Forum Thread
♒ Milotic's Happy Little Corner ♒ [ O P E N ]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → ♒ Milotic's Happy Little Corner ♒ [ O P E N ]

So this is my very own art shop, in which you will be able to request for pieces of Pokemon art, participate in contests and of course bid in auctions!
Below you will find everything you need to know about the services I offer you! Thank you in advance for checking my 'Happy Little Corner' as I like to refer to it! <3

Stamps Made By Miemie:)

➸ Do not rush me, please. I have a lot
of things to do and I get stressed out very easily! I will most
likely finish your order in due time (the time that we have both
openly agreed upon). It's not like me to delay orders, unless a
serious, last-minute, issue came up and I have to deal with it.
Patience is a virtue!
➸ Please send agreed payment AFTER your artwork has been finished! If you decide you do no want the Comission you ordered anymore, then please notify me in advance! I want to be completely open and honest with my clients and build a nice name for this trade station!
➸ The buyer may request for pictures of unfinished said artwork to see how it's progressing and add any changes in coloring and/or design! I want you all to be absolutely satisfied with whatever you are getting! Changes may occure, in rare occasions though, AFTER your art has been completed! Don't be afraid to ask about anything! I'm at your service and you'll find I am a very friendly and bubbly person.
➸ When I finish your work, it's YOURS. Which means you may use it wherever you want in this site or any other. The signatures I place are not, in any way, ruining the art and it is prohibited to remove them or cover them in any way! I you want you can leave a link below to the place you are using it! I love to see where my pieces are used! It's not necessary thought!
➸ Payment is full/mix or PD, Nuggets, Gems, Items and Pokemon alike!
➸ Please send agreed payment AFTER your artwork has been finished! If you decide you do no want the Comission you ordered anymore, then please notify me in advance! I want to be completely open and honest with my clients and build a nice name for this trade station!
➸ The buyer may request for pictures of unfinished said artwork to see how it's progressing and add any changes in coloring and/or design! I want you all to be absolutely satisfied with whatever you are getting! Changes may occure, in rare occasions though, AFTER your art has been completed! Don't be afraid to ask about anything! I'm at your service and you'll find I am a very friendly and bubbly person.
➸ When I finish your work, it's YOURS. Which means you may use it wherever you want in this site or any other. The signatures I place are not, in any way, ruining the art and it is prohibited to remove them or cover them in any way! I you want you can leave a link below to the place you are using it! I love to see where my pieces are used! It's not necessary thought!
➸ Payment is full/mix or PD, Nuggets, Gems, Items and Pokemon alike!

Each comission will be started off immediately AFTER the previous one is finished! This is the reason why only THREE slots will be available at a time! :)
The client has the choice of:
*set prices for ONE pokemon per drawing
Full-body drawing | Transparent BG | Shaded - Offer from 25k PD.
Full-body drawing | Background (simple) | Shaded - Offer from 30k PD.
Headshot | Shaded - Offer from 15k PD.
More than one Pokemon in every one of the above will recquire an additional fee of 2,000 PD!
*You may also offer items of the same value as the PD or nuggets; mostly accepted are Gems.*
Application Form:
Pokemon: (can be a shiny or legendary, the latter will likely need more time)
Type of comission: (full-body/headshot)
Background? (if not transparent elaborate!)
Other notes:
1. O p e n
2. Taken - Will begin tomorrow
3. Taken - On Hold

Again, three slots will be available at a time and request will kick off after the previous one is finished. They are completely free!
Application Form:
Pokemon: (can be a shiny or legendary, the latter will likely need more time)
Type of comission: (full-body/headshot)
Background? (if not transparent elaborate!)

All Pokemon auctions (except from legendary), both shiny and regulars, will have a Starting bid of 10k PD.
Legendary Pokemons & Mega Evolved (they are harder to work upon), a Starting bid of 12k PD.
You may view all running auction at the end of the page! <3

I present to you, MILOTIC! <3

Highest Did: - | username
Expiring Date: May 1st!
I would love to see some examples of your work, like Sazuka.
Oh, and i have a Question:
Do you draw Pokesonas too? Or only normal Pokemon? c:

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Well, here is my DA account, , where you can find more examples of my artwork! I am happy to say though that my style has developed more from the time when I posted all those pieces in there.
For now I only do pokemon, because I want to practice more on pokesonas until I offer them up here! :D I want to make sure they are worth something and that people will be satified by what they get!
Most representative artwork of my current skills is the Milotic drawing, since I finished that one two days ago!
I hope I answered your questions and thank you for taking an interest in my shop! :3
Your Art looks very good, well then, lets give it a try, ehehe.. :D
•• A COMISSION for me, please! ••
Pokemon: Shiny Aron
Type of comission: Full-body drawing
Background? Nope, transparent please!
Other notes: Thank you! >//v//<

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
•• A COMISSION for me, please! ••
Pokemon: [x]
Type of comission: Full-body drawing
Background? Transparent
Other notes: I would like to send the payment first since I always forget that I ordered from a shop≧﹏≦

Pokemon: Growlithe
Type of comission: full-body
Background: Grassy field
Other notes: Can you make it as kawaii?

Shiny Aron

The next request will be started off tomorrow. :'D
Alright! c:
I will begin your Growlithe once I have finished with Sazuka's comission! :D

Growlithe will take off tomorrow! Thank you for waiting! :'D
Type of comission: (full-body/headshot) fullbody
Background? (if not transparent elaborate!) transparent
Other notes:

Title: Comission Accepted!
Unfortunately Pokesonas are not available at the moment, because I haven't developed my style in those quite yet! I will get it done as soon as I finish the previous.
- - - - - - - -
P r o g r e s s :
The Growlithe comission has started. cx
Type of comission: Shaded Full Body
Background? Foggy Forest at night with full moon in the sky
Other notes: Just inform me how much you would prefer for it~