Leli and Oliver blinked, leaving the room quickly to see what was
happening. Kotoko followed in confusion as to what was happening.
"Let's just go find our dorms," Kotoko muttered irritably.
Leli grunted, falling over. "Ugh," she muttered, brushing herself
off. "Watch it, please," she growled, forcing her voice to soften
as she said 'please'. "Need help, Princess?" Oliver asked, trying
to not laugh as Leli accepted the outstretched hand of her friend.
He pulled her up and then she sighed. "Kotoko, do you know him? Or
am I the only one who doesn't?"
Leli and Oliver rolled their eyes at Ice's comment, with Leli
saying, "Whatever. Not like I'm going to listen."
Oliver commented, "Well, the girl you just knocked over, her name
is Leliana Demione. But I call her Leli." Leli waved before
introducing Oliver. "And this giant furball-" she gestured to
Oliver "-is Oliver Melinko. Feel free to figure out any nickname
for him."