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Kaitos Map Shop - Commissions HIATUS

Forum-Index Fanmades Kaitos Map Shop - Commissions HIATUS
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 15:33 (8 Years ago)

Welcome to my mapping commissions area! First, I'll show you some of my works and then I hope you'll want to buy some maps!

Don't panic about the long text. I'll help you if you don't understand something! It's just that it's important to know what you want exactly. So how about you try to read everything? I think nearly everything is simple.

Commissions: full requests
Last update: 10/April/2018

My works

• I'm mapping since 20/June/2014
Visit me and my works on deviantart
• Program: Tiled
• Credits for all my tilesets:

Some examples of my work:

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Remake Blackthorn city

Nature Village

Pichu Deco-Command

Halloween Gym

Winter in pink city

Memories of the safari zone

Autumn route

More can be found at my deviantart account!

You can find the finished requests in my second post below the request list.



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• Do not use my maps without permission!
• Give credit when you use it on other sites!
• The displayed examples are not free to use!
• No spam, wait a little, I'll surely answer!
• I can decline a request!
• Give me some time, mapping takes some hours and I don't have so much freetime! (As for now, finishing a request could take more than 2 weeks.)
• Friendly critique is appreciated.
Post your request in this thread. Little details can be discussed via palpad if you want.
• Give me detailed information about your request (here in this forum thread)!
• The price has to be made clear with your request/before I start mapping.
• After finishing your request, I'll send you a preview of your map. If you like it, you pay the price and then I'll send you the original one. Don't pay beforehand!
• When you see your preview, you can request (small) changes! If I need to map it completely new, we should talk about the price. So be sure to exactly tell me your wishes!
I won't teach anyone how to do mapping. It would take to much time for me...

Quote from I C O N S

Normal icon 15.000+ PD
Special icon 18.000+ PD
The final icon will always have the size 150 x 150 px.

Quote from S I G N A T U R E S

608 x 240 px = 57.000+ PD or 1 Dragon gem and 7.000+ PD
608 x 240 px is the max. signature size. Everything bigger costs like other maps.
Price calculation:

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Every 16 x 16 px signature costs 100 PD.
Calculation example:
(608 × 240 px) : (16 x 16 px) x 100 PD
= (608 x 240 px) : 256 x 100 PD
= 57.000 PD

Your wished signature size (??? x ??? px) divided by 256 multiplied by 100 PD = your signature price!

If that's too complicated, tell me the wished size and I'll calculate you the price!

Framed version (special signature) costs 5k PD extra.

Quote from E M E R A B E A C H T R O P H Y
Emera Beach Shiny Trophy

Small size (160x160px) 25.000 PD
Big size (352x272px) 50.000 PD

Use this form for your request:
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The only things that change:
- Female or male character
- Shinies put in the water.
The rest of the map will stay the same!
If you want to add more shinies, just write me and I'll add them! Please note that the small version hasn't enough space for many shinies.

Form for request

Necessary to use this form - without it you won't get an Emera Beach Trophy.
[b]I want:[/b] An Emera Beach Trophy

[b]Size:[/b] Small / Big

[b]Male or female:[/b] xxx

[b]Shinies in the water:[/b] xxx

[b]Payment:[/b] xxx PD/ Dragon Gems

Quote from O T H E R M A P S
Other maps

Big maps take a lot of time and thus they're more expensive.
Price calculation:

Show hidden content
Every 16 x 16 px map costs 150 PD.
Calculation example:
(640 × 640 px) : (16 x 16 px) x 150 PD
= (640 x 640 px) : 256 x 150 PD
= 240.000 PD or 160 Nuggets or 4 Dragon Gems and 40.000 PD

Your wished map size (??? x ??? px) divided by 256 multiplied by 150 PD = your map price!

If that's too complicated, tell me the wished size and I'll calculate you the price!

Example of an other map:

Quote from A R T T R A D E
Art Trade

You are a spriter, drawer, ...? Read here:
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Palpad me! :) It would be nice if you show me some of your works and tell me, what you want from me (icon, special icon, signature).
On rare occasions I trade with other big maps, too. But only if I get a big Artwork/Sprite/... in return and I find your work really amazing. (I'll tell you if it's possible after you showed me some of your work.)
Please don't be mad if I don't want to do an Art Trade! >__< It's not like other Arts is my No. 1 priority so I'm not eagerly collecting them. I might be a bit picky when it comes to Artworks/Sprites/... since I want to have a nearly perfect (small) collection.

Examples of what I would like for my collection:
• Something that has to do with my favourite Pokemon:
• Something that has to do with series I'm a Fan of:

Required information for request

• What do you want?
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1) Normal icon
2) Special (framed) icon - possible frame colour: red, pink, cyan, dark blue, purple, green, brown
3) Signature, framed version for 5k PD extra (max. width with frame 608 px)
4) Other bigger map

• Which size should the map have?
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Icons will always be 150 x 150 px large.
Remember: One tile is always 16 x 16 px large. So your wished size must be divisible by 16.

• Which environment should the map have?
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Forest, sea, city, lake, tall gras, park, cave, beach, volcano, route .......(Just some examples, feel free to tell me your wishes!)

• Which pokemon or trainer (= overworlds) should be on the map?
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Name the pokemon and trainer, but it might be that I won't have your wished trainer sprite.
Trainer Overworlds Example 1 Trainer Overworlds Example 2 - if you find a matching one here, just tell me which one.
- I can't sprite, if you want your own trainer or a changed pokemon (f.e. pokesona) you need to give me an overworld-sprite!
- Rowlet, Litten and Popplio available!!

• Which tileset should I use?
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For example Magiscarf-Set or Gaia Project or BW-Ultimate-Mix or Retro or am I free to choose? I have so many tilesets so I can't list everything here. But I promise, you may trust me with the choice.
Important: I'm not a spriter. I can't make a house-tile myself so I can only use what I have or what you give me.

• Do you want a speak bubble or a sign?
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Here is the speak bubble example: .
Here is the sign example: .
There isn't much space for words, like you see. You have space for ~ 6 letters per row, please note this for your request.
One bubble or one sign costs 1.000 PD extra.
Free Speak bubbles (=emoticons):

• What do my maps cost?
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Have a look above the examples! Icons have fixed prices, extras like speak bubble cost a little bit in addition.
For the signature and other maps I explained the price above, if you don't know how to calculate it, just ask me.

Not only PD and Nuggets are accepted:
I'm desperately collecting dragon gems for the Kalos Trio but I don't have luck in finding them in treasures,... !
1 Dragon Gem = 50k PD
Example: If your Signature costs 57k PD, you can send 1 dragon gem and 7k PD! ;)

Possible form for request

Not necessary to use this form. But maybe it'll be of help.

[b]I want:[/b] An icon/ A special icon/ A signature/ An other map

[b]If special icon or special signature, colour of frame:[/b] red/ pink/ cyan/ dark blue/ purple/ green/ brown

[b]If not an icon, size of the signature/map:[/b] xxx px

[b]Environment on the map:[/b] xxx

[b]Pokemon/Trainer overworlds:[/b] xxx/you choose

[b]Tileset:[/b] xxx/you choose

[b]Speak bubble/sign:[/b] xxx

[b]Other:[/b] xxx

[b]Payment for icon:[/b] xxx PD

[b]Payment for signature/other map:[/b] xxx PD/Nuggets/Dragon Gems OR My wished size is ??? x ??? px, please tell me what that costs!

Explanation: Replace the "xxx" and choose between the /-options. If options only when the if-option applies to your request.
You find the form for an Emera Beach Trophy under the Trophy example pics. You must use this form to get a trophy.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to your requests!

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 17:06 (8 Years ago)

Request list

Best friend commissions
• Cony
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Special Signature
Price: 60.000 PD + Sailor Butterfly OW

Normal commissions
• leafyflareon
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Special Signature
Price: 2 Dragon Gems

• buschb
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Other map, 640 x 640 px
Price: 240k PD/ 4 Dragon Gems + 40k PD

• Mushspore
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Special Signature, 100 x 50 px
Price: 3k PD?

• Devil0356
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2 icons
Price: 1 Dragon Gem

• Kyoki
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Price: 100k PD

• articuno13
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Emera Beach Trophy
Price: ?

• Depressed
Show hidden content
Special Signature
Price: 120k PD

Finished requests

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Special Icons

Beach Trophies


Other maps

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 132
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 19:51 (8 Years ago)
Could I have a normal icon, I guess the map would be 150x150, could the environment be a forest, a diamond/pearl/platinum girl sprite with a shiny eevee, shiny umbreon, and shiny shinx? The tile set would be Magiscarf-Set. Could it have a little cabin, a little pond with a water type (any would do), and a little pokeball on the ground? Thank you so much for doing this!
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Wed, 30/03/2016 20:14 (8 Years ago)
Yes, I will try my best and than contact you! ;)

Edit: I'm sorry but I only have HG/SS and BW/BW2 Trainer Sprites...Would that be okay too?

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Thu, 31/03/2016 06:06 (8 Years ago)
Hi, I would like a big map

Description : as I told you :)

Offer : 100k Pd ^^
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Thu, 31/03/2016 17:27 (8 Years ago)
I finished my first commission: An icon for ~Wolfdove~! :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,013
Posted: Thu, 31/03/2016 18:22 (8 Years ago)
Can I have a normal icon 150x150, the environment is park, Pokemon: Sandslash and Hitmontop and Female Ace Trainer from Black/White, can I have a magiscarf-set please?

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Thu, 31/03/2016 19:38 (8 Years ago)
Of course! :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Fri, 01/04/2016 21:03 (8 Years ago)
I finished my first commission: An icon for SensGirl25! :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 648
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 06:18 (8 Years ago)
Whoa. .-.
just stopped by to say your stuff is amazing. *^*
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 09:03 (8 Years ago)
Thank you!!! >///< :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 68
Posted: Sat, 02/04/2016 13:46 (8 Years ago)
Hi! I would like to request a signature. :>

I want a beach with wild Pokémon. A forest behind the sand with some bug pokémon. I want - if possible - a variety of water pokémon (your opinion which pokémon are better), I just want to specify; some Omanyte in the sand near the water - if possible a shiny Omanyte - and two Omastar as if they are parents, some Chinchou in the water, Wingull flying over the water/beach, a Vaporeon.
I just want a trainer; Cress, a gym leader from Unova. The rest of the map is up to you.

Thank you, your work is amazing. x3
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 08:19 (8 Years ago)
Finished the route to Lorida Town for Aragon! :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Wed, 06/04/2016 19:57 (8 Years ago)
Finished the beach signature for Posey! :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 134

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Thu, 07/04/2016 14:37 (8 Years ago)
Heya :>

> Special icon - frame colour: purple or dark blue, the one you consider more fitting
> Environment - Something cave-ish, rocky and with some water
> Pokemon and Trainer - Crobat, Golbat or Zubat (whatever's possible with the tileset) and Bills Retro Sprite
> Tileset - Retro

Thanks in advance :3
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 05:27 (8 Years ago)
Finished the retro special icon for Leicester! :)

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 134

Forum Posts: 836
Posted: Mon, 11/04/2016 12:40 (8 Years ago)
+1 member to your fanbase :D

> Normal icon
> Environment - Another cave, small plants (maybe mushrooms or ferns) and a puddle
> Pokemon and Trainer - Crobat and Zubat; Bill
> Tileset - something natural, it's up to you this time
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 44
Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 14:15 (8 Years ago)
I would like to request for an icon 150×150 i want an sandstone house and a boy trainer is standing outside and there is tropius also and forest enviroment and cocount trees or what so ever you think is good :)
Trainerlevel: 84

Forum Posts: 850
Posted: Tue, 12/04/2016 16:47 (8 Years ago)
Finished the icon for Leicester! (My No. 1 member of fanbase :D)

In addition I made 2 free icons for King_Of_Tropius and tensazangetsu111 - who sold me nuggets!

Collecting Cubone plushies <3

Trainerlevel: 47

Forum Posts: 54
Posted: Wed, 13/04/2016 03:21 (8 Years ago)
Hi Kaitotemari, I would like a special icon
Icon Framed: Orange
Size: 150x150px
Environment: Volcano?
Pokemon: Haxours, Aggron, Torkoal
Tileset: You're free to choose.
Offer: 18K pd (if that not right just let me know please)

Avatar Icon Made by KaitoTemari