Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → SilverClanIvypaw found in the tree, climbing up she stopped to see Moonleap there, getting up she stood silently and respectful.
MockEar looked dangerously at BumbleStar before going back to the battlefield and went to hunt down ShadowKit.
But as soon as she saw MockEar, she got a Bad feeling. "MouseGleam, please Tell Froststrike to Look for Bumblestar and RainBreeze! After that... I Know, punishing traitors is the Leaders Job But... Lets take on MockEar!", she growled.
After that, she jumped over to the tree, climbing onto the branch under the youngsters.
"Get yourselfes ready, We might get some trouble.", the golden-striped cat warned.
Jumping onto a thick branch of a barred tree, "Stop, I'll be no longer MockEar, but Ancient is my name, Don't worry about BumbleStar, he is fine for now. SoaringKit is fine, he is back at home. MOW LEAVE MY TERRITORY OR BE DESTROYED!" Ancient said as he jumped off and headed for In Shadowkit's direction .
To 'Ancient', she asked: "How can we believe you? I haven't Seen neither RainBreeze, Nor Bumblestar coming back!"
Moonpaw watched nervously, how his adoptive mom protected him and Shadowkit. "Let's go! I'll help you.", he meowed and snatched her on her neck, surprised by the fact that He is much bigger than the younger cat, than when they First met. Jumping down gracefully the two Meters, He landed beneath MouseGleam. He let the younger cat down, mumbling an apology.
Goldstripe gently flicked her tail over Mousegleams back, showing her gratitude. She turned back to ancient. "Explain yourself, and we'll Go! Where are Bumblestar, RainBreeze and Soaringkit?"
Meanwhile, Moonpaw followed Shadowkit, always Looking out for enemies.
"Moonleap, where are you? What exactly is going on?", He wispered.
A memory flashed through her mind...
"Why are you crying, little warrior?"
"I fell from that tree, and now i have scratches everywhere... It hurts!"
She heard the taller cat snicker with a raspy voice.
"Listen, kiddo: Our Clan has survived so many things, like traitors, illnesses, twolegs and Even false and fake leaders! We were torn apart and nearly extinct, But every other Clan respected and feared us netherless! Believe me, a few scratches won't Really hurt the material you're made of, understood? Now stand up and Show me, what a Great warrior you'll be! You have to make up for your weakling of father After all!"
She giggled lightly and tried to put on her most serious Face. She loved his clan-stories.
"Sure Gramps! I'll be the best!"
Moonpaw looked around. The Camp seemed eerely normal to him, so He wondered where to defend themselves. "Let's Go up the Leaders Boulder! We'll have a good view from that!", He suggested.
(I wish I got three cats to roleplay right now xD)