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Lost At Sea (Open/Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Lost At Sea (Open/Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 00:46 (8 Years ago)
Maria sat in her cabin on a pile of blankets in the corner, book in hand. She read the scrawled words on the page, eyes skimming over them lightly and just enough to tell what the ink said. She finished the chapter, and placed the book on her table in her room. She slipped herself in front of the mirror, tilting her head as she looked at herself. Her face had dust and dirt on it, and her hair was in a messy braid. She let out a sigh as she tried to get off the dust, shaking herself in an attempt.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Trainerlevel: 33

Forum Posts: 788
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 00:58 (8 Years ago)
Amidda did a loop in the water, causing a loud splash in doing so. She began to swirl a bit, even though her head was out of the water again. She made sure to keep up with the ship while doing this, as her tail would continue to help with this. She felt free out in the open ocean, not cooped up in a small reef.
I never change this

click the image above to go to my toyhou.se
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 02:00 (8 Years ago)

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Name: Neith
Age: Unknown; Likely several centuries
Gender: Female
Species: Cirein-cròin/Beisht Kione Hybrid
Appearance: Due to her nature of being a shapeshifter, Neith has the ability to switch forms. Her first, true form is that of a gargantuan sea serpent, covered in violet-silver scales, dark obsidian scales covering her head, with bleached lavender fins, which line her spine. Her scales are sharp-edged, and she has several rows of dagger-like teeth. Her monstrous form is quite colossal, but she prefers to stick to her less threatening forms, mainly due to mobility and for the sake of socializing. She has glowing light blue-violet eyes in all of her forms.
Her second form is that of a young woman with the lower half of a sea-serpent, though she could be mistaken for a merperson if you didn't notice her lower half. Her straight, smooth hair is the same color as her head-scales of her serpentine form, and is long enough to cloak her entire top half. She looks somewhat foreign, possibly asian, and has pale, creamy skin, dappled with silvery-grey scales along her back, and webbed fingers. Her lower half is almost like a smaller, more silvery version of her monstrous form, though much less pointy and dangerous. She has gills on each side of her neck by the base of her head, as well as a larger pair placed around the bottom of her ribcage.
Her third form is basically the top half of her mer-form with a more human lower half, two legs and everything. She still has webbed fingers and toes, gills, and pointed teeth, as well as the same violet-silver scales along her spine, wrists, and ankles.
She also has the ability to shapeshift into almost any species of saltwater fish, and has bright silver scales whenever she does so.
Personality: Neith is very curious, and moderately social. She has a penchant for mischief, and enjoys investigating wandering sailors. She is quite friendly for a gargantuan man-eating sea monster, and actually prefers not to strike fear into the heart of her enemies unless it's absolutely necessary.
Crush: Open
Theme: TBA
Other: N/A
Questions/Concerns: N/A

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Name: Lành Ceto
Age: 25
Gender: Genderfluid
Ship: The Night's Corsair
Position: Sailor, swordsperson, seems to know a little bit of everything.
Appearance: Lành is fairly plain in appearance, with wavy, shoulder-length brown hair, hazel colored eyes, and tan, freckled skin. Their slightly-pointed ears have numerous piercings, and they tend to wear more plain, simple clothing. They have a tall and somewhat willow-like body type, elegant and careful with their movements. They're fairly androgynous, though their features lean towards feminine. They seem to be somewhat resistant to most forms of magic, including siren-song, perhaps due to some mythological ancestry? They have a blue-green tattoo of a sea serpent on their back, twisting around to wrap over their shoulder and up the left side of their neck.
Personality: Lành is a very sturdy and calm, unimpressed by most people. They are quite talented at music and learning the basics of things but never actually doing anything with those gained skills. They prefer more calming activities like wood carving and music, though they are decent with a sword. Lành has a very mellow, peacekeeping personality, and in generally uninterested in romantic relationships, save for a few exceptions.
Crush: Sean eventually maybe??
Theme: TBA
Other: N/A
Questions/Concerns: N/A

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 02:56 (8 Years ago)
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 03:18 (8 Years ago)
Sean: //after walking around a little and adjusting to his legs, Sean stepped onto deck. His hair flowed gently with the sea air as he got a good look at the crew. He sneered slightly because humans bothered him quite a bit. Sean wandered around a little getting an idea for different escape routes. He tapped his chin and looked up at the sky, wincing at the bright sun. He kept wandering before spotting one of the young ladies on deck. His movements quick and graceful, he moved closer to Kel. Sean tapped the girl's shoulder gently to get her attention/ Hey there...//he said in a low, somewhat seductive sounding tone. Sean's red eyes looked here up and down as he ran his slim fingers through his soft, blonde hair./
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 12:42 (8 Years ago)
Lành knew the moment she saw the man that he did not belong. His face was unfamiliar to her, something that left her deeply unnerved, pushing her to investigate. They made their way over to the blonde, just ad he began pestering one of the young ladies on deck. Lành almost groaned. He was probably some sort of shapeshifter from the sea, which would explain his unfamiliarity. They sighed as they made their way up to the man. "Hey, sod off, she's got work to do." She said, a hand on the man's shoulder. Normally she'd be less blunt, but she really didn't feel like playing around with some mer that had snuck on board right now.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 13:58 (8 Years ago)
Sean: //the sirens eyes flicked with surpise as he turned to see who had touched him. He gave them a look up and down and pushed their hand out of the way./ Why dont you buzz off and mind your own business pal. //he said sternly to Lành with a harsh red glare. He was slightly frustrated because he had been interrupted from trying to seduce someone. Sean continued to stare at them until they decided to walk off and go back to whatever they were doing.
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 17:12 (8 Years ago)
Lành almost laughed at the mer's snarky reply. She met his eyes, a somewhat amused grin playing on her lips. "Cool your gills there, salty. This is my business. That's my crew-mate you're trying to get friendly with, after all. You'd better get going before someone pushes you into the sea themself, fish boy." She said, gently pushing him with one hand by his back, away from the girl. "Please don't try to seduce any more of my crewmates, if you could. I'm not sure if I could resist throwing you off deckthe next time you try." She said with stifled laughter.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 18:24 (8 Years ago)
She stiffened, caught off-guard as a mysterious man tried to seduce her. Before she could say something, a crewmate told him off which in turn earned Sean a small smirk. "Thank you, but no thank you. I would prefer to finish up my work and i'd gladly let dear Lành throw you off the ship if you continue." Kel snapped, glowering at the two before her. "Actually, I wonder what are you. No human can climb onto this ship unnoticed for so long, so you must be from the sea." She suddenly realized, ironically growing more interested in Sean.

Hazarashi was swimming along the sea floor, darting between spaces in coral and rocks while trying to catch up with the whale-thing. He never dared to go to the surface after his fellow sea creatures warned him that the things above were mean. "Maybe not all of them...are mean?" He mumbled to himself, not realizing that he was floating towards the surface. Haza jumped slightly as he heard voices, then quickly darted underwater. He was shaking uncontrollably as he turned back into a seal. 'T-They saw me, and they'll hunt me down...i'll be endangering my species! I wish I never came up..' The seal was horrified of the possible outcomes.

"Hey Cap-" His voice was cut off when he noticed his captain asleep. He gently sighed and quietly walked out. As Riurel went onto the deck, he noticed Madelyn near the railing. "Doesn't that bother you?" Riu called out, silently debating if he should join her. He decided against so, he still had work to do. Before he could resume whatever he was doing, he noticed a mop of silver in the water. "One of those sea creature things? What'cha doing so close to the surface?" Riu called yet again, startling the poor seal back into the ocean. "Shy, huh? Nevermind." He chuckled and yet again resumed whatever he was doing.

and i was always tired but never of you

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 23:05 (8 Years ago)
Sean: //he scoffed at the negative remarks from both of the crew members that he received. Sean rolled up his sleeves and scowled/ I'm awfully offended. You both seriously think I'm a sea creature! I slipped myself on this putrid ship before you guys set sail. I've just been hiding below deck from that hot babe of a captain you have. //he said in a rather douchey tone, considering he had literally no fish-like features to give himself away. He played with the open collar of his button up shirt a little before wrapping a finger around a lock of Lành's hair./ Say...you're kinda cute...~ //Sean said with that disgustingly attractive grin of his/ Despite being really rude to me. But i have you know, I like the girls that play hard to get. It makes things a lot more fun and interesting...
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 23:27 (8 Years ago)
Souris Winters woke up with possibly the worst hangover she's ever had- and she had been just lying in the hammock in her office while she pretended to work- not that she really had that much to do. She kept a very strict work schedule, and (mostly) stuck to it. She sighed loudly and dramatically, cringing as she did so. "Well, maybe a few minutes on deck'll help me get my bearings back in order-" she murmured tiredly, raking her sweet time getting up. As soon as she left the privacy of her quarters, her natural expression easily shifted into one that looked a lot more strict and cool. "Ok, time 'ta see what these sea rats've been mucking up-" she said, practicing her stern 'captain's voice'.

She whistled as she walked to the ship's deck, trying to ignore her pounding headache, when she noticed a small commotion happening ahead. She immediately noticed an unfamiliar man and narrowed her eyes as she stalked forward. She might not have spent very much time with most of her crew, but she could easily tell that the man wasn't one of hers- there were very few men in her crew, and he just seemed out of place. "Oi! I'd suggest that you step away from the lass, 'fore you find yerself with a bullet in ya!" She called out, reaching for her pistol- and then her fingers found nothing. She seemed to have left it in her quarters, and she cussed quietly as she grabbed her cutlass- hopefully she wouldn't need to use it. It's been quite awhile since she hadn't had some kind of gun in reach and ready to fire.

(Tfw u don't post 5ever then suddenly write a lot

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Fri, 18/03/2016 23:46 (8 Years ago)
Sean: //he stopped playing with the crew member's hair to turn his attention to the captain. His eyes widened with joy as she came out/ So here's the captain! //he said excitedly, considering hes most interested in her anyway/ Sorry that you had to meet me this way. I really just want to work on your ship and such. Seducing your crew members was just my way of getting your attention! //he said with the cutest grin he could pull off./ Oh, it seems your intimidation game was broken, since you don't have your pistol. But it worked, and I respect you for trying your best. //he looked Souris up and down with those blood red eyes and kinda grinned/ Yannow, you're a lot shorter than i pictured you before. //Sean said while shifting his weight to the left and setting a hand on his hip
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 05:22 (8 Years ago)

Name: Yachi Kasuma

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Ship: Night's Corsair

Position: Co-Captain

Appearance: Please refer to the picture above. Usually wears punkish sorts of clothes, usually purple or black or a combination of both. Usually elegant. Has black hair, but strangely looks purple in some lights.

Personality: Yachi is well-mannered and a glib speaker, but doesn't expect the same from others. No mater how or what you speak, as long as you respect his position he will show you the same respect. Like most pirates, he loves treasure, and will fight for it. He will also fight for anyone he feels loyalty for, such as Captain Winters. For his captain, he will sail anywhere, fight anyone, and give up--no, actually, he would never give up his treasure. Sorry Captain. But he expects the same loyalty from the crew he--somewhat--commands. Cross him and you will find yourself at the pointy end of his sword or--in the most cliche way possible--walking the plank! Overall, Yachi is a happy and joking sort of Co-Captain with a hearty greed for treasure and a strong loyalty to his captain.

Crush: None at the moment.

BF/GF: None at the moment, either open.

Theme: Moon-Viewing Recital

Other: Nothing, capt'n.

Questions/Concerns: None thus far.


Name: Akemi Higashi

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Ship: Night's Corsair

Position: Cook

Appearance: Like Yachi, Akemi often wears punkish sorts of clothes, though she usually sticks to black and red. She also wears spiked accessories. When she cooks, she wears a black and red apron over whatever else she's wearing, along with a specially-made black chef's hat. Her hair has a red streak, on the right side--her right--of her bangs.

Personality: Akemi is usually straight-faced, sneering perhaps or getting irritated on occasion, but still keeping a stoic expression most of the time. When she does smile, it's to seduce or make fun. Like this, she keeps most of her emotions bottled up inside to explode in private--where the food is not kept. She doesn't usually take her out on people, but if you irritate her expect a leer or perhaps a restriction on your diet. She is the chef, after all, and thus has the power to not feed you. So perhaps you should watch your tongue around her? If she is ever truly happy, it will not be easy to see. You will have to notice the smallest of changes to see that she enjoys where she is or who she is with. Right now, she likes only a few people on the ship. If you fully anger her, expect a bullet between your eyes. If ever in love, Akemi will be the type to deny it, admire from afar, and most likely never confess.

Crush: None at the moment.

BF/GF: None at the moment, either open.

Theme: Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat's Life

Other: Nothin' to say, Capt'n.

Questions/Concerns: None thus far.

". . . Mother? . . . You can call me however you like, my child."

"When humans fall down here, strangely... I... I often feel like I already know them. Truthfully, when I first saw you, I felt... ... like I was seeing an old friend for the first time."

"Be good, won't you? My child . . ."
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 19/03/2016 22:47 (8 Years ago)
Lành stiffened slightly as the mer twisted a lock of her hair around his finger. She was just about to say something about him smelling like seaweed before the captain came above decks. "Ah, yes. 'Seducing.' Sure, if that's what you want to call it." She mumbled, crossing her arms across her chest. "Captain, I wouldn't trust him. He smells like mer." Lành advised, brushing some of her hair behind one of her pointed ears, her silver earrings reflecting sunlight.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 05:15 (8 Years ago)
(@Lady, ur accepted :D)

Sean: //he looked away from their earing, since the glare was hitting him straight in the eye/ Watch where you aim that thing before someone goes blind-- //he sneered at Lánh, wincing away/ And whats more suspicious than these point ears! //he said, pinching one of their pointed ears and shaking it around a little/ Someone sporting ears like those have to be some sort of shape shifter. And how are you supposed to know what a mer-person smells like if youre human! //Sean stated in a powerful, self impressed voice, trying to call Lánh out on being a sea creature instead of him, since he really didnt share any signs or traits of being from the ocean at all besides smelling of sea water, which almost anyone would smell like that if theyve been out at sea long enough.
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 05:59 (8 Years ago)
Souris scowled at the trespasser and pointed her sword at him. His little comment about her height made her want to throw him overboard immediately. "Ya know, a sword through the gut hurts about as much as a bullet does." She said lowly, letting a bit of her anger seep into her words. "Also, it ain't the smartest idea to annoy a ship's captain an' her crew while you're in the middle of the ocean." She moved forward, and as short as she may be, she still was still the captain and she commanded respect as she walked. "Now, I'd lie to know what the hell you're doin' on my ship, mer-boy." She nearly growled. She trusted Lánh- or as much as a pirate captain could trust her crew. "And stop talking to my crew, they've got jobs to do." She ordered sternly.

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 19:25 (8 Years ago)
Sean: Man, you all really are a stubborn bunch aren't ya...//the siren sighed, totally displeased with the fact that his disguise didnt work the way he though it would/ Well i mean if you want the truth i have it for ya. //he took a deep breath before saying what he needed to say/ Alright, you caught me. I ain't no human. Im a siren. But the reason im on your ship is because I want to feel human. I dont like living in the sea because its far too large for my personal preference and i kinda wanna work on a pirate's ship i guess. //Sean shrugged at his words and looked at Souris/ And im sorry for flirting with your crew members. Its just instinct, yannow.
Who is your true family...?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 20/03/2016 20:11 (8 Years ago)
Souris grinned savagely, letting the tip of her sword poke the Siren. "Well, who woulda thought! A siren who doesn't like the sea!" She almost laughed at the idea. She kept her sword on him as she continued to talk. "Yer forgiven for the flirtin'- after all, my instincts are tellin' me to just run ya through with my blade, but since I'm able to control myself, I'll let'cha live." She pulled back a bit and spoke with a more dangerous tone. "But I haven't forgiven you for trespassin' on my ship. Though since you apparently want to be a part of my crew, we'll see if we can't" she grinned widely "arrange something."

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 00:04 (8 Years ago)
Lành flinched back as the siren grabbed her ear, shaking it a bit. She almost hissed with indignance as she swatted his hand away. She couldn't stifle a groan of displeasure as her captain mentioned arranging for the siren to perhaps join the crew. "If you're going to have the siren stay aboard, I'd suggest he perhaps stay in my cabin. Most of the other cabins are relatively full, plus it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep him somewhere he couldn't do much harm." She said, referring to her inexplicable immunity to most magic. She rarely acknowledged her non-human ancestry, and for good reason. There was a cause for her not sharing a cabin.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 21/03/2016 01:28 (8 Years ago)
Ɏɑȼʜɪ Ҟɑϛʊϻɑ
Giving up saying, 'I'd rather', that's not an option.

Yachi was dreaming, and it was a good dream. In fact, it was one of the best dreams he'd had in a long while. So, of course, he was violently awoken for no apparent reason. Finding himself on the floor with a new bump on his head instead of bathing in a shower of gold coins--which didn't hurt for some odd reason--was quite disappointing. Sitting up and rubbing the back of his head he sighed. All good things must come to an end, he supposed. Standing up and brushing himself off, straightening his clothes and hat, he decided to check above deck. He could have sworn he heard a bit of a commotion going on. Making his way up top didn't take too long, and he soon found the Captain, two crew members, and a stranger gathered there. The Captain wasn't too happy, if the savage look on her face was anything to go by, and neither were the other two crew members. It seemed the stranger--who reeked of the sea--had caused tension. Yachi had to wonder what exactly the good-looking man had done. He wouldn't deny the attractiveness of the stranger, he wasn't ignorant of his own preferences, but he wouldn't allow him to mess with his Captain and crew either. "Gee, you try to catch a bit of shut eye and you miss everything." He said, announcing his presence. He approached the group and stood nearby his Captain, his hand resting on the handle of his sword, sheathed in a scabbard he kept on his waist, in case she needed back-up--not that he thought she would. His Captain always had the situation under control, which he admired. But if she did need help, his posture clearly stated that she would have it.

Let's go together, yeah? Come on, let's break 'alone'!

". . . Mother? . . . You can call me however you like, my child."

"When humans fall down here, strangely... I... I often feel like I already know them. Truthfully, when I first saw you, I felt... ... like I was seeing an old friend for the first time."

"Be good, won't you? My child . . ."