Forum Thread
Auction founder
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Auction founderand we leave that time we can do many things at the time in searching so a item auction searcher(any name could be given) we can select a Pokemon for that searcher and leave it
and if a user set up that Pokemon for auction it will announce you that there is a Pokemon for auction
you can bid and get it it announces you lasts for you unselected it and you select any Pokemon for search
explained:if you want a Pokemon to bid you have to select the Pokemon and leave it.Example is given below:-
ex: if you selected dratini and after sometime a user set up an dratini it tells you and you can bid
until you unselected that they will show again and again when a user set an dratini. after if you
select a goldeen and a user sets goldeen in the auction it shows you there is goldeen in an auction
any doubts?
any doubt suggest!
do you like my idea(Y)
We have an option to chose pokemon from a drop down list, that has all the pokemon on it, that when selected & that pokemon goes up (etc you chose audino or something) any time an Audino auction would go up, you would received a notification that it had went up, so you could attempt to bid on it/watch it more closely?
Since from my understanding of the post, is that people are quite busy, and it takes a bit of time to constantly go through the normal auction list provided to find the pokemon we're looking for?
as it stands, i think it's a pretty cool idea tbh, i personally wouldn't use it, but for someone who's just starting out, and missing a lot of pokemon, it'd be helpful to have a notification letting you know so-and-so went up, so you'd have a chance to bid on it, without realizing you had missed a chance to get it, kinda thing?
I guess it would be very useful for people who are close to completing their dex, and are just missing a handful of pokemon, as well, since it'd be a pain in the butt, to constantly use the search box to find that one mega sharpedo you're missing, and constantly needing to check that list every few hours/days would get pretty annoying.
actually, yea, support

But sometimes i'll see an auction that's ending and it's one i need, but it's only got a few minutes left, of it ended a few seconds ago and is still on the list.
If i'd seen the auction earlier i could have bid on it, or bid more times. I know i'm more likely to outbid someone if i've been the highest bid on something for ages and in the last couple minutes someone outbids me, whereas if they outbid me and it still has 7 hours to go, i tend to leave it a while (And then forget about it and be sad when i loose).
I think, being able to set some kind of alert that will tell you when an auction of your selected pokemon has been put up would be very helpful.
otherwise you'd have to check at least every 55 minutes to see if there are any that have been put up for an hour and have time to bid.
I dunno.
Also, you could search the pokemon you want with an implemented feature;
Just search your desired pokemon from time to time and hope for the best.