Lotus stopped at a big tree, picking up the sound of Silver
singing. "You're saved!" She called mock-brightly. A Riolu stepped
out. "Oh thank ARCEUS" she didn't let Silver hear. "I-" she noticed
Grayson. "Who's this?" She asked with a small head incline. (sorry
I took so long)
Oscar return a few minute and handed to Mina close to her mouth
enough that she can reach(because she does not have hands)"thanks
Oscar, I thought i am going to starve" said Mina and happily eat
the berry. "do you think this island is too hot for a water pokemon
like you?" ask Mina while finished the last berry. "when I am too
sweating, I kind of just swimming under the water a lot of time"
said Oscar and start to sob. "are you okay, whats wrong?" worried
Mina that he might cry. "I miss my parent" said Oscar trying to
stop the tears from being notice by Mina thinking that he is a
crybaby. "hey don't cry we are the same thing, I miss my parent and
you miss your friends and parent, so no hard feelings" said Mina
petting Oscar with her tail. "thanks!" said Oscar as he stopped
Zero decided it was best to stop meeting other Pokemon til
tomorrow. He went near the fire with everyone else and sat down,
talking with them. Hunter noticed more Pokemon off near the