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Forum Thread

~Rin-chan's Item and Service Shop~[OPEN]

Forum-Index Global Trade Station Trade Shops ~Rin-chan's Item and Service Shop~[OPEN]
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 22/03/2016 20:00 (8 Years ago)

Last store update: 12:13PM EST 12/08/2017

Rin-chan here! I have decided to open a shop because I always accumulate items that I don't need or use that others could find useful!

I will be FREQUENTLY updating, as soon as I have 3 new items to add, this shop so be on the look out. I will strive to offer every item, but there are no promises. I frequently grind for items to add to this shop, so if you need something I'll eventually have it!

I would say the most common items you will find around here are evolution items, gems, and golden boxes. I will also be selling Pokemon here, and I will also offer a breeding service once I hatch a shiny Dratini (only shiny I want! [Obtained Shiny?: No] [Breeding Service Open?: No])

Purchasing Formats

Buying ITEMS
Quote from Rin-chanItem(s) for purchase:
Total payment:
Urgent Request or No?:

Quote from Rin-chanPokemon for purchase:
Amount of said Pokemon you'd like to purchase:
Urgent Request or No?:

Breeding Services
Quote from Rin-chanDesired Pokemon:
Do I own said Pokemon?:
Pokemon Rarity:

Shop Rules

Quote from Rin-chan All PokeHeroes rules APPLY in this shop.
If you wish to purchase an item, service, or anything else from me PLEASE post it on here.
If there is ever a problem/discrepancy during the interaction and it is MY fault I will find a way to fix it or you will be refunded.
If there is ever a problem/discrepancy during the interaction and it is YOUR fault I will take action in either getting my item back or getting my payment.
If the shop is CLOSED then DO NOT POST on this thread for anything (even if my shop is full)! The shop is only closed when I will not be at my computer for a long time (2+ days).
IF you file for an Urgent purchase then DO NOT spam me. I am at my computer all day, work and school, and I will know when somebody comments on here! Please be patient.
ONLY apply for Urgent purchase if you need the item within the next 15 minutes.
When my breeding service is open please be patient in waiting for your turn. Do not message me or ask me when I will/think I will be done!

Thank you

Urgent Request/Purchase Service

Here in my Item Shop I would like to provide a fast interaction service. When I am awake I am usually at my computer, so I am able to interact with PokeHeroes quickly! Due to this I will be providing the Urgent Request service.

If you are in dire need for an item then simply answer YES!!! next to the "Urgent Request or No?" option when it is available.
Do not request this service if you do not need the item within 15 minutes or else. Please provide a reason next to your "YES!!!" as to why you need it so urgently.

I will keep the service connection or how fast I will respond by a ranking system that will be updated here!
The system: Fast!(2-5 minute response) or Moderate...(6-10 minute response) or Nonexistent(do not request urgent;probably sleeping)

Current Urgent Request Service Status:Nonexistent(do not request urgent;probably sleeping)

Breeding Service

Service Open?: No

We all know breeding shiny Pokemon is a HASSLE! Sometimes it takes away from you hatching other Pokemon! Well here I am to save the day c=

With Rin-chan's Breeding Service you can happily hatch all the eggs you desire without messing up your shiny chain! Since I already will have my desired team by the time this service is open, I have no problem at all for hatching a shiny egg for you!

This obviously comes with a price, because hey... you never know when I will want to hatch eggs of my own! I will offer a breeding service for Pokemon I have, and for Pokemon you have that I do not. That being said you will need to trust me with holding your Pokemon while they create some eggs! I want my service to be professional, so please DO NOT request my service if you do not plan on staying on PokeHeroes for long-term.

Rarity Prices (if I own the Pokemon)
Quote from Rin-chanEasy: 300 pd
Medium: 500 pd
Hard: 1000 pd
Rare/Special: 3000 pd
Other(INCLUDES FOSSILS): 6000 pd

(You may also pay in Nuggets for Rare, Special, or Other category)
(You may ask for ANY egg to be bred by paying with the "Other" rarity)
(Specific genders MUST be negotiated with me AFTER you buy. I will breed for a certain gender, but it will raise the price. You must also clarify if I am keeping the incorrect gendered Shiny if it hatches so.)

Rarity Prices (if I DO NOT own the Pokemon)
Quote from (Rin-chan)Easy: 150 pd
Medium: 350 pd
Hard: 550 pd
Rare/Special: 1500 pd
Other(INCLUDES FOSSILS): 3000 pd

(You may only use this service if I APPROVE of the Pokemon that you want to breed (AS IN PM ME FIRST TO ASK FOR THIS PARTICULAR FORM OF SERVICE (PM me only saying "Rin-chan please will you breed _________ for me. I will provide the Pokemon since you do not have them")))
You will obviously have to trust that I will not steal your Pokemon. I give you my word that I will not.

(You may also pay in Nuggets for Rare, Special, or Other category)
(You may ask for ANY egg to be bred by paying with the "Other" rarity)
(Specific genders MUST be negotiated with me AFTER you buy. I will breed for a certain gender, but it will raise the price. You must also clarify if I am keeping the incorrect gendered Shiny if it hatches so.)

I will also have HOLDING spots open! I will have up to 4 holding spots open while I am breeding for my current customer. You may only request a holding spot by PM (private message) Holding spots are to guarantee that you will be my next or soon to be customer.

If any holding spots are open you may request whichever spot for FREE, but if all of the spots are taken you must pay a lot to bump off or down someone.
Quote from Rin-chanHolding Spots Open:


(When all spots are taken) (Please note that if you pay for a holding spot then you do not have to pay for the original price also)
Purchase Spot Prices:
For 4th: 10,000 pd (50 nuggets)
For 3rd: 15,000 pd (55 nuggets)
For 2nd: 25,000 pd (100 nuggets)
For 1st: 100,000 pd (250 nuggets)
(pd:nugget ratio is purposely off balance for this service)


Quote from The Big Bag Shop (Bag Items) Items Shown are for Sale:
Mystery Box (Brown) x1 7,500pd each
Mystery Box (Dark Blue) x3 7,500pd each
Mystery Box (Light Blue) x2 7,500pd each
Mystery Box (Pink) x2 7,500pd each
Mystery Box (Purple) x2 7,500pd each
Mystery Box (Red) x2 7,500pd each
Mystery Key (Brown) x2 8,000pd each
Mystery Key (Dark Blue) x1 8,000pd each
Mystery Key (Green) x1 8,000pd each
Mystery Key (Light Blue) x1 8,000pd each
Mystery Key (Red) x1 8,000pd each
Carbos x1 2,000pd each
Fighting Gem x14 500pd each
Flying Gem x25 550pd each
Grass Gem x21 500pd each
Ground Gem x7 500pd each
Normal Gem x24 1,000pd each
Poison Gem x54 500pd each
Rock Gem x4 500pd each
Water Gem x1 500pd each
Dark Gem x1 550pd each
Sun Stone x1 2,500 each
Fire Stone x5 2,000pd each
Leaf Stone x1 2,000pd each
Oval Stone x1 2,000pd each
Thunderstone x2 2,000pd each
Dubious Disc x1 3,5000pd each
Razor Fang x3 2,500pd each
Reaper Cloth x1 4,000pd each
Sachet x1 3,500pd each
Everstone x2 2,500pd each
Honey x51 55pd each
Lemonade x64 100pd each
Soda Pop x42100pd each
Pokeball x100 150pd each

Quote from The Pokémon Selling Witch
-Hello! Welcome to my shop~ I take care of the Pokémon that Rin-chan puts up for sale! Click the link below to see which Pokémon are for sale! Remember! There is no set price ATM for any Pokemon, so you must make offers. If Rin-chan keeps getting offers that make no sense then she will have to price them (Which would stink! She would rather have you offer for them!)!

Click here to see the current Pokemon that are for sale!

-Hey there! Remember you MAY look through Rin-chan's other Pokemon that are not for sale, and PM requesting to buy one. Please Note: Rin-chan will not take offered prices for Pokemon that are NOT for sale. She has a set price for each of them. Do not ask to buy Rin-chan or Oppa; You will automatically be declined.

Banned/Warning List

This shop has rules and you MUST follow them. If you break any of the rules above, do not follow the instructions above, or just generally spam, not spam buying, you will be warned or banned.

IF you get warned you will not be permitted Urgent Response or my Breeding Service. You may get a total of 3 warnings, and individual warnings last up to ONE WEEK. Warnings are given out when rules are broken and instructions not followed.

IF you are banned then you will get ZERO service from me. Bans can be permanent, but they also can be for a limited amount of time. Bans are given out when you either get 3 warnings or are just too lewd in general.

PLEASE make this so I do not have to ban or warn ANYONE. Please read all of the sections that apply to you so this can be avoided. Thank you!

Quote from The WardenBelow is a list of those who currently have a warning or are banned

Currently warned members:
None! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶
Currently banned members:
None! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

Thank you for stopping by! Please come again~

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 15:00 (8 Years ago)

Title: [Closed]Rin-chan's Item and Service Shop Thursday Sale!

Thursday Sale Store!

How many days until sale?: The sale is in 7 days!

What happens during the sale?

Well it is obviously a sale, so that being said a few items will be on sale! Every Thursday on this post 5 different items will be on sale. These items will only be on sale for one day, and will revert back to the regular price once it hits midnight EST(or before I go to bed). Below are the five items that are on sale today!

Please Note: Some items can stay on sale for 3 weeks at a time, so if 1 or 2 items go unchanged for a few Thurdays it's because I wanted to keep it that way. So if you notice this, then please do not inform me about the repetitivity... Thanks!

Items on Sale

Quote from Rin-chan

Thursday sale will be re-starting on December 14th, 2017!

Thank you for stopping by! Come again~

Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 1,802
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 22:49 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: 2 x Firegem, 2 Lemonade, please
Total payment: 1200 PD
Urgent Request or No?: No
Please send missing Plushies! If nothing is missing or you can't buy/afford it, send anything you like :-)

Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Thu, 24/03/2016 22:54 (8 Years ago)

Title: Transactions for 3/23/2016

Request accepted (YourAngel_88)! If you see this post before recieving your items, send the PD by clicking here and sending them via Gift some Pokedollars. Thank you!

"YourAngel_88 sent you a gift of 1200

Thank you very much for the fast trade"

Transaction successful

"robel sent you a gift of 92000"

Transaction complete
Items bought: Dragon Gem x1 and Star Piece x1
Reasoning for not using thread: Isn't able to post?

robel will not be warned, but will be if I find that they can post on forums

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 240
Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 02:01 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: 2 grass gems, 2 bug gems, 2 normal gems, 1 water gem, and 1 fairy gem.
Total payment: 5,300PD I think.
Urgent Request or No?: Nope
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 02:06 (8 Years ago)

Title: Transactions for 3/24/2016

Request accepted (GhostTina)! If you see this post before recieving your items, send the PD by clicking here and sending them via Gift some Pokedollars. Thank you!

You shall receive your items shortly

"GhostTina sent you a gift of 5500

Small tip"

Transaction completed

Note: Thank you for the tip! Next time GhostTina uses my services they will receive a small discount!

Request accepted (Professor_Mac)! If you see this post before recieving your items, send the PD by clicking here and sending them via Gift some Pokedollars. Thank you!

You shall receive your items shortly

"Professor_Mac sent you a gift of 6300"

Transaction completed

Trainerlevel: 108

Forum Posts: 913
Posted: Fri, 25/03/2016 02:12 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: Brown key x1
Total payment: 6,300 PD
Urgent Request or No?: No
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: Moonstone
Total payment: 2,500 PD
Urgent Request or No?: Nope
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 00:28 (8 Years ago)

Title: Transactions for 3/25/2016

Request accepted (Poke-Potato)! If you see this post before recieving your items, send the PD by clicking here and sending them via Gift some Pokedollars. Thank you!

You shall receive your items shortly

"Poke-Potato sent you a gift of 2500

Thank You!"

Transaction completed

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,130
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 14:50 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: All of your boxes and keys
Total payment: 56k PD
Urgent Request or No?: Nope~ X3
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 18:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: Transactions for 3/26/2016

Request accepted (Yuki-chan)! If you see this post before recieving your items, send the PD by clicking here and sending them via Gift some Pokedollars. Thank you!

You shall receive your items once you respond to my PM showing you are online (Since it is 1AM in your area).

"Yuki-chan sent you a gift of 56000

I have to sleep so I'm sending the PD now, sorry X'D
And thank you for everything~ X3"

Transaction completed

Trainerlevel: 91

Forum Posts: 835
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 21:05 (8 Years ago)

Item(s) for purchase: Rare candy
Total payment:3300Pd
Urgent Request or No?: Need it for tomorrow :)
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Sat, 26/03/2016 23:09 (8 Years ago)
Hello Silverlightx your request has been excepted, but you have received your first warning.
The current status for Urgent Request is Non-existent/Do not request. Please read the the portions that apply to you in the OP.

"Silverlightx sent you a gift of 5000

Thank you so so much!"

Transaction Complete

Since Silverlightx has given a large tip, they will receive a large discount with their next purchase

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Tue, 29/03/2016 21:34 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon wanting to buy: Cyndaquil (Retro)
Payment: 10,000 PD
Urgent?: nope
if i am able to have this, then thank you very much Rin-chan
:P (Y)

avatar made by auroradragon93
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
In soviet russia,
The Poem writes you.
How i got these shinies:
Shiny Hunted: #124
Bought for 90k
won at auction (forgot bid)
Shiny Hunted: #162
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 29/03/2016 21:56 (8 Years ago)

Title: Transactions for 3/29/2016

Offer accepted (PennyThePokemon)! Please search for the trade on GTS and gift me 10,000 Pokedollars. Thank you!

"PennyThePokemon sent you a gift of 10000

accept gts offer and here is my payment"

Transaction Completed

Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 334
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2016 00:58 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase:Mystery Box(Brown) x1
Total payment:7.5k PD
Urgent Request or No?: Yes
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 258
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2016 18:59 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: Mystery Boxes and keys: Gold, Pink (2), Blue, Green (2), Red.
Total payment:59.5k PD
Urgent Request or No?: Yes

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 201
Posted: Sun, 03/04/2016 21:38 (8 Years ago)
Pokemon for purchase: Vivillion (Icy Snow, Ocean, and Sandstorm) plus Alakazam and Autumn Alakazam
Amount of said Pokemon you'd like to purchase: 5
Offer: 23,000 PD
Urgent Request or No?: Nope
Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 04:21 (8 Years ago)
Item(s) for purchase: 3 Soothe Bells.
Total payment:2.85kPD
Urgent Request or No?: No
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Mon, 04/04/2016 11:01 (8 Years ago)

Title: Transactions for 4/4/2016

Apologies to everyone! I was not at home at all yesterday, but I kept the shop open just in case!
All of your orders have been accepted, and I will be PMing you all to confirm your orders.

Thank you for your cooperation, and thank you for shopping at Rin-chan's store!

Order accepted for Gleyre

"Gleyre sent you a gift of 2000"

Transaction Complete

"Sazuka sent you a gift of 7500"

"Garou sent you a gift of 59500"

"andrewanlol sent you a gift of 2850 "

Transactions Completed

"Poke-Potato sent you a gift of 23000

I'll go get those pokes rn"

Transactions Completed

Order Accepted for Poke-Potato

"Poke-Potato sent you a gift of 8000 "

Transaction Completed