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CatLady's Collection of Data

Forum-Index Diaries CatLady's Collection of Data
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Thu, 01/08/2013 12:49 (11 Years ago)
Third time's the Charm

Well, hello there ^^

I'll start of with some basic information, I guess :P

Name: Cat Lady
Profession: Catlady (I wish)
Real Profession: Teacher Dutch in highschool; 4th through 6th year
Pets: 5 cats, all showered with love and affection.

Pokémon Trivia
Favourite Pokémon: Larvesta <3
Favourite Starter: Bulbasaur (but Snivy is a close second)
Favourite Generation: 3rd (First one ever, that's always something special to me)

Some more trivia + answers (both general and pokémon-related) to be added later, can't think of anything else right now. (or just send me questions and I'll edit them in ^^)

I'm not much of a diary-writer, so I probably won't be writing about my day-to-day life (though I might write something about my PokéHeroes day). Instead, this is going to be a journal. That's right, a jounal not a boring journal, but a very random, informative journal (notice the difference? Do you, do you? *poke* *poke*)

Ok, I have absolutely no idea where I'm going with this...

(Please don't post here; my PalPad is open to everyone and PMs exist, so please use either of those two methods to contact me)

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Be greeted, mere mortals.

I come with the rising of a new moon, spreading terror and fear among those who see me.

Wings engulf any light the stars may give and darkness only gives way to glowing dark red eyes.

A demon is waiting... RUN

I own Quaz 7 Nebby [Nebula Stones]
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Mon, 01/06/2015 10:21 (9 Years ago)

Title: Tracking Future Hunts

Jirachi Tracking for YourLocalGayOStar
[Chain at 92 when started]
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Galarian Moltres

Shiny Mega Tyranitar (x2)

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sun, 17/07/2016 19:08 (8 Years ago)

Title: "Get to Know CatLady" post

Hi all,
If you've been here for the past few months, you might've noticed me asking you all to send me questions you'd like to know about me or simply posting miscellaneous about me ^^
I've transformed this post that used to hold a rant into a master post for any and all questions asked and information given, in case any of you need inspiration for the following round(s).
I've since stopped doing this, as there's an "Ask Moderators"-thread, where any and all questions can be asked ^^

Personal additions
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How to realize I'm Belgian in 4 easy steps
(based on a conversation I had over Skype)

1. Mention something that could have chocolate in it, and I haven't tasted yet [might take a while]
2. Tell me I should try and taste it, because there's "chocolate" in it
3. Hear my explanation on the difference between your "chocolate" and my chocolate
4. Get jealous

What's your personal opinion of me?
LethalLulu - I think you're extremely sweet, sociable, trustworthy, and overall easy to talk to! I'm glad you're a mod :D
Doopliss - You're a very sweet and helpful person~ :>
Garou - You're my tiny sweetiepie? *3*
Oh yes, expect this in a month or so :3

Caring, trustworthy, funny, determined, honest...mmmm...do you know all that comes next, right?
It's a privilege having you in my life, never change what and how you are. The best is yet to come for you :)
BritneyMc0206 - I think your very nice & helpful. I'm glad people like you help with this website. Makes me feel safer from bullies & hackers/scammers. :3
Tetsurou - We don't really know each other personally, but I appreciate your existence a lot. uwu You seem to be a very nice and calm person, and I, more often than not, find myself agreeing with you and you're way of seeing/handling things. And omg. I'm so glad you applied for the mod job back then. You're doing an amazing job and you're a great help! ; w; I actually thought a few times already "Ah, CatLady will take care of it, I don't have to worry about not being able to attend the matter right now." Which, now, kinda sounds selfish and all, but you being a mod really made things a lot less stressful, so thank you for that. >u<

Me - I wanted to reply sooner, I promise. I totally didn't just forget about it or something >.>

@LethalLulu - Thank you ^o^
@Doopliss - Thank you ^o^
@Garou - headbutts knees I'm not tiny; you're just a giant >.>
I know exactly how that list continues, you've said as much (and more) in our daily conversations =3 Each time I read it, my smile grows bigger =D I can't wait for October and our weekend together; it's gonna be awesome ^o^ I'll keep your words to heart and keep true to myself; hopefully I won't disappoint you ;o;
@BritneyMc0206 - Thank you ^o^ I'm just doing my job =3
@Liirah - Thank you ;o; I just try my hardest every day and hope it's enough, so I'm glad I can take away some of the pressure from you =3

Silly, random things about me -
1. I can't tell left from right; I used to wear a ring on my right thumb, but it doesn't fit anymore. ring that doesn't fit anymore
2. I once held a phone to my ear for over 5 minutes, because I was afraid the other person hadn't really hung up.
3. I have over 300 plushies in my room. plushies, plushies, giant plushies on closet, giant mouse, giant dog, last of the displayed plushies [everything else is in giant bags[/url]
Also - figurines and books
4. I love rewatching shows/anime, because all the "mysteries" in the first few episodes suddenly make sense [if the writer knows anything about story telling]
5. I don't like throwing things out; I still have books from when I was 2 years old "just in case".
6. Larvesta is my favourite pokémon, but TanTan is my favourite OC. She's pretty much the reason Volcarona conquered second place.
7. My favourite shirts are black with coloured prints; especially glow-in-the-dark. I've always felt that black make the colours "pop".
8. The walls in our living room were painted by me; with parents' consent.

Three Truths, one Lie
1. Articuno isn't my favourite legendary
2. I sometimes forget to sleep
3. I don't have the patience for shiny hunts
4. I don't like having my picture taken

Number three is the lie =3
1. Suicune is actually my favourite legendary, because it's a four-legged beast and blue. I like Articuno and it has a spot, but Suicune is my favourite.
2. Yep, poorly working thyroids will do that to you.
4. I really don't ^^' I'll accept if it's asked explicitly, but I'll run and hide if you try to 'surprise' me

What do you know me most/best for?
What part of the site makes you think "CatLady" for any reason whatsoever?
please don't answer "For being a Mod"
articuno13 - hangman
bpeugh1 - I know you for that awesome necklace on your Larvesta profile picture
Koutarou - detailed wall of texts <3
Red-Hatter - Always quick in resolving problems on forums, the most active I've seen you is on TES, Royal Tunnel Guide and on Bugs forum i guess aaaaand for the Shiny Articuno hunt...(not sure if that hunt counts xP)
[Me - I was wondering if/when someone would mention hangman, but I never would've figured it would be the first message xD
That awesome necklace is an everstone, btw :p
I love me some text walls ^w^ Every time I cross my fingers I'll be fast enough, but it never works :'D
The hunt counts :'P You're not the first one to mention it
And I do try to stay active, despite having a full-time job. I hope the work I put into Tuesday and the weekend makes up for my lack of a presence on the other days ;u;]
LethalLulu - I doooo hate to bring up the mod card, but it's much more than that. You're the mod who I can always feel safe coming to. I would normally feel anxious about messaging a mod for help, but I know I never have to with you. Also your Articuno hunt of course! I'm not sure I've seen anyone as active in collecting for any of the legendary birds as you. I hope everyone can think of me as the Ditto hunter as well :D
lindsaybug - Hangman solving
[Me - I'm mostly hoping my efforts won't be in vain >.>
The closer you get, I'm sure users will start seeing you as the Ditto Hunter :D ]
BritneyMc0206 - I know you as the person who I can always talk to if I have a question/problem, both before & after you were a mod. I see you every so often in the forums & you always seem to do your best to help everyone. I also see some interesting/funny stuff sometimes like the Royal Tunnel thing (Did you ever get that figured out?) & Hangman. I'm very glad you're still here. Atleast there's one person I don't feel the need to hesitate to talk to when needed. :)
[Me - For now, I've been too sick to get through the Royal Tunnel at any level; I keep making mistakes [and know it's my fault], so even if I had encountered the question again, my findings shouldn't have been trusted >.<
And I plan to hang around for a long time to come, at least until I have a Shiny Articuno *determined*
and I'm always up for a talk ^^]

Them Questions -
December -
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Am I home schooled? - Nope; it's never really occurred to my parents
Do I have a sibling? - Yes, one younger brother.
Do I want to work in a shelter part-time or over summer? - I actually do volunteer work, if university allows, but never in a Shelter. I wouldn't mind working there at all, though I'd have to fight the urge to adopt all the cats >.<
What grades will I teach? - Highest grades in high school (seniors, I think... Don't know the American name for it)
Do I have cats? - Yep, 6 officially =3 There might be more roaming about if it's cold outside, up to 10 in total. I grew up surrounded by cats, so I don't think I'd manage living without at least one around ^^'
Which rescue cat do I prefer most? - This is a hard pick, considering the 6 that run around the house, all with their own personality and such. If I had to pick, I'd say Morena and Remus. They're also moving home with me, once I'm out of school and house.
Is it true that a cat always sits near a woman's feet? - Personal experience says "no" xD My cats usually lean against my legs (about knee-high) or on my back/stomach. There's only one cat that'll sleep on my feet if nothing else is available; all others leave.
What's my hope for the future? - Becoming a teacher, so I can help kids break away from the vicious circle that is poverty, by giving them the chances they deserve and inspire them to follow their dream.

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What's my real name? - Nope, not sharing anymore :p
Why do I like Larvesta so much? - I don't really know, they're just so adorably hugable and fluffy ^o^
Why is my username "CatLady"? - Because I absolutely adore cats (and I have lots of them).
Choose an adjective to describe myself - I'd either pick "small", because I surrounded by giants at home, or "quiet".
Why is my profile "CatLady" and not "LarvestaLady"? - Because I'd like my (user)name to say a little something about myself that's general, and says something, without talking about a specific game. I've also liked cats longer than I've liked Larvesta xD
If you had a chance to meet an international singer, who would it be? - It's a toss-up between Shirota Yuu who's more of an actor than a singer, but I don't care xD and Adele, because I think meeting her could turn out pretty fun :)
Have I ever eaten a rotten sandwich? - Nope, but I have eaten rotten fruit before (accidentally)
Do I have a boyfriend? - Nope, I'm 100% single.
Which is my most favourite cat breed? - Either the RagaMuffin or a British Shorthair, from those I know and could actually pick from.
I could also say "European Shorthair", but that's not really a breed, so much as a group identifying strays as... well, strays xD
Would I consider myself kind? - I would, in the "I'll help you with that" sense. I'm more likely to explain than I am doing it for you.
What's my favourite colour? - Blue. It used to be red, then black for a very long time, but I've started to really like blue.
What is my favourite pokémon, besides Larvesta? - Volcarona; it used to be either Ponyta or Flareon, but backstory happened xD
Am I Batwoman or Catwoman? - I'm Catwoman give me catnip ;.;
Which new feature do I look forward eagerly in ph? - The release of Reshiram and Zekrom would be pretty nice:)
What is my worst nightmare ever? - I don't really remember ever having nightmares, aside from once when I was around 12. I fell of a bridge and into a pond filled with crocodiles.
What kind of family did I grow up with? - A pretty ordinary family, if you ask me ^^' One mom, one dad and a little brother; we're all still living together. I don't really have any contact with anyone else, aside from special occasions.
(follow-up question) Do you try to communicate with them or do I steer away from them? - We're not actively avoiding each other, it's just never occurred to any of us to pick up the phone and give someone a call ^^'
Which was my best and most important day in my life? - The best/most important day [note: this does mean not my happiest], would probably be the day I finally gathered all my courage and started following the course I wanted to follow from the very start. I finally allowed myself to state my opinion, rather than nodding along with everyone else.
Which was your worst and most unforgettable day in your life? - My 18th birthday, no doubt about that. It's the exact same day that my great-grandfather was buried :'(
Have I ever been drunk? - Nope; I'd never touch that stuff, if entirely possible.
What would be my first reaction if I got a shiny Ditto? - Probably laugh in disbelief, as that seems to be my reflex-reaction to sudden, wonder surprises xD
Have I ever had a boyfriend? - Nope, never have and probably never will.
What makes Cats and Larvestas special to you? -
Cats - Those actually came gradually; I've been around cats since I was 2 years old, and around my twelfth (birthday), they had climbed up the ladder to "favourite animal". There was one cat who only allowed me to pet them, and it thought me that wonderful feeling of being 'special' to cats =3
Larvesta - (oh boy, story time ^o^) It happened in B/W; I was just scrolling about, when I suddenly got an egg from a random NPC/stranger. To be honest, I hated the idea of another overhyped pokémon (like Pikachu) and I was panning on throwing it in the PC as soon as it hatched/evolved, because I still wanted the DexEntries. Once it hatched, though, it didn't look anything like I expected (not a Pikachu-clone), and it just looked to adorable, that I instantly fell in love with it *o*

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Are you apart of any fandom? Example: anime, homestuck, undertale - The only fandom I'm currently part of, is Pokémon.
I used to be part of a few more though -
Hetalia, Gundam (Wing), Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Fruits Basket and many more anime that I can't remember of the top of my hat xD
If you had unlimited funds and two weeks time, where would you go or what would you do? - That's an interesting question, with unlimited funds, though limited time, I'd probably travel to the worst parts of the world and try and do everything I can for a day or two, before shifting locations and doing the same thing there.
What are your hobbies? - I mostly enjoy reading and having walks, discovering hidden gems of Belgium (or the country I'm in).
I also enjoy listening to music from time to time ^^
How many countries have you visited? - I've been to 10 in total, I think -
Tenerife; the Netherlands; Germany; France; Switzerland; Austria; Denmark; England; Scotland; Italy

Numbers ^^
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Questions here
1. My real name is no longer being shared, sorry :p (which has been asked at a Q&A feed once as well xD)
2. I'm 1m58, which is 5f4, I believe?
12. 40%. My mobile anyway xD
14. this game I don't think I'm really addicted to anything, except maybe bananas :P
19. Sometimes, if I'm home alone :P
20. Only one, right? That there's no more suffering, for nobody and nothing.
21. The very first time I spent a week, alone, in our caravan ^^ Walking around the green surrounding the area every single day, enjoying nature and wonderful weather... It was a very lovely time :D
24. None so far; probably never will xD Living together with my special person [if one ever decides to show up] I can see myself do, but never marriage.
26. Hasn't happened yet; might never happen :P I'm 26 years old and never had (or wanted) a relationship so far.
31. Brown, very very dark brown
34. Being left all alone in this world; I like my solitude, but the thought of not being able to turn to anyone when I need to, terrifies me.
35. Not really ;) If I ever see one, I will.
36. Willful ignorance; I can understand not knowing and acting based on wrong/incomplete information. What I'll never understand/accept is continuing the hurtful/unacceptable behavior, even after you've been made aware it's wrong to act/think that way.
41. I'm mostly jealous of all those talented people who aren't too shy to display their creations to get even better ^^
50. Teacher in the highest grade in high school - English and/or Dutch

More numbers ^^
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Questions here
12. Pancakes with brown sugar, powdered sugar and strawberries, drowned in strawberry sauce. Delicious ^o^
18. England or Scotland. As long as it's rural (or as rural as possible), I'll be happy ^^
19. Random Encounters Laïs. It's a Belgian folk band, with mostly Dutch songs ^^
30. Flemish stew or vol-au-vent with mashed potatoes. I love it :D
32. None; I consider it from time to time, but I can't seem to think of something I'd like to see years into the future.
34. ...Do I have to pick just one? Ok :'( If I have to pick, I'd choose "Spellwright" by Blake Charlton (The Dutch title is "De Taal der Spreuken", which literally translates to "The Language of Spells" )
37. You can drive up to 50 km/h (31 miles/h) in first gear.
38. I've always liked 7 or 11; so I guess either of those ^^
39. I absolutely adore cats; I like dogs just fine, but I definitely love cats a lot more :P

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Wed, 04/01/2017 20:34 (8 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Quests

Where I keep track of the shinies that can't be hunted the ordinary way and thus easier for me to accomplish :p


Shiny Rattata [retro]

Shiny Zubat [retro]

Shiny Mew

Shiny Chikorita [retro]
September 2016

Shiny Cyndaquil [retro]
June 2016

Shiny Totodile [retro]

Shiny HootHoot [retro]
December 2015

Shiny Raikou

Shiny Entei

Shiny Suicune

Shiny Regirock
Ganseki Kyojin
23/01/2016 [?]

Shiny Regice
Kouri Kyojin
19/01/2016 [?]

Shiny Registeel
Tekkou Kyojin
23/01/2016 [?]

Shiny Regigigas
Tsuujou Kyojin
04/02/2016 [?]

Shiny Manaphy

Shiny Ducklett [retro]
April 2016

Shiny Meloetta

Shiny Meloetta (Pirouette)

Shiny Hoopa (Unbound)

In Progress

Shiny Bulbasaur (retro) - 1 Hatched
Shiny Charmander (retro) - 1 Hatched
Shiny Squirtle (retro) - 1 Hatched
Shiny Pikachu [retro] - 6 Hatched
Shiny Sentret [retro] - 20 Hatched [and all those before I forgot to count]
Shiny Glitch - 67 Hatched
Shiny Togepi [retro] - 7 Hatched
Shiny Celebi
Shiny Celebi [retro] - 1 Hatched
Shiny Poochyena [retro] - 4 Hatched
Shiny Zigzagoon [retro] - 3 Hatched
Shiny Taillow [retro] - 2 Hatched
Shiny Lugia - 1920000 Tickets bought [Jackpot won at 8/03!]
Shiny Lugia (retro) - 3 Hatched
Shiny Ho-Oh (retro) - 0 Hatched
Shiny Koffing (retro) - 0 Hatched
Shiny Delibird (retro) - 1 Hatched
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Wed, 05/04/2017 13:40 (7 Years ago)

Title: Hangman Shenanigans

Longest Steak -
10000! reached 01/06/2020 18:58
20000! reached 27/06/2020 22:50
35013 [Phantump happened]

Database expanded (from 1651 to 1919) on 28/06/2020 - fingers crossed!

My broken chains

Odds of the Lottery -
Chance of hitting 2 correct pokémon - 1 in 861
Chance of hitting 3 correct pokémon - 1 in 11480
Chance of hitting 4 correct pokémon - 1 in 111930
Chance of hitting 5 correct pokémon - 1 in 850668
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Thu, 21/09/2017 21:10 (7 Years ago)

Title: Emera Square Battle Prizes

Apricorn Battle Prizes [May-June]
Top 50 - Burned Tower upgrade or Marill (retro)
[Increased chance of Burned upgrade if you don't have it yet]

Berry Battle Prizes [October]
1st time in Top 50 - Route 102 upgrade
Top 50 - Vivillon [Fancy or PokéBall]

Base points -
1-20 = 50 Points each tonic
21+ = 25 Points each tonic

Additional Prize [in addition to the Top 50 prize]

Rank #1 = 1000 Points
Rank #2 & 3 = 800 Points
Rank #4 & 5 = 500 Points
Rank #6-10 = 250 Points
Rank #11-30 = 100 Points
Rank #31-50 = 0 Points

Show hidden content

#1 - 3775 Points [91 Tonics]; 4000 Points [100 Tonics]
#2 - 3050 Points [70 Tonics]
#5 - 2700 Points [68 Tonics]; 2200 Points [48 Tonics]
#6 - 2100 Points [54 Tonics]; 2275 Points [61 Tonics]; 1950 Points [48 Tonics]
#7 - 1925 Points [47 Tonics]
#9 - 1625 Points [35 Tonics]; 2050 Points [52 Tonics]
#10 - 1525 Points [31 Tonics]
#14 - 1775 Points [47 Tonics]
#16 - 1300 Points [28 Tonics]
#18 - 1600 Points [40 Tonics]
#19 - 1250 Points [26 Tonics]
#20 - 1150 Points [22 Tonics]
#28 - 1525 Points [37 Tonics]
#32 - 700 Points [14 Tonics]
#33 - 950 Points [19 Tonics]
#34 - 700 Points [14 Tonics]
#37 - 900 Points [18 Tonics]
#39 - 1375 Points [35 Tonics]
#40 - 1275 Points [31 Tonics]
#45 - 1325 Points [33 Tonics]; 500 Points [10 Tonics]; 550 Points [11 Tonics]
#46 - 1225 Points [29 Tonics]
#50 - 1150 Points [26 Tonics]
#53 - 1125 Points [25 Tonics]; 400 Points [14 Tonics]
#55 - 1125 Points [25 Tonics]
#56 - 650 Points [13 Tonics]
#57 - 1075 Points [23 Tonics]
#66 - 950 Points [19 Tonics]
#80 - 150 Points [3 Tonics]
#84 - 300 Points [6 Tonics]
#95 - 100 Points [2 Tonics]
#114 - 100 Points [2 Tonics]
#116 - 50 Points [1 Tonic]
#129 - 50 Points [1 Tonic]
#131 - 50 Points [1 Tonic]

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sun, 19/11/2017 11:54 (7 Years ago)

Title: Emera Square Professor Oak race

Week 1 - Pikachu; 3 Rare Candy
Week 2 - Eevee; 3 Golden Boxes
Week 3 - Magikarp/Gyarados; Retro Magikarp Egg
Week 4 - Snorlax; Yellow Flute
Week 5 - Mewtwo; Shiny Retro Magikarp Egg
rinse and repeat

Bless the new interaction feature (':
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Fri, 12/01/2018 16:43 (7 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hoopa (Unbound) Hunt

The [Treasure] Hunt for Shiny Hoopa (Unbound)

General Data

Show hidden content
Opened Treasures - 1381
Empty Treasures - 1190
Filled Treasures - 191
Average Chance at Success - 13,8%
♥ ♥ Hoopa 26,18%
♥ Game Chips - 37,7%
♥ Random Gems - 21,99%
♥ Evolutionary Items - 7,33%
♥ Ultra Ball - 0,52%
♥ Vitamin - 2,1%
♥ Rare Candy - 0,52%
♥ Precious Treasures - 3,66%

Total Game Chips - +56.800
Longest red streak - 28
Longest green streak - 4
Longest Hoopa wait - 115 Hunts
Shortest Hoopa wait - 1 Hunt
Least Hoopa in a day - 0
Most Hoopa in a day - 4
Average wait for Hoopa - 26,9 Hunts

Fun fact - I never found a Hoopa on a Monday

Them Opened Treasures

Show hidden content
You found the legendary Pokémon Hoopa inside the treasure box!
It fled instantly, I wonder where it went?
Maybe Professor Rowan knows more about this naughty little Pokémon.
(29)(14)(28 )(55)(4)(29)(21)(17)(19)(32)(10)(45)(18 )(47)(12)(6)(66)(35)(46)(9)(16)(15)(11)(12)(24)(115)(5)(21)(15)(12)(6)(25)(87)(44)(1)(3)(24)(21)(12)(34)(16)(64)(51)(1)(33)(38)(6)(38)(27)

Show hidden content
You found Precious Treasures in this treasure box!
1x Nuggets
35x Event Points
2x Nuggets
1x Nuggets
2x Nuggets
28x Event Points
26x Event Points

Show hidden content
You found Rare Candy in this treasure box!
1x Rare Candy

Show hidden content
You found Vitamin in this treasure box!
1x Calcium
1x HP Up
1x Zinc
1x Zinc

Show hidden content
You found Ultra Ball in this treasure box!
3x Ultra Balls

Show hidden content
You found Evolutionary Item in this treasure box!
1x Shiny Stone
1x Razor Claw
1x Prism Scale
1x Oval Stone
1x Dawn Stone
1x Weather Balloon
1x Razor Claw
1x Spray Duck
1x Protector
1x Oval Stone
1x Ice Stone
1x Spray Duck
1x Mega Stone
1x Razor Fang

Show hidden content
You found Random Gems in this treasure box!
2x Psychic Gems
5x Fairy Gems
4x Normal Gems
6x Fighting Gems
7x Bug Gems
2x Flying Gems
2x Rock Gems
7x Normal Gems
4x Flying Gems
4x Fire Gems
7x Ground Gems
2x Fighting Gems
3x Fairy Gems
4x Psychic Gems
6x Bug Gems
4x Fire Gems
8x Poison Gems
6x Ghost Gems
4x Fire Gems
7x Grass Gems
2x Dragon Gems
2x Dark Gems
5x Ice Gems
8x Steel Gems
2x Fairy Gems
7x Poison Gems
4x Steel Gems
7x Dark Gems
3x Steel Gems
3x Water Gems
3x Bug Gems
4x Bug Gems
6x Bug Gems
3x Fire Gems
6x Ice Gems
4x Electric Gems
4x Poison Gems
7x Poison Gems
3x Steel Gems
5x Bug Gems
3x Dark Gems
6x Fire Gems

Show hidden content
You found Game Chips in this treasure box!
8.000x Game Chips
18.600x Game Chips
8.300x Game Chips
13.800x Game Chips
3.700x Game Chips
8.800x Game Chips
2.800x Game Chips
11.200x Game Chips
9.500x Game Chips
12.100x Game Chips
12.600x Game Chips
100x Game Chips
400x Game Chips
11.600x Game Chips
17.600x Game Chips
19.600x Game Chips
7.900x Game Chips
4.300x Game Chips
8.700x Game Chips
7.700x Game Chips
19.000x Game Chips
4.500x Game Chips
19.300x Game Chips
14.100x Game Chips
3.500x Game Chips
1.800x Game Chips
19.000x Game Chips
5.900x Game Chips
400x Game Chips
4.200x Game Chips
2.400x Game Chips
500x Game Chips
19.200x Game Chips
1.800x Game Chips
17.000x Game Chips
6.200x Game Chips
12.800x Game Chips
11.000x Game Chips
16.800 Game Chips
3.300x Game Chips
15.800 Game Chips
18.700x Game Chips
17.100x Game Chips
15.400x Game Chips
14.800x Game Chips
7.100x Game Chips
6.000x Game Chips
5.200x Game Chips
10.700x Game Chips
2.000x Game Chips
18.600x Game Chips
2.400x Game Chips
17.100x Game Chips
18.600x Game Chips
600x Game Chips
18.900x Game Chips
9.800x Game Chips
9.500x Game Chips
19.300x Game Chips
12.500 Game Chips
6.500x Game Chips
5.600x Game Chips
18.400x Game Chips
15.800x Game Chips
18.900x Game Chips
2.800x Game Chips
300x Game Chips
16.700x Game Chips
15.100x Game Chips
13.700x Game Chips
6.100x Game Chips
17.300x Game Chips

Show hidden content
Oh no, the treasure box was empty! I bet you've missed something really rare!
Well, better luck next time. (x247)
Oh no, the treasure box was empty!
Well, better luck next time. (x943)

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Mon, 29/01/2018 15:36 (7 Years ago)

Title: Shiny Hoopa Hunt

The [Treasure] Hunt for Shiny Hoopa

General Data

Show hidden content
Opened Treasures - 1499
Empty Treasures - 1320
Filled Treasures - 179
Average Chance at Success - 11,9%
♥ ♥ Hoopa 27,93%
♥ Game Chips - 37,99%
♥ Random Gems - 13,97%
♥ Evolutionary Items - 15,64%
♥ Ultra Ball - 1,68%
♥ Vitamin - 1,68%
♥ Rare Candy - 0%
♥ Precious Treasures - 2,79%

Total Game Chips - -111500 [I lost Game Chips D': ]
Longest red streak - 35
Longest green streak - 3
Longest Hoopa wait - 88
Shortest Hoopa wait - 0 [twice!]
Least Hoopa in a day - 0
Most Hoopa in a day - 5
Average wait for Hoopa - 28,72

Fun Fact - I opened more Treasures, but got less variety

Them Opened Treasures

Show hidden content
You found the legendary Pokémon Hoopa inside the treasure box!
It fled instantly, I wonder where it went?
Maybe Professor Rowan knows more about this naughty little Pokémon.
(67)(18)(4)(3)(31)(61)(6)(48)(4)(12)(16)(15) (31)(86)(58)(17)(4)(30)(16)(29)(4)(11)(8)(30)(75)(46)(88)(4)(0)(26)(78)(23)(4)(33)(3)(45)(5)(31)(19)(16)(0)(47)(23)(14)(53)(9)(80)(40)(19)(46)

Show hidden content
You found Precious Treasures in this treasure box!
3x Nuggets
4x Nuggets
2x Nuggets
1x Nuggets
2x Nuggets

Show hidden content
You found Rare Candy in this treasure box!

No Rare Candies!

Show hidden content
You found Vitamin in this treasure box!
1x Protein
1x Protein
1x Iron

Show hidden content
You found Ultra Ball in this treasure box!
3x Ultra Balls
3x Ultra Balls
3x Ultra Balls

Show hidden content
You found an Evolutionary Item in this treasure box!
1x Dusk Stone
1x DeepSeaScale
1x Marmarizer
1x Electirizer
1x Shiny Stone
1x Reaper Cloth
1x Fire Stone
1x Up-Grade
1x Meltan Candy
1x Oval Stone
1x Thunderstone
1x Lava Cookie
1x Lava Cookie
1x Moon Stone
1x Leek
1x Whipped Dream
1x DeepSeaTooth
1x King's Rock
1x Fire Stone
1x Moon Stone
1x Moon Stone
1x Razor Claw
1x Dynamax Crystal
1x Cracked Pot
1x Sachet
1x Dawn Stone
1x Protector
1x Reaper Cloth

Show hidden content
You found Random Gems in this treasure box!
5x Fairy Gems
3x Ghost Gems
6x Bug Gems
7x Normal Gems
5x Electric Gems
7x Dragon Gems
3x Fighting Gems
3x Psychic Gems
4x Fairy Gems
4x Normal Gems
3x Dark Gems
3x Grass Gems
8x Dragon Gems
5x Fighting Gems
2x Normal Gems
7x Electric Gems
7x Dragon Gems
8x Poison Gems
2x Ghost Gems
8x Normal Gems
2x Dark Gems
4x Grass Gems
7x Normal Gems
3x Electric Gems
6x Fire Gems

Show hidden content
You found Game Chips in this treasure box!
10,600x Game Chips
17,300x Game Chips
3,600x Game Chip
9,100x Game Chips
10,500x Game Chips
5,800x Game Chips
7,400x Game Chips
10,600x Game Chips
18,100x Game Chips
18,500x Game Chips
5,000x Game Chips
20,000x Game Chips
13,100x Game Chips
11,100x Game Chips
8,400x Game Chips
16,100x Game Chips
600x Game Chips
2,600x Game Chips
8,400x Game Chips
2,200x Game Chips
5,700x Game Chips
19,100x Game Chips
18,900x Game Chips
11,100x Game Chips
18,100x Game Chips
4,700x Game Chips
1,600x Game Chips
9,400x Game Chips
5,000x Game Chips
10,700x Game Chips
15,100x Game Chips
6,000x Game Chips
15,600x Game Chips
16,800x Game Chips
7,000x Game Chips
4,900x Game Chips
14,500x Game Chips
7,900x Game Chips
600x Game Chips
8,400x Game Chips
400x Game Chips
11,700x Game Chips
1,800x Game Chips
6,200x Game Chips
6,600x Game Chips
6,300x Game Chips
4,500x Game Chips
13,500x Game Chips
1,700x Game Chips
17,800x Game Chips
13,700x Game Chips
900x Game Chips
13,500x Game Chips
6,500x Game Chips
6,800x Game Chips
14,700x Game Chips
12,700x Game Chips
10,900x Game Chips
17,100x Game Chips
10,100x Game Chips
9,900x Game Chips
1,600x Game Chips
11,500x Game Chips
16,700x Game Chips
5,800x Game Chips
10,900x Game Chips
2,300x Game Chips
1,800x Game Chips

Show hidden content
Oh no, the treasure box was empty! I bet you've missed something really rare!
Well, better luck next time. (x278)
Oh no, the treasure box was empty!
Well, better luck next time. (x1042)

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Fri, 09/02/2018 00:03 (7 Years ago)

Title: Informational tidbits

To get all Shiny SCS 'mons -
Have - 762 Tokens
Need - 3738 Tokens

Hourly Goal - 5000 Interactions => 65 Tokens
57 Hours to reach End Goal => 3 Days [3 Months]

1 task gives 0.00406901041%

[Rejection breakdown]
This suggestion has received less than 60% support and was moved to rejected.

[b]Total votes:[/b]
[b]Support ratio:[/b]

Fire Stone - Water Stone - Leaf Stone
1 Boil
+ Thunderstone
4 Boils
+ Moon Stone - Sun Stone
5 Boils
+ Shiny Stone - Dusk Stone
4 Boils
+ Dawn Stone
4 Boils
Mega Stone

To get Shiny Rainbow in about 477 Days -
12 Beach [= all energy; no food]
75 Lab Adopts [like that'll ever happen (': ]
11 Tall Grass [not impossible]
Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Tue, 22/12/2020 00:56 (4 Years ago)
Gonna start a Nuzlocke - here is where I'll keep track of everything that happened [and I blame Larvitar22 for]

===== Cat's First Nuzlocke - Pokemon Sun (Blame Larvi) =====

This is the first Nuzlocke I am ever running, at the urging of Larvitar22 (I finally gave in)

== Rules ==

1 - Every pokemon must be nicknamed.
- If a pokemon is not nicknamed, it is unusable until I can change its name

2 - The first encounter per grass/water is the only chance to catch a pokemon. (1 per grass, 1 water. Water includes both fishing and surfing.)
- If the pokemon faints, the encounter is consumed.
- Dupes clause is in effect. If I have caught a pokemon of that evolution line, I can choose to skip the encounter for a different one.

3 - Gift pokemon can be taken without consuming the encounter of that location e.g. Togepi egg in Eterna City in pokemon platinum

4 - Interactable pokemon are their own encounter seperate to the route e.g. Zapdos in the Kanto Powerplant

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Trainerlevel: 105

Forum Posts: 8,666
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2022 21:27 (2 Years ago)
Artists I want to draw all of my characters
[+ a chance for me to keep track of the art they already did]

Artist 1 [on hiatus] -
Show hidden content

Xerán v
Amaryllah v
Liss Aurealis v
Jack [and Jill]
Space Ace
Bianca & Melaina
Lady Cat
Unicks & Towa

Artist 2 -
Show hidden content
Xerán v
Nicolas v
Unicks & Towa
Liss Aurealis
Lady Cat
Jack [and Jill]
Space Ace
Bianca & Melaina

Artist 3 -
Show hidden content
Sakina v
Jack & Jill
Space Ace
Lady Cat
Bianca & Melaina
Liss Aurealis
Unicks & Towa

Artist 4 -
Show hidden content
Vinea v
Unicks & Towa
Liss Aurealis
Lady Cat
Jack and Jill
Bianca & Melaina
Space Ace

Artist 5 [off-site]
Show hidden content
Bianca & Melaina
Lady Cat
Space Ace
Liss Aurealis
Jack & Jill
Unicks & Towa

Artist 6 [Discord - picks own order]

Artist 7 [Toyhou.se]
Show hidden content
Lady Cat
Double & Demi
Bianca & Melaina
Miya Osamu
Liss Aurealis
Miya Atsumu
Jack & Jill
Unicks & Towa
Space Ace

Nothing to see here
Show hidden content

Credits for avatar to ~Cookie~

Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!