Caroline lays there, without any power and not hearing anything.
The truth however is that in the event of too less power, she is
put into suspension in her own small realn in her system. That
would only happen in below 1.1 volts. That is equivalent to a
potato battery.
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my
She walks closer to Caroline , she ignores Darkness
"I cant help you much but i help this will help a little bit
She created Blue Fire around her , Blue Fire starts flicker a
little and then it turned yellow suddely thunder shocks
"I dont know much about Electric pokemons but i heared they
gettiing power from thunders .."
Suddenly Darkness exploded into tiny pieces. The pieces whirled and
turned into a Delcatty. Her eyes were innocent - that was the true
form of Darkness. "I - I - All I remember is a w-witch cursing
me... Who are you?!"
"I... I..." She stutters and stand up. The flames extinguished and
Caroline teared again. It was clear... what made the flames go
down: Her sadness. It cooled.her down and the tears helped.too....
My feign ran out. Now it's time to
reappear, after more than two years. Hope I retained my