Forum Thread
Silver Purse
Forum-Index → Diaries → Silver PurseTitle: Bug Contest 13
[quote][b]Initial Points:[/b]
[b]Egg 1:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 2:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 3:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Rating:[/b] (Rarity + | Talent + | Beauty + | Shiny Bonus x1 | Mega Bonus x1)
[b]Overall:[/b] # [/quote]
[b]Egg 1:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 2:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 3:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Rating:[/b] (Rarity + | Talent + | Beauty + | Shiny Bonus x1 | Mega Bonus x1)
[b]Overall:[/b] # [/quote]
Mar 1-18
Mar 2-18
Mar 3-18
Mar 5-18
Mar 6-18
Title: Fishing Log 88
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Mar 4-18
Mar 5-18
Mar 6-18
Mar 7-18
Mar 8-18
Mar 9-18
Mar 10-18
Mar 5-18

Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 6-18

Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver
[Exchanged x1]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Mar 7-18

Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 8-18
Mar 9-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Mar 10-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Title: Tunnel Log 1
Mar 7-15
Mar 15-22

15~16-18 | 12:55AM (EST) 1,687 Rock 1k
Mar 16-18 | 4:55PM (EST) 1,378 Ice 1k
Mar 17-18 | 9:44PM (EST) 1,977 Rock 1k
Mar 17~20-18 | 8:58PM (EST) 6,344 Rock 1k / Steel 2k / Ice 3k / Rock 4k / Ice 5k / Rock 6k
Mar 20-18 | x5 | 417 / 11 / 85 / 47 / 46
Mar 20~21-18 | 7:32PM (EST) 1,505 Rock 1k
Mar 21-18 | x1 | 485
Mar 21-18 | 10:37PM (EST) 1,228 Steel 1k
Mar 21~22-18 | 2:40PM (EST) x11 | 944 / 388 / 173 / 55 / 68 / 82 / 22 / 15 / 2 / 47 / 229
Mar 22-18 | 6:48PM (EST) 1,293 Rock 1k
Mar 22-18 | 6:59PM (EST) x1 | 292
Mar 16-18 | 4:55PM (EST) 1,378 Ice 1k
Mar 17-18 | 9:44PM (EST) 1,977 Rock 1k
Mar 17~20-18 | 8:58PM (EST) 6,344 Rock 1k / Steel 2k / Ice 3k / Rock 4k / Ice 5k / Rock 6k
Mar 20-18 | x5 | 417 / 11 / 85 / 47 / 46
Mar 20~21-18 | 7:32PM (EST) 1,505 Rock 1k
Mar 21-18 | x1 | 485
Mar 21-18 | 10:37PM (EST) 1,228 Steel 1k
Mar 21~22-18 | 2:40PM (EST) x11 | 944 / 388 / 173 / 55 / 68 / 82 / 22 / 15 / 2 / 47 / 229
Mar 22-18 | 6:48PM (EST) 1,293 Rock 1k
Mar 22-18 | 6:59PM (EST) x1 | 292
Mar 22-29

Mar 22-18 |
10:22PM (EST) 1,839 Steel 1k
Mar 22~23-18 | 3:27PM (EST) 1,533 Steel 1k
Mar 23~24-18 | 5:45PM (EST) 2,178 Ice 1k / Rock 2k
Mar 24-18 | 7:11PM (EST) x2 | 330 / 319
Mar 24~25-18 | 11:41PM (EST) 1,530 Steel 1k
Mar 25~26-18 | 3:38PM (EST) x2 | 523 / 215
Mar 26~27-18 | 5:55PM (EST) 2,459 Ice 1k / Rock 2k
Mar 27-18 | 9:53PM (EST) x4 | 136 / 330 / 46 / 10
Mar 27~29-18 | Ice 1k
Mar 29~30-18 | 2:59PM (EST) x1 | 360
Mar 22~23-18 | 3:27PM (EST) 1,533 Steel 1k
Mar 23~24-18 | 5:45PM (EST) 2,178 Ice 1k / Rock 2k
Mar 24-18 | 7:11PM (EST) x2 | 330 / 319
Mar 24~25-18 | 11:41PM (EST) 1,530 Steel 1k
Mar 25~26-18 | 3:38PM (EST) x2 | 523 / 215
Mar 26~27-18 | 5:55PM (EST) 2,459 Ice 1k / Rock 2k
Mar 27-18 | 9:53PM (EST) x4 | 136 / 330 / 46 / 10
Mar 27~29-18 | Ice 1k
Mar 29~30-18 | 2:59PM (EST) x1 | 360
Mar 30 - Apr 6

30~31-18 | 6:59PM (EST) | 1,355 Steel 1k
Mar 31-18 | 8:59 (EST) x2
Mar 31 ~ Apr 2-18 9:53PM (EST) | 1,121 Ice 1k
Apr 2~3-18 5:48PM (EST) | 1,821 Rock 1k
Apr 3~4-18 | 12:48AM (EST) x5 | 712 / 654 / 917 / 130 / 154
Apr 4~5-18 12:31AM (EST) | 2,565 Ice 1k / Steel 2k
Apr 5-18 2:38PM (EST) | 1,448 Steel 1k
Apr 5~6-18 1:16AM (EST) | 2,356 Ice 1k / Rock 2k
Apr 6~7-18 12:21AM (EST) | 1,438 Ice 1k
Mar 31-18 | 8:59 (EST) x2
Mar 31 ~ Apr 2-18 9:53PM (EST) | 1,121 Ice 1k
Apr 2~3-18 5:48PM (EST) | 1,821 Rock 1k
Apr 3~4-18 | 12:48AM (EST) x5 | 712 / 654 / 917 / 130 / 154
Apr 4~5-18 12:31AM (EST) | 2,565 Ice 1k / Steel 2k
Apr 5-18 2:38PM (EST) | 1,448 Steel 1k
Apr 5~6-18 1:16AM (EST) | 2,356 Ice 1k / Rock 2k
Apr 6~7-18 12:21AM (EST) | 1,438 Ice 1k
Apr 7 - Apr 13

Apr 7-18 |
9:00PM (EST) x5 | 223 / 423 / 99 / 189 / 551
Apr 7~8-18 5:14PM (EST) | 1,414 Rock 1k
Apr 8-18 | 6:58PM (EST) x2 | 421 / 256
Apr 8~9-18 1:51PM (EST) | 1,170 Rock 1k
Apr 9-18 10:03PM (EST) x5 | 365 / 77 / 173 / 657 / 25
Apr 9~10-18 2:03PM (EST) | 1,326 Steel 1k
Apr 10~12-18 4:33PM (EST) | 4,481 Rock 1k / Ice 2k / Steel 3k / Rock 4k
Apr 12~13-18 | 5:39PM (EST) x8 | 868 / 739 / 34 / 199 / 186 / 620 / 341 / 15
Apr 12~13-18 9:14PM (EST) | 1,000 Ice 1k
Apr 13-18 | 10:15PM (EST) x3 | 34 / 20 / 18
Apr 13~14-18 1:56PM (EST) | 1,683 Rock 1k
Apr 7~8-18 5:14PM (EST) | 1,414 Rock 1k
Apr 8-18 | 6:58PM (EST) x2 | 421 / 256
Apr 8~9-18 1:51PM (EST) | 1,170 Rock 1k
Apr 9-18 10:03PM (EST) x5 | 365 / 77 / 173 / 657 / 25
Apr 9~10-18 2:03PM (EST) | 1,326 Steel 1k
Apr 10~12-18 4:33PM (EST) | 4,481 Rock 1k / Ice 2k / Steel 3k / Rock 4k
Apr 12~13-18 | 5:39PM (EST) x8 | 868 / 739 / 34 / 199 / 186 / 620 / 341 / 15
Apr 12~13-18 9:14PM (EST) | 1,000 Ice 1k
Apr 13-18 | 10:15PM (EST) x3 | 34 / 20 / 18
Apr 13~14-18 1:56PM (EST) | 1,683 Rock 1k
5 Zygarde forms in a nutshell

130 (Dragon, Fairy)
100 (Ground, Normal)
70 (Electric, Ice, Steel)
40 (Bug, Dark, Fire, Poison)
10 (Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Psychic, Rock)
Total cost: 5,747,500 ~ 7,047,500 PD
5,355 - Core
10,455 - Cell?
20,655 - 10%?
30,855 - 50%?
? - 100%?
100 (Ground, Normal)
70 (Electric, Ice, Steel)
40 (Bug, Dark, Fire, Poison)
10 (Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Psychic, Rock)
Total cost: 5,747,500 ~ 7,047,500 PD
5,355 - Core
10,455 - Cell?
20,655 - 10%?
30,855 - 50%?
? - 100%?

Shiro-kun's team 1
Solgaleo* | Lunala* | M!Giratina | Garchomp | Swampert | M!Blaziken*
Solgaleo* | Lunala* | M!Giratina | Garchomp | Swampert | M!Blaziken*
Title: Treasure Tracker 2
1 | Mar 10-18

x20 EP
Hoopa | Oval Stone x1
15.3k GC
x20 EP
Water Gem x4
Flying Gem x5
Rock Gem x2
2.4k GC | Hoopa | 6.1k GC
x20 EP
Hoopa | Oval Stone x1
15.3k GC
x20 EP
Water Gem x4
Flying Gem x5
Rock Gem x2
2.4k GC | Hoopa | 6.1k GC
2 | Mar 11-18

4.6k GC
4k GC | 9.3k GC
Calcium x1
Protector x1 | Grass Gem x2
3.4k GC
Fighting Gem x3
5.6k GC
18.3k GC
4.6k GC
4k GC | 9.3k GC
Calcium x1
Protector x1 | Grass Gem x2
3.4k GC
Fighting Gem x3
5.6k GC
18.3k GC
3 | Mar 12-18

18.1k GC
Steel Gem x8
Electric Gem x2
10.8k GC
18k GC
Jade Orb
King's Rock x1
3.4k GC
Spray Duck x1
18.1k GC
Steel Gem x8
Electric Gem x2
10.8k GC
18k GC
Jade Orb
King's Rock x1
3.4k GC
Spray Duck x1
4 | Mar 13-18
5 | Mar 14-18

7.2k GC
DeepSeaScale x1
12.1k GC
2.5k GC | 12.5k GC
11.1k GC
Rock Gem x4
Jade Orb
2.9k GC
4.4k GC
7.2k GC
DeepSeaScale x1
12.1k GC
2.5k GC | 12.5k GC
11.1k GC
Rock Gem x4
Jade Orb
2.9k GC
4.4k GC
6 | Mar 15-18

8.5k GC | 700 GC
13.7 GC
17.7k GC
Ice Gem x8
10k GC
Water Gem x4
Razor Claw x1
8.5k GC | 700 GC
13.7 GC
17.7k GC
Ice Gem x8
10k GC
Water Gem x4
Razor Claw x1
7 | Mar 16-18

14,9k GC
Everstone x1
Ghost Gem x7
Fairy Gem x6 | Dragon Gem x8
7k GC
Ice Stone x1
Fairy Gem x2
14,9k GC
Everstone x1
Ghost Gem x7
Fairy Gem x6 | Dragon Gem x8
7k GC
Ice Stone x1
Fairy Gem x2
8 | Mar 17-18

Water Stone x1
Jade Orb x1
Ultra Ball x3
Spray Duck x1
3.8k GC
14.3k GC
Spray Duck x1
Water Stone x1
Jade Orb x1
Ultra Ball x3
Spray Duck x1
3.8k GC
14.3k GC
Spray Duck x1
9 | Mar 18-18

19.3k GC
Iron x1
Ice Gem x5 | Protector x1 | 4.4k GC
Prison Scale x1
6.7k GC | Whipped Dream x1
Jade Orb x1
Psychic Gem x5
19.3k GC
Iron x1
Ice Gem x5 | Protector x1 | 4.4k GC
Prison Scale x1
6.7k GC | Whipped Dream x1
Jade Orb x1
Psychic Gem x5
Title: Fishing Log 89
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Mar 11-18
Mar 12-18
Mar 13-18
Mar 14-18
Mar 15-18
Mar 16-18
Mar 17-18
Mar 11-18
Mar 12-18

Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 13-18
Mar 14-18

Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 15-18
Mar 16-18
Mar 17-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x2 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x1 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Clauncher
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x1 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Clauncher
Title: Fishing Log 90
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Mar 18-18
Mar 19-18
Mar 20-18
Mar 21-18
Mar 22-18
Mar 23-18
Mar 24-18
Mar 18-18
Mar 19-18

Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 20-18
Mar 21-18

Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 22-18

Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Mar 23-18
Mar 24-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Rare Candy | x2 Shoal Salt
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Rare Candy | x2 Shoal Salt
Title: Treasure Tracker 3
1 | Mar 19-18

16.8k GC
13.2k GC | Hoopa
Steel Gem x5
9.2k GC
HP Up x1
15.1k GC
Prisim Scale x1
6.3k GC
Hoopa | 800 GC
16.8k GC
13.2k GC | Hoopa
Steel Gem x5
9.2k GC
HP Up x1
15.1k GC
Prisim Scale x1
6.3k GC
Hoopa | 800 GC
2 | Mar 20-18

11.8k GC
6.7k GC
Jade Orb x1
Steel Gem x4
Ice Gem x5
Steel Gem x3
13.7k GC
11.8k GC
6.7k GC
Jade Orb x1
Steel Gem x4
Ice Gem x5
Steel Gem x3
13.7k GC
3 | Mar 21-18

Moon Stone | 9k GC
6.1k GC
Thunderstone x1
Moon Stone | 9k GC
6.1k GC
Thunderstone x1
4 | Mar 22-18

4.4k GC | 11.3k GC
Everstone x1 | Jade Orb x1
Sun Stone x1
3.4k GC
6.9k GC
49 EP
13.4k GC
4.4k GC | 11.3k GC
Everstone x1 | Jade Orb x1
Sun Stone x1
3.4k GC
6.9k GC
49 EP
13.4k GC
5 | Mar 23-18

11.4k GC
Fighting Gem x5
1.8k GC
9.9k GC
Fire Stone x1
19.6k GC
15.1k GC
Poison Gem x7
11.4k GC
Fighting Gem x5
1.8k GC
9.9k GC
Fire Stone x1
19.6k GC
15.1k GC
Poison Gem x7
6 | Mar 24-18
7 | Mar 25-18

Upgrade x1
11.7k GC
[color=green]Jade Orb x1 | 18.9k GC
2.9k GC
Upgrade x1
11.7k GC
[color=green]Jade Orb x1 | 18.9k GC
2.9k GC
8 | Mar 26-18

700 GC
Electric Gem x6 | Hoopa
Poison Gem x3
Hoopa | 17.8k GC
19k GC
7.5k GC
700 GC
Electric Gem x6 | Hoopa
Poison Gem x3
Hoopa | 17.8k GC
19k GC
7.5k GC
9 | Mar 27-18

4.2k GC
Flying Gem x5 | 8.3k GC
30 EP
18.6k GC
6.3k GC
Magmarizer x1
4.2k GC
Flying Gem x5 | 8.3k GC
30 EP
18.6k GC
6.3k GC
Magmarizer x1
Title: Fishing Log 91
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Mar 25-18
Mar 26-18
Mar 27-18
Mar 28-18
Mar 29-18
Mar 30-18
Mar 31-18
Mar 25-18
Mar 26-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Silver Relic = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Silver Relic = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 27-18
Mar 28-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x2]
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Mar 29-18
Mar 30-18
Mar 31-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Title: Treasure Tracker 4
1 | Mar 28-18

Jade Orb x1
1.5k GC
Ghost Gem x2
Ice Gem x4
9.4k GC
Jade Orb x1
1.5k GC
Ghost Gem x2
Ice Gem x4
9.4k GC
2 | Mar 29-18

14.4k GC
8.7k GC
Dragon Gem x6
Ultra Ball x3
19.2k GC
14.4k GC
8.7k GC
Dragon Gem x6
Ultra Ball x3
19.2k GC
3 | Mar 30-18

Enigma Stone x1
Moon Stone x1
Jade Orb x1
Grass Gem x4
Dark Gem x6
5k GC
Enigma Stone x1
Moon Stone x1
Jade Orb x1
Grass Gem x4
Dark Gem x6
5k GC
4 | Mar 31-18

Jade Orb x1
Enigma Stone x1
17.7k GC
Shiny Stone x1
14.6k GC
Jade Orb x1
Enigma Stone x1
17.7k GC
Shiny Stone x1
14.6k GC
5 | Apr 1-18
7 | Apr 2-18

Soothe Bell x1[/color[
5.6k GC
16.4k GC | 11.4k GC
Psychic Gem x5
10.9k GC
Nugget x1
Soothe Bell x1[/color[
5.6k GC
16.4k GC | 11.4k GC
Psychic Gem x5
10.9k GC
Nugget x1
8 | Apr 3-18

5.7k GC
Jade Orb x1 | 3.1k GC
Razor Claw x1
12.7k GC
5.5k GC
DeepSeaScale x1
Ultra Ball x3
5.7k GC
Jade Orb x1 | 3.1k GC
Razor Claw x1
12.7k GC
5.5k GC
DeepSeaScale x1
Ultra Ball x3
9 | Apr 4-18

Dark Gem x6
19.3k GC
1.4k GC
Jade Orb x1
Fire Gem x8 | 16.4k GC
Shiny Stone x1
Ice Gem x3
46 EP
Dark Gem x6
19.3k GC
1.4k GC
Jade Orb x1
Fire Gem x8 | 16.4k GC
Shiny Stone x1
Ice Gem x3
46 EP
Title: Bug Contest 14
[quote][b]Initial Points:[/b]
[b]Egg 1:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 2:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 3:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Rating:[/b] (Rarity + | Talent + | Beauty + | Shiny Bonus x1 | Mega Bonus x1)
[b]Overall:[/b] # [/quote]
[b]Egg 1:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 2:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Egg 3:[/b] ? | ? | ?
[b]Rating:[/b] (Rarity + | Talent + | Beauty + | Shiny Bonus x1 | Mega Bonus x1)
[b]Overall:[/b] # [/quote]
Apr 1-18
Apr 2-18
Apr 3-18
Title: Fishing Log 92
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Apr 1-18
Apr 2-18
Apr 3-18
Apr 4-18
Apr 5-18
Apr 6-18
Apr 7-18
Apr 1-18

Black Box = x5 Phione | x3 Seaking |
x2 Lumineon
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x2 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Clauncher
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x2 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Clauncher
Apr 2-18

Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Apr 3-18
Apr 4-18

Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Apr 5-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x4]
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x1]
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x1]
Apr 6-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Apr 7-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Title: Karp Goal(s)
I currently have [b]135[/b] Magikarp
For every [b]100th[/b] Magikarp plushie I receive, I will give that person a Dragon Gem. If I can gift it to them.
This will keep going until I have [b]735 Magikarp plushies[/b], meaning I will raffle out [b]6 Dragon Gems[/b] in total.
[b]How to participate[/b]
Please number the Magikarp you send in. The first should be labelled with "1", the second with "2", the third with "3", and so on. This is to make it easier for me to count to see if 100 Splash-using-fish have been sent to me.
[u]Good luck![/u]
For every [b]100th[/b] Magikarp plushie I receive, I will give that person a Dragon Gem. If I can gift it to them.
This will keep going until I have [b]735 Magikarp plushies[/b], meaning I will raffle out [b]6 Dragon Gems[/b] in total.
[b]How to participate[/b]
Please number the Magikarp you send in. The first should be labelled with "1", the second with "2", the third with "3", and so on. This is to make it easier for me to count to see if 100 Splash-using-fish have been sent to me.
[u]Good luck![/u]
1st 100 - [DragonEevee Proof]

1, DragonEevee 1
2, Professor*Acacia 1
3, DragonEevee 2
4, Professor*Acacia 2
5, DragonEevee 3
6, DragonEevee 4
7, Professor*Acacia 3
8, DragonEevee 5
9, DragonEevee 6
10, DragonEevee 7
11, DragonEevee 8
12, DragonEevee 9
13, DragonEevee 10
14, DragonEevee 11
15, DragonEevee 12
16, DragonEevee 13
17, Professor*Acacia 4
18, Professor*Acacia 5
19, DragonEevee 14
20, Professor*Acacia 6
21, Professor*Acacia 7
22, Dragon Eevee 15
23, Professor*Acacia 8
24, DragonEevee 16
25, Professor*Acacia 9
26, Professor*Acacia 10
27, DragonEevee 17
28, Professor*Acacia 12 (11)
29, DragonEevee 18
30, DragonEevee 19
31, DragonEevee 20
32, Professor*Acacia 11 (12)
33, Professor*Acacia 13
34, Professor*Acacia 14
35, DragonEevee 21
36, DragonEevee 22
37, DragonEevee 23
38, DragonEevee 24
39, DragonEevee 25
40, DragonEevee 26
41, DragonEevee 27
42, DragonEevee 28
43, DragonEevee 29
44, DragonEevee 30
45, DragonEevee 31
46, DragonEevee 32
47, DragonEevee 33
48, DragonEevee 34
49, DragonEevee 35
50, DragonEevee 36
51, DragonEevee 37
52, DragonEevee 38
53, DragonEevee 39
54, DragonEevee 40
55, DragonEevee 41
56, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
57, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
58, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
59, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
60, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
61, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
62, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
63, DragonEevee 42
64, DragonEevee 43
65, DragonEevee 44
66, DragonEevee 45
67, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
68, DragonEevee 46
69, DragonEevee 47
70, DragonEevee 48
71, DragonEevee 49
72, DragonEevee 50
73, DragonEevee 51
74, DragonEevee 52
75, DragonEevee 53
76, DragonEevee 54
77, DragonEevee 55
78, DragonEevee 56
79, DragonEevee 57
80, DragonEevee 58
81, DragonEevee 59
82, DragonEevee 60
83, DragonEevee 61
84, DragonEevee 62
85, DragonEevee 63
86, DragonEevee 64
87, DragonEevee 65
88, DragonEevee 66
89, DragonEevee 67
90, DragonEevee 68
91, DragonEevee 69
92, DragonEevee 70
93, DragonEevee 71
94, DragonEevee 72
95, DragonEevee 73
96, StarChild 1
97, DragonEevee 74
98, DragonEevee 75
99, StarChild 3 (2)
100, DragonEevee 76
2, Professor*Acacia 1
3, DragonEevee 2
4, Professor*Acacia 2
5, DragonEevee 3
6, DragonEevee 4
7, Professor*Acacia 3
8, DragonEevee 5
9, DragonEevee 6
10, DragonEevee 7
11, DragonEevee 8
12, DragonEevee 9
13, DragonEevee 10
14, DragonEevee 11
15, DragonEevee 12
16, DragonEevee 13
17, Professor*Acacia 4
18, Professor*Acacia 5
19, DragonEevee 14
20, Professor*Acacia 6
21, Professor*Acacia 7
22, Dragon Eevee 15
23, Professor*Acacia 8
24, DragonEevee 16
25, Professor*Acacia 9
26, Professor*Acacia 10
27, DragonEevee 17
28, Professor*Acacia 12 (11)
29, DragonEevee 18
30, DragonEevee 19
31, DragonEevee 20
32, Professor*Acacia 11 (12)
33, Professor*Acacia 13
34, Professor*Acacia 14
35, DragonEevee 21
36, DragonEevee 22
37, DragonEevee 23
38, DragonEevee 24
39, DragonEevee 25
40, DragonEevee 26
41, DragonEevee 27
42, DragonEevee 28
43, DragonEevee 29
44, DragonEevee 30
45, DragonEevee 31
46, DragonEevee 32
47, DragonEevee 33
48, DragonEevee 34
49, DragonEevee 35
50, DragonEevee 36
51, DragonEevee 37
52, DragonEevee 38
53, DragonEevee 39
54, DragonEevee 40
55, DragonEevee 41
56, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
57, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
58, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
59, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
60, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
61, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
62, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
63, DragonEevee 42
64, DragonEevee 43
65, DragonEevee 44
66, DragonEevee 45
67, LOLZGAMER113 (no number)
68, DragonEevee 46
69, DragonEevee 47
70, DragonEevee 48
71, DragonEevee 49
72, DragonEevee 50
73, DragonEevee 51
74, DragonEevee 52
75, DragonEevee 53
76, DragonEevee 54
77, DragonEevee 55
78, DragonEevee 56
79, DragonEevee 57
80, DragonEevee 58
81, DragonEevee 59
82, DragonEevee 60
83, DragonEevee 61
84, DragonEevee 62
85, DragonEevee 63
86, DragonEevee 64
87, DragonEevee 65
88, DragonEevee 66
89, DragonEevee 67
90, DragonEevee 68
91, DragonEevee 69
92, DragonEevee 70
93, DragonEevee 71
94, DragonEevee 72
95, DragonEevee 73
96, StarChild 1
97, DragonEevee 74
98, DragonEevee 75
99, StarChild 3 (2)
100, DragonEevee 76
2nd 100

1, DragonEevee 77
2, StarChild 2 (3)
3, StarChild 4
4, DragonEevee 78
5, DragonEevee 79
6, DragonEevee 80
7, DragonEevee 81
8, DragonEevee 82
9, DragonEevee 83
10, DragonEevee 84
11, DragonEevee 85
12, DragonEevee 86
13, DragonEevee 87
14, DragonEevee 88
15, DragonEevee 89
16, DragonEevee 90
17, DragonEevee 91
18, DragonEevee 92
19, DragonEevee 93
20, DragonEevee 94
21, DragonEevee 95
22, DragonEevee 96
23, DragonEevee 97
24, DragonEevee 98
25, DragonEevee 99
26, DragonEevee 100
27, ChibiTogepi (no number)
28, Senpai_xD 1
29, Senpai_xD 2
30, Senpai_xD 3
31, Senpai_xD 4
32, Senpai_xD 5
33, Senpai_xD 6
34, Senpai_xD 7
35, Senpai_xD 8
36, Senpai_xD 9
37, Senpai_xD 10
38, Senpai_xD 11
39, Senpai_xD 12
40, Senpai_xD 13
41, Senpai_xD 14
42, Senpai_xD 15
43, Senpai_xD 16
44, Senpai_xD 17
45, Senpai_xD 18
46, Senpai_xD 19
47, Senpai_xD 20
48, Senpai_xD 21
49, Senpai_xD 22
50, Senpai_xD 23
2, StarChild 2 (3)
3, StarChild 4
4, DragonEevee 78
5, DragonEevee 79
6, DragonEevee 80
7, DragonEevee 81
8, DragonEevee 82
9, DragonEevee 83
10, DragonEevee 84
11, DragonEevee 85
12, DragonEevee 86
13, DragonEevee 87
14, DragonEevee 88
15, DragonEevee 89
16, DragonEevee 90
17, DragonEevee 91
18, DragonEevee 92
19, DragonEevee 93
20, DragonEevee 94
21, DragonEevee 95
22, DragonEevee 96
23, DragonEevee 97
24, DragonEevee 98
25, DragonEevee 99
26, DragonEevee 100
27, ChibiTogepi (no number)
28, Senpai_xD 1
29, Senpai_xD 2
30, Senpai_xD 3
31, Senpai_xD 4
32, Senpai_xD 5
33, Senpai_xD 6
34, Senpai_xD 7
35, Senpai_xD 8
36, Senpai_xD 9
37, Senpai_xD 10
38, Senpai_xD 11
39, Senpai_xD 12
40, Senpai_xD 13
41, Senpai_xD 14
42, Senpai_xD 15
43, Senpai_xD 16
44, Senpai_xD 17
45, Senpai_xD 18
46, Senpai_xD 19
47, Senpai_xD 20
48, Senpai_xD 21
49, Senpai_xD 22
50, Senpai_xD 23
Title: Treasure Tracker 5
1 | Apr 5-18

Razor Claw x1 | 400 GC
3.4k GC
Bug Gem x6 | 2.1k GC
8.3k GC
Jade Orb x1
Razor Claw x1 | 400 GC
3.4k GC
Bug Gem x6 | 2.1k GC
8.3k GC
Jade Orb x1
2 | Apr 6-18

16.8k GC
9.7k GC
2k GC
Poison Gem x3
Reaper Cloth x1
2.3k GC | Hoopa
16.8k GC
9.7k GC
2k GC
Poison Gem x3
Reaper Cloth x1
2.3k GC | Hoopa
3 | Apr 7-18
4 | Apr 8-18

35 EP
17.8k GC | 11.6k GC
14.3k GC
13.8k GC
Fairy Gem x3
Ice Gem x6
7.7k GC
35 EP
17.8k GC | 11.6k GC
14.3k GC
13.8k GC
Fairy Gem x3
Ice Gem x6
7.7k GC
5 | Apr 9-18

King's Rock x1
2.4k GC
Razor Claw x1 | Hoopa
Nugget x1
Steel Gem x5
15.3k GC
King's Rock x1
2.4k GC
Razor Claw x1 | Hoopa
Nugget x1
Steel Gem x5
15.3k GC
6 | Apr 10-18
7 | Apr 11-18
8 | Apr 12-18
9 | Apr 13-18

towoma / Marisa / Pokecenter, Castelia
City ; paired up with Jean
towoma / Annika / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Kit
Expelliarmus_Heyo / Platinum / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; solo
Argentis / Kit / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Annika
Rubyblaze22 / Moe / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Harper
Rubyblaze22 / Chad / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; solo
Neggito / Jean / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Marisa
Tokage / Harper / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Moe
*Shadow* / Angelica / inside Jupiter's lab [still]
Majikal_Cience_Mahn / Chelsea / Poké Center (?)
~Papaya~ / Harlow / Nuvema Town
towoma / Annika / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Kit
Expelliarmus_Heyo / Platinum / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; solo
Argentis / Kit / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Annika
Rubyblaze22 / Moe / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Harper
Rubyblaze22 / Chad / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; solo
Neggito / Jean / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Marisa
Tokage / Harper / Pokecenter, Castelia City ; paired up with Moe
*Shadow* / Angelica / inside Jupiter's lab [still]
Majikal_Cience_Mahn / Chelsea / Poké Center (?)
~Papaya~ / Harlow / Nuvema Town
Title: Fishing Log 93
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Apr 8-18
Apr 9-18
Apr 10-18
Apr 11-18
Apr 12-18
Apr 13-18
Apr 14-18
Apr 8-18
Apr 9-18

Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Apr 10-18
Apr 11-18

Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Apr 12-18
Apr 13-18
Apr 14-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Title: Treasure Tracker 6
1 | Apr 14-18

42 EP
Ground Gem x4
Nugget x4
Jade Orb x1 | 2.1k GC
3.5k GC
10.2k GC | Electric Gem x7
Steel Gem x3
42 EP
Ground Gem x4
Nugget x4
Jade Orb x1 | 2.1k GC
3.5k GC
10.2k GC | Electric Gem x7
Steel Gem x3
2 | Apr 15-18

17.9k GC
Ghost Gem x7
Hoopa | Sun Stone x1
Ice Gem x7
Poison Gem x8
DeepSeaScale x1
17.9k GC
Ghost Gem x7
Hoopa | Sun Stone x1
Ice Gem x7
Poison Gem x8
DeepSeaScale x1
3 | Apr 16-18

16.7k GC
9.3k GC | Hoopa
Jade Orb x1 | Hoopa
1.4k GC
DeepSeaTooth x1
42 EP
19k GC
5.1k GC
16.7k GC
9.3k GC | Hoopa
Jade Orb x1 | Hoopa
1.4k GC
DeepSeaTooth x1
42 EP
19k GC
5.1k GC
4 | Apr 17-18
5 | Apr 18-18

Dark Gem x8
4.2k GC | Electric Gem x5
Jade Orb x1 | 1k GC
7k GC
DeepSeaScale x1
Dark Gem x8
4.2k GC | Electric Gem x5
Jade Orb x1 | 1k GC
7k GC
DeepSeaScale x1
6 | Apr 19-18

Jade Orb x1
Razor Fang x1
3k GC
8.4k GC
19.5k GC | Hoopa
Normal Gem x5 | Prism Scale x1
Jade Orb x1
Razor Fang x1
3k GC
8.4k GC
19.5k GC | Hoopa
Normal Gem x5 | Prism Scale x1
7 | Apr 20-18
8 | Apr 21-18

Jade Orb x1
Hoopa | Hoopa
Fairy Gem x8
Ghost Gem x3 | 15.7k GC
15.6k GC
19k GC
Jade Orb x1
Hoopa | Hoopa
Fairy Gem x8
Ghost Gem x3 | 15.7k GC
15.6k GC
19k GC
9 | Apr 22-18
Volcanion Hunt

Bottled Messages x108
Map x7
5,675k 917k
365 N
DG x9
Star Piece x4
Mega Stone x1
Bottled Messages x108
Map x7
DG x9
Star Piece x4
Mega Stone x1

Still messing with Pokémon sprites.
Figured I'd set out a range so I wouldn't keep getting questions
about them.
* Sprite Edits 10k to 15k
* Re-Colours 25k or 40k
* PokéFusions (2) 50k to 200k
* PokéFusions (3 or more) [Expensive]
* Non-Canon Pokémon sprite-pose, to be discussed
* Sprite Edits 10k to 15k
* Re-Colours 25k or 40k
* PokéFusions (2) 50k to 200k
* PokéFusions (3 or more) [Expensive]
* Non-Canon Pokémon sprite-pose, to be discussed
Title: Tunnel Log 2
Apr 14-20

Apr 14-18 |
3:33PM (EST) x3 | 127 / 12 / 268
Apr 14-18 6:28PM (EST) | 2,263 Rock 1k / Steel 2k
Apr 14-18 | 6:34PM (EST) x1 | 46
Apr 14~18-18 | 11,134 Rock 1k / Rock 2k / Rock 3k / Ice 4k / Ice 5k
9:25PM (EST) | Rock 6k / Steel 7k / Steel 8k / Steel 9k / Steel 10k / Rock 11k
Apr 18~19-18 12:49PM (EST) | 1,603 Ice 1k
Apr 19-18 | 7:54PM (EST) x12 | 48 / 26 / 283 / 350 / 5 / 922 / 94 / 404 / 213 / 443 / 461 / 78
Apr 19~20-18 9:50PM (EST) | 1,035 Ice 1k
Apr 20~21-18 | 12:33AM (EST) x1 | 803
Apr 14-18 6:28PM (EST) | 2,263 Rock 1k / Steel 2k
Apr 14-18 | 6:34PM (EST) x1 | 46
Apr 14~18-18 | 11,134 Rock 1k / Rock 2k / Rock 3k / Ice 4k / Ice 5k
9:25PM (EST) | Rock 6k / Steel 7k / Steel 8k / Steel 9k / Steel 10k / Rock 11k
Apr 18~19-18 12:49PM (EST) | 1,603 Ice 1k
Apr 19-18 | 7:54PM (EST) x12 | 48 / 26 / 283 / 350 / 5 / 922 / 94 / 404 / 213 / 443 / 461 / 78
Apr 19~20-18 9:50PM (EST) | 1,035 Ice 1k
Apr 20~21-18 | 12:33AM (EST) x1 | 803
Apr 21-29

Apr 21-18
2:49PM (EST) | 1,111 Ice 1k
Apr 21-18 | 5:56PM (EST) x2 | 23 / 388
Apr 21~23-18 8:39PM (EST) | 1,349 Rock 1k
Apr 23~24-18 5:51PM (EST) | 1,615 Ice 1k
Apr 24-18 9:51PM (EST) | 1,105 Rock 1k
Apr 24-18 | 10:56PM (EST) x1 | 394
Apr 24~25-18 12:24AM (EST) | 1,075 Steel 1k
Apr 25-18 | 4:07PM (EST) x2 | 125 / 145
Apr 25-18 | 1,278 Rock 1k
Apr 25~26-18 | 1:31PM (EST) x10 | 34 / 183 / 36 / 129 / 418 / 820 / 33 / 494 / 446 / 326
Apr 26-18 7:10PM (EST) | 1,242 Steel 1k
Apr 26-18 | 10:13PM (EST) x4 | 92 / 227 / 344 / 13
Apr 26~29-18 8:14PM (EST) | 3,343 Rock 1k Rock 2k Steel 3k
Apr 21-18 | 5:56PM (EST) x2 | 23 / 388
Apr 21~23-18 8:39PM (EST) | 1,349 Rock 1k
Apr 23~24-18 5:51PM (EST) | 1,615 Ice 1k
Apr 24-18 9:51PM (EST) | 1,105 Rock 1k
Apr 24-18 | 10:56PM (EST) x1 | 394
Apr 24~25-18 12:24AM (EST) | 1,075 Steel 1k
Apr 25-18 | 4:07PM (EST) x2 | 125 / 145
Apr 25-18 | 1,278 Rock 1k
Apr 25~26-18 | 1:31PM (EST) x10 | 34 / 183 / 36 / 129 / 418 / 820 / 33 / 494 / 446 / 326
Apr 26-18 7:10PM (EST) | 1,242 Steel 1k
Apr 26-18 | 10:13PM (EST) x4 | 92 / 227 / 344 / 13
Apr 26~29-18 8:14PM (EST) | 3,343 Rock 1k Rock 2k Steel 3k
Apr 29 - May 5
May 6-15

May 6~8-18
10:53PM (EST) | 1,598 Steel 1k
May 8-18 | 11:25PM (EST) x1 | 141
May 8~9-18 11:48PM (EST) | 1,219 Steel 1k
May 9~10-18 | 10:24AM (EST) x2 | 288 / 102
May 10~11-18 9:52PM (EST) | 2,018 Ice 1k Steel 2k
May 11~12-18 | 3:22PM (EST) x9 | 17 / 12 / 596 / 302 / 61 / 27 / 803 / 348 / 7
May 12~5-18 10:40PM (EST) | 2,581 Rock 1k Ice 2k
May 8-18 | 11:25PM (EST) x1 | 141
May 8~9-18 11:48PM (EST) | 1,219 Steel 1k
May 9~10-18 | 10:24AM (EST) x2 | 288 / 102
May 10~11-18 9:52PM (EST) | 2,018 Ice 1k Steel 2k
May 11~12-18 | 3:22PM (EST) x9 | 17 / 12 / 596 / 302 / 61 / 27 / 803 / 348 / 7
May 12~5-18 10:40PM (EST) | 2,581 Rock 1k Ice 2k
May 15-23

May 15-18 |
10:56PM (EST) x1 | 1
May 15~17-18 12:32AM (EST) | 2,037 Steel 1k Steel 2k
May 17~18-18 3:43PM (EST) | 2,458 Rock 1k Ice 2k
May 18~19-18 | 9:59PM (EST) x3 | 672 / 392 / 227 / 736
May 19~21-18 4:13PM (EST) | 1,609 Steel 1k
May 21~23-18 | 3:01PM (EST) x11 | 132 / 123 / 69 / 7 / 164 / 434 / 314 / 83 / 484 / 504 / 269
May 15~17-18 12:32AM (EST) | 2,037 Steel 1k Steel 2k
May 17~18-18 3:43PM (EST) | 2,458 Rock 1k Ice 2k
May 18~19-18 | 9:59PM (EST) x3 | 672 / 392 / 227 / 736
May 19~21-18 4:13PM (EST) | 1,609 Steel 1k
May 21~23-18 | 3:01PM (EST) x11 | 132 / 123 / 69 / 7 / 164 / 434 / 314 / 83 / 484 / 504 / 269
May 22-29
May 29 - Jun 4

May 29-18 |
11:49PM (EST) x1 | 183
May 29~30-18 1:57PM (EST) | 1,076 Ice 1k
May 30~31-18 | 12:42AM (EST) x5 | 38 / 417 / 80 / 615 / 749
May 31-18 4:01PM (EST) | 1,283 Steel 1k
May 31-18 | 7:51PM (EST) x6 | 16 / 602 / 198 / 9 / 111 / 438
May 31~Jun 2-18 10:56PM (EST) | 2,720 Steel 1k Steel 2k
Jun 2-18 | 10:58PM (EST) x1 | 27
Jun 2~3-18 9:42PM (EST) | 1,545 Steel 1k
Jun 3-18 | 11:37PM (EST) x4 | 195 / 104 / 53 / 60
Jun 3~5-18 10:15PM (EST) | 2,662 Ice 1k Steel 2k
May 29~30-18 1:57PM (EST) | 1,076 Ice 1k
May 30~31-18 | 12:42AM (EST) x5 | 38 / 417 / 80 / 615 / 749
May 31-18 4:01PM (EST) | 1,283 Steel 1k
May 31-18 | 7:51PM (EST) x6 | 16 / 602 / 198 / 9 / 111 / 438
May 31~Jun 2-18 10:56PM (EST) | 2,720 Steel 1k Steel 2k
Jun 2-18 | 10:58PM (EST) x1 | 27
Jun 2~3-18 9:42PM (EST) | 1,545 Steel 1k
Jun 3-18 | 11:37PM (EST) x4 | 195 / 104 / 53 / 60
Jun 3~5-18 10:15PM (EST) | 2,662 Ice 1k Steel 2k

This is the exchange that took
User A: Hey can I send you $3 through paypal for the shiny regis??
Me: No.
User A: You can buy nuggets with that
Me: So can you. Why don't you buy them and then pay me what the description says?
User A: [has yet to come up with an answer]
User A: Hey can I send you $3 through paypal for the shiny regis??
Me: No.
User A: You can buy nuggets with that
Me: So can you. Why don't you buy them and then pay me what the description says?
User A: [has yet to come up with an answer]
HoL tries

Apr 16-18 x12
Apr 18-18 x10
Apr 18-18 x5
Apr 21-18 x18
Apr 24-18 x49
Apr 26-18 x47
Apr 29-18 x9
May 2-18 x36
May 4-18 x78
May 7-18 x8
May 10-18 x2
May 12-18 x3
May 16-18 x69
May 18-18 x12
May 22-18 x19
May 27-18 x78
May 31-18 x12
Apr 18-18 x10
Apr 18-18 x5
Apr 21-18 x18
Apr 24-18 x49
Apr 26-18 x47
Apr 29-18 x9
May 2-18 x36
May 4-18 x78
May 7-18 x8
May 10-18 x2
May 12-18 x3
May 16-18 x69
May 18-18 x12
May 22-18 x19
May 27-18 x78
May 31-18 x12

LF 15k PD + junk pokemon.
LF 50k PD + junk pokemon.
LF 30k PD + 3 junk Pokemon.
LF 150k or 100 Nuggets + 4 junk Pokemon. Fresh for Regigigas summoning.
LF 175k PD or 100 Nuggets + junk Pokemon. Legend Map/Summon = AA.
LF 225k PD or 150 Nuggets + junk Pokemon. Legend Map/Summon = AA.
LF 500k PD or 330 Nuggets + 4 junk Pokemon. 2 Legend Maps/Summons = AA.
LF 50k PD + junk pokemon.
LF 30k PD + 3 junk Pokemon.
LF 150k or 100 Nuggets + 4 junk Pokemon. Fresh for Regigigas summoning.
LF 175k PD or 100 Nuggets + junk Pokemon. Legend Map/Summon = AA.
LF 225k PD or 150 Nuggets + junk Pokemon. Legend Map/Summon = AA.
LF 500k PD or 330 Nuggets + 4 junk Pokemon. 2 Legend Maps/Summons = AA.
Title: Fishing Log 94
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Apr 15-18
Apr 16-18
Apr 17-18
Apr 18-18
Apr 19-18
Apr 20-18
Apr 21-18
Apr 16-18
Apr 15-18

Weather: Foggy (Dark)
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 66 s
Catch: Totodile
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Tentacool*
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Gorebyss
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Mantyke
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 115 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Water Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Mudkip
Energy: 8%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 5%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Relic Silver
Energy: 2%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Wishiwashi (School)
Energy: 5%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 62 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 10 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 2%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Claw Fossil
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Tasty Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Poison Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: DeepSeaScale
Energy: 2%
Time given: 11 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Remoraid*
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Shellder
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Weather: Cold (Steel)
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 2%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 66 s
Catch: Totodile
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Tentacool*
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Gorebyss
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Mantyke
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 115 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Water Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Mudkip
Energy: 8%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 5%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Relic Silver
Energy: 2%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Wishiwashi (School)
Energy: 5%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 62 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 10 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 2%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Claw Fossil
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Tasty Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Poison Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: DeepSeaScale
Energy: 2%
Time given: 11 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Remoraid*
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Shellder
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Weather: Cold (Steel)
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 2%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Apr 17-18

Weather: Meteorites
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 0%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tentacruel
Energy: 4%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Weather: Foggy (Ghost)
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Feebas
Energy: 5%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Mantyke
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Finneon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 0%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tentacruel
Energy: 4%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Weather: Foggy (Ghost)
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Feebas
Energy: 5%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Mantyke
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Finneon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Apr 18-18

Weather: Foggy (Ghost)
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 80 s
Catch: Mantine
Energy: 8%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 2%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Bug Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 47s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Finneon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 64 s
Catch: Mudkip
Energy: 8%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 3%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Feebas
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 60 s
Catch: Squirtle
Energy: 8%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 3%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Grass Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Dome Fossil
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Poison Gem
Energy: 2%
Weather: Small earthquakes (Rock)
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Bottled Message
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Weather: Foggy (Ghost)
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Squirtle
Energy: 8%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 13 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 125 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 5%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 80 s
Catch: Mantine
Energy: 8%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 2%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Bug Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 47s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Finneon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 64 s
Catch: Mudkip
Energy: 8%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 3%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Feebas
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 60 s
Catch: Squirtle
Energy: 8%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 3%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Grass Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Dome Fossil
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Poison Gem
Energy: 2%
Weather: Small earthquakes (Rock)
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Bottled Message
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Weather: Foggy (Ghost)
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Squirtle
Energy: 8%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 13 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 125 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 5%
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Apr 19-18

Weather: Foggy (Ghost)
Time given: 116 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 54 s
Catch: Shellder
Energy: 5%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 11 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Weather: Hail (Ice)
Time given: 69 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Weather: Thunderstorm (Electric)
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Poliwag
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Clauncher
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Cloyster
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Horsea
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Bruxish
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Lanturn
Time given: 60 s
Catch: Piplup
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Marill
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Tentacool
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Tympole
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Goldeen
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Cloyster
Time given: 116 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 54 s
Catch: Shellder
Energy: 5%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 11 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Weather: Hail (Ice)
Time given: 69 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Weather: Thunderstorm (Electric)
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Poliwag
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Clauncher
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Cloyster
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Horsea
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Bruxish
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Lanturn
Time given: 60 s
Catch: Piplup
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Marill
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Tentacool
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Tympole
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Goldeen
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Cloyster
Apr 20-18

Weather: Small earthquakes
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 11 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 3%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tasty Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 67 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Ghost Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Squirtle
Energy: 8%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Horsea
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Weather: Clear Sky (Normal)
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Bishop
Energy: 5%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Dark Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 57 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Feebas
Energy: 5%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 103 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 67 s
Catch: Oshawott
Energy: 8%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Wishiwashi (School)
Energy: 5%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 11 s
Catch: Phione
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 3%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Tasty Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 67 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Ghost Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Squirtle
Energy: 8%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Horsea
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Weather: Clear Sky (Normal)
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Bishop
Energy: 5%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Dark Gem
Energy: 2%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Corphish
Energy: 5%
Time given: 57 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Feebas
Energy: 5%
Time given: 36 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 40 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 103 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 53 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 67 s
Catch: Oshawott
Energy: 8%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 22 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Wishiwashi (School)
Energy: 5%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Apr 21-18

Weather: Rainbow (Fairy)
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 0%
Time given: 67 s
Catch: Totodile
Energy: 8%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Huntail
Energy: 5%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Bottled Message
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tasty Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 13 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Relic Silver
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tentacruel
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 13 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 121 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 62 s
Catch: Oshawott
Energy: 8%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Weather: Hail (Ice)
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 2%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Oshawott
Energy: 8%
Time given: 69 s
Catch: Totodile
Energy: 8%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Weather: Muggy (Bug)
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Relic Silver
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Strange Ornament
Energy: 2%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 56 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 0%
Time given: 67 s
Catch: Totodile
Energy: 8%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Huntail
Energy: 5%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 44 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Seaking
Energy: 4%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Regular Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Tynamo
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Bottled Message
Energy: 2%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Tasty Bait
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 13 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Relic Silver
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Tentacruel
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 13 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 47 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 121 s
Catch: Wailmer
Energy: 8%
Time given: 49 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Gyarados
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 24 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 62 s
Catch: Oshawott
Energy: 8%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Weather: Hail (Ice)
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 28 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 52 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 42 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 2%
Time given: 51 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 17 s
Catch: Crabrawler
Energy: 4%
Time given: 16 s
Catch: Pearl
Energy: 2%
Time given: 43 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Oshawott
Energy: 8%
Time given: 69 s
Catch: Totodile
Energy: 8%
Time given: 35 s
Catch: Frillish
Energy: 4%
Time given: 25 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 4%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 18 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Poliwhirl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 59 s
Catch: Poké Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 45 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Inkay
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Weather: Muggy (Bug)
Time given: 15 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Relic Silver
Energy: 2%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 48 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Clamperl
Energy: 5%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Shoal Salt
Energy: 2%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 20 s
Catch: Lumineon
Energy: 5%
Time given: 58 s
Catch: Froakie
Energy: 8%
Time given: 21 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Cloyster
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 2%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 19 s
Catch: Strange Ornament
Energy: 2%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 32 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 41 s
Catch: Goldeen
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 23 s
Catch: Poliwag
Energy: 5%
Time given: 50 s
Catch: Magikarp
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Bruxish
Energy: 6%
Apr 15-18
Apr 16-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x2]
Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper [Exchanged x2]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag [Exchanged x1]
Pearl = x1 Clamperl [Exchanged x9]
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x1 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Clauncher [Exchanged x1]
Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper [Exchanged x2]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag [Exchanged x1]
Pearl = x1 Clamperl [Exchanged x9]
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x1 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Clauncher [Exchanged x1]
Apr 17-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x2]
Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver [Exchanged x3]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x2]
Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver [Exchanged x3]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x2]
Apr 18-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x2]
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold [Exchanged x1]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill [Exchanged x1]
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x1]
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold [Exchanged x1]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill [Exchanged x1]
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x1]
Apr 19-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x1]
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x1]
Apr 20-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Apr 21-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic Statue
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x1]
Pearl = x1 Clamperl [Exchanged x7]
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x2]
Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic Statue
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x1]
Pearl = x1 Clamperl [Exchanged x7]
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x2]
Title: Fishing Log 95
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Apr 22-18
Apr 23-18
Apr 24-18
Apr 25-18
Apr 26-18
Apr 27-18
Apr 28-18
Apr 22-18

Weather: Muggy (Bug)
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Clauncher
Energy: 6%
Time given: 34 s
Catch: Remoraid
Energy: 4%
Time given: 55 s
Catch: Tentacool
Energy: 4%
Time given: 39 s
Catch: Azurill
Energy: 4%
Time given: 27 s
Catch: Chinchou
Energy: 4%
Time given: 37 s
Catch: Shoal Shell
Energy: 2%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 29 s
Catch: Lanturn
Energy: 6%
Time given: 30 s
Catch: Wishiwashi
Energy: 4%
Time given: 33 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Skrelp
Energy: 6%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 38 s
Catch: Marill
Energy: 5%
Time given: 26 s
Catch: Carvanha
Energy: 5%
Time given: 31 s
Catch: Staryu
Energy: 5%
Time given: 46 s
Catch: Great Ball
Energy: 2%
Apr 22-18
Apr 24-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver [Exchanged x1]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea [Exchanged x1]
Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver [Exchanged x1]
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea [Exchanged x1]
Apr 25-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Messages [Exchanged x2
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill [Exchanged x1]
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x2]
Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill [Exchanged x1]
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x2]
Apr 26-18

Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Pearl = x1 Clamperl [Exchanged x7]
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Pearl = x1 Clamperl [Exchanged x7]
Apr 27-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x2]
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl [Exchanged x2]
Apr 28-18

Relic Crown = x1 Relic Band | x1 Relic
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Light Blue Box = x5 Staryu
Rare Candy = x1 Mudkip | x2 Shoal Salt
Title: Treasure Tracker 7
1 | Apr 23-18
2 | Apr 24-18

9.8k GC
27 EP
Dark Gem x4
Razor Fang x1
11.4k GC
Jade Orb x1 | Sun Stone x1 | Ultra Ball x3
4.9k GC
9.8k GC
27 EP
Dark Gem x4
Razor Fang x1
11.4k GC
Jade Orb x1 | Sun Stone x1 | Ultra Ball x3
4.9k GC
3 | Apr 25-18

Up-Grade x1
4.4k GC
2.8k GC
Razor Claw x1
2.5k GC
8.5k GC
10.4k GC
Up-Grade x1
4.4k GC
2.8k GC
Razor Claw x1
2.5k GC
8.5k GC
10.4k GC
4 | Apr 26-18
5 | Apr 27-18
6 | Apr 28-18
7 | Apr 29-18
8 | Apr 30-18
9 | May 1-18
Title: Fishing Log 96
[b]Time given:[/b] s
[b]Energy:[/b] %
[b]Energy:[/b] %
Apr 29-18
Apr 30-18
May 1-18
May 2-18
May 3-18
May 4-18
May 5-18
Apr 29-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Black Box = x5 Phione | x3 Seaking | x2 Lumineon
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Black Box = x5 Phione | x3 Seaking | x2 Lumineon
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Apr 30-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag [Exchanged x1]
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x3]
Relic Silver = x5 Relic Copper
Dark Blue Box = x5 Poliwag [Exchanged x1]
Rare Candy = x1 Squirtle | x2 Shoal Salt [Exchanged x3]
May 1-18

Relic Gold = x2 Relic Silver
[Exchanged x1
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x1 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Claucher
Dark Blue Box = x5 Horsea
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Pearl = x1 Clamperl
Mega Stone = x5 Big Pearl | x1 Staryu | x1 Lanturn | x1 Huntail | x1 Gorebyss | x1 Claucher
May 2-18

Relic Vase = x5 Relic Gold
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
Dark Blue Box = x5 Marill
Rare Candy = x1 Totodile | x2 Shoal Salt
May 3-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x1]
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
Relic Band = x2 Relic Vase
Light Blue Box = x5 Carvanha
Big Pearl = x5 Pearl
May 4-18

Submarine Volcano (Map) = x5 Bottled
Message [Exchanged x2]
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole
Relic Statue = x2 Relic Band
Light Blue Box = x5 Tympole