Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → SilverClanUntil GoldStripe spoke up.
"I think, BumbleStar is right. I had that thought myself for some time now.", she meowed with a serious expression, and stood up.
"Think about it! We don't only risk ourselves with hiding... Sooner or later, bloodclan will find us.
And they won't stop here, they will gather more cats, or Even worse: Force our youngs to fight for their dirty goal!", she hissed.
After a sigh, she sat down again.
"I saw them fight... I don't want our Territory to Fall in their paws. They won't stop here. I think, it's the other clans Right to Know that they're in danger too!"
"Our apprentices already train a lot, and fighting won't do it. We've already lost too many cats, and who knows how many members bloodclan counts at the moment.", she said.
MoonFeather nodded, standing up.
"PoppyPaw and SoaringPaw are fast learners, but they're way too young to fight. Snowfall is here, and with so few cats, it's hard to even manage the patrols, training sessions AND hunting! Plus, BumbleStar didn't appoint a new healer yet...", he reasoned, looking at RainBreeze for help.
MoonFeather knew that the deputy hardly slept since they fleed from their old camp, due to the lack of warriors.
Bumblestar spoke, "There is, however, an alternative. We could attack BloodClan ourselves. This is very dangerous though."
(BTW I'm RPing Rainbreeze until Fenny comes back)
Rainbreeze then said, "Me and Bumblestar have faced BloodClan, and they are stronger than any clan alone. I also think we should go."
She would die for This Clan, But she surely wouldn't let its members kill themselves like that.
MoonFeather gasped excited. He heard so many things about the gathering of Clans...
"May SoaringPaw and PoppyPaw come too?", He asked, aware of the fact that they're Not just Save with them, But would also experiences something incredible: the other Clans.
GoldStripe was excited, putting all the herbs together, she knew were necessary.
Suddenly, she stopped.
The golden cat took one cluster and stepped over to bumblestar.
"This is yours...", she meowed, looking away. She thought about how to phrase her thoughts, before she finally asked shyly:
"I was thinking about... Don't you need a healer for the gathering?"
In the meantime, MoonFeather walked around excitedly, chatting with the other warriors about what he have to expect and what other gatherings in the past were like.
He wished FawnLeap was there too and he wondered, where the she-cat was.
Bumblestar looked at the clan mates following him. "Remember, they think we're dead, so be wary." He meowed.
(Welp. I'll delete this part if Expiate wants the real leaders.)
Kestrelstar, leader of WindClan, was greeting the other clans, then froze to sniff the air. "I smell a group of unknown cats." She snarled.
"I thought about it, and... I'll do it! I might Not Know if Starclan will accept me, But if you Trust in me... I'll put my worries aside.", she meowed with determination in her eyes.
GoldStripe then looked questioning at Bumblestar.
(I want a Leader too, if New ones Are ok :D)
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Bumblestar stepped in front of Kestrelstar. "I hope you welcome us to this Gathering, dear Kestrelstar."
The WindClan she-cat spat, "Who are you cats? I've never seen you at a Gathering!"
Berry and Griffin stood in SilverClan camp in Bumblestar's den. "Yes," Griffin said, "Tonight, we attack SilverClan!"
Mutestar watched silently, his gaze held strong and unnerving as he stared confidently. The Riverclan tom stood tall as the she-cat spat.
Dawnstar leapt to her paws. The Thunderclan she-cat felt attacked by the sudden rumble of growling
(I'll let someone else make Shadowclan's leader.)
Kestrelstar snarled, "SilverClan? Dawnstar, Mutestar, what do they mean?"
Griffin ran through the forest, followed by his brother Berry, his sister Nutmeg, and several BloodClan warriors. Griffin stopped and sniffed the air, "I think we found our hideout." He meowed, half growling, half laughing.
Kestrelstar turned on the ShadowClan leader. "What shoukd we do?"
Griffin meowed to his cats quietly, "Now!"
The BloodClan cats lunged forward.
Skunkfur was in her nest, when suddenly she heard cats crashing into camp. She was getting ready to get up, when suddenly she felt intense pain. My kits are coming! her mind screamed.
He eyed the newcomers interested, But stayed in his relaxed Position.
"They don't seem to be a threat, though."
GoldStripe looked around, searching for a Special Group of cats, Not able to find them.
"RainBreeze... Where Are the healers?", she asked shyly, her fur ruffled up under the gazes of strangers.
MoonFeather stood proud in Front of his apprentice, looking at the leaders. He was amazed, to See so much power in one place, especially since all He heard of it seemed rather like kitten-tales than Reality.
He watched the different reactions, But the silvery tigered Tom Who spoke last caught his attention.
"So COOL!", He secretly thought. "But Not as cool as our Clan!"
(Tsk, don't write so fast! xD I keep my text how it was, though. And OMG, I Hope they don't find the Secret healers den D:)
Rainbreeze leaned over to Goldstripe. "They're behind the leader's rock."
Kestrelstar snorted, "SilverClan? Those cats always were weak! We should kick them out!"
Bumblestar meowed patiently, "We also catch rabbits, birds, and other stuff, CUDDLEstar."he meowed to the ShadowClan leader.
Skunkfur lay in pain. "Goldstripe!" She called.
Berry walked into the nursery, hearing the frantic queen. "Well, well, what do we have here?" He meowed.
Skunkfur pleaded, "Don't hurt me! I'm going to have kits!"
Berry laughed. "I wouldn't dare hurt you." Then he meowed. "Claw, Tony, Weasel, help me take her."
Eaglescreech dragged her back, just avoiding her sharp kicks. He pressed his muzzle closer to her ears. "Don't do it. Your clan needs to turn against you. You need to work of mistrust."
"They'll smell my scent and think I ran!" She gave a heavy kick, only just hitting the shadow.
"Thats my point."