Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → SilverClan'They're dead?', she thought, panic crawling up her back. Her Fur stood on all end, while she tried to calm SkunkFur down.
"You should try to relax a bit, maybe sleep, if it's possible.", GoldStripe softly whispered at the black'n'white clanmate.
"Bumblestar... May I have a word?", she asked, Walking a few steps outside the den.
"I know, with the Flood and all, things Are rather hard, But that cat needs a Save and warm Place! Her Body is Stressed anyway and without fresh herbs, I can't Really help her out Except warming her and giving massages...", she admit, hanging her head low in shame.
MoonFeather heard the Leaders call.
"Guess your Genius is needed Once again!", He meowed with a grin. "Go on, I Need to Talk to Mother anyway."
To the apprentices, He Said: "You should Rest a Bit too, and I bet StarStream Wants to Know how your First Training went!"