'l keep at it. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone again and I hope I can talk to them again as well and make news one too.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 19/03/2018 01:08 (6 Years ago)

Whoo! So it's been quite sometime since I have been here :o Everyone's names have changed (except a few) so I'm not sure who who is anymore. I'm also sure that no one here will remember me because I was a very silent player. Though the ones who would most likely remember me will be those who I helped with their hunts with free items continuously. In the time I was gone, I was going through some hard times. I found a new job back in September only to be Fired in the middle of October for the stupidest thing ever! After that I applied and applied and only got one interview (who never even messaged me back) and I just couldn't find a job. It wasn't until the beginning of this month did I finally find a temp job to do. I still don't understand why no one wants to hire me, even for the simplest of positions. I got denied to be interviewed to sort mail, like I've had a bunch of professional people look at my resume to make sure it looked nice and presentable to other companies and yet no one wants me. I just turned 21 and my parents are getting tired of trying to support me. Since I found this temp job they're going to put up with me until I pay off all that I owe them for the last few months and save up to move out sometime "soon". I know it won't be anytime soon until I move out because my potential roommates are also having trouble with their own jobs. Life just doesn't want to be my friend (nor do people apparently ^^) so I'm dealing with what I can do for now. Anyways, It's nice to be back on Pokeheroes again :33 And I hope to reconnect with old friends and hopefully make new ones.