Forum Thread
××Deadly Tasks××《closed》
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → ××Deadly Tasks××《closed》Age (15-19): 17
Gender: Male

Weapon: See image.
History: He has devoted his whole life to training to a ninja for the emperor. He has been training for thirteen years.
Crush: None as he never left the emperor or his master.
Other: Since coming to this world, he has lost all his memories except his initials AJ. He doesn't like people that much and will watch from a distance. He doesn't know how to talk to people as equals and will consider himself lowly compared to them.

He is my buddy Adam.
Kenta nodded he tried to keep his leg on the table and bit his lower lip in pain
(Accepted )
Ayumi looked at kenta
Ayumi went and supported kenta to get up
Kenta walked with ayumi and altessia's help