Forum Thread
Debabrata299's Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Item Trades → Debabrata299's Shop
All credits to This site


#1 All Pokeheroes rules apply
#2 Please pay the money first
#3 Do not rush
#4 Please see the other posts before posting
#5 All are fixed prices so no bargaining should be done
#6 Delivery Charges Apply please pay them too while ordering items.
#2 Please pay the money first
#3 Do not rush
#4 Please see the other posts before posting
#5 All are fixed prices so no bargaining should be done
#6 Delivery Charges Apply please pay them too while ordering items.
Valuable Items:-
Evolutionary Item
Cooking Items:-
Mystery Boxes:-
Mystery Keys:-
Thank you for visiting my shop
Items needed: Mystery box
(Dark Blue) x2
(Brown) x4
(Light Blue) x2
(Green) x2
(Pink) x4
"Mystery Keys"
(Green) x1
(Purple) x2
(Red) x2
(Dark Blue) x2
(Brown) x1
(Pink) x2
Additional comments: total-282000. Will I send the money now
Offer code(only if you have)
Any color of mystery boxes & keys
Except Gold keys
~Common gem~
~Normal gem~
PalPad me!
Items needed:Fighting Gems
Additional comments: buy all even the unlisted count :3 let me know how many :D