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Forum Thread

Block List:

Forum-Index Suggestions Implemented Block List:
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 17:40 (10 Years ago)
Just a simple suggestion:
A list to block users whom you would rather not see things from. This means you wouldn't see any feeds from them, pms would be prevented from being sent to you from them, and, obviously, they wouldn't be able to friend you or you to friend them. Basically minimal contact between you and the user(s) on the block list.

Obviously moderators and Riako would be excluded from the pm blocking.

I'm thinking, since this has grown to be such a diverse topic, that an image of what I think would work best would be:

It lets you pick and choose what to block the person from, which I have mentioned in the thread itself would need to be done. (Such as one person I dealt with, I only needed to block his ability to offer on my trades. Another person I needed to block her access to reply to my feeds and pms due to how spammy she was being with them.)

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This is just an idea so that if you and another user have an issue that isn't bad enough to be breaking the rules, it can be stopped before it gets far enough to require staff member intervention.

(It'd be nice if there were a way to have this affect the forums as well, but I doubt that'd be possible without being inconvenient to someone somewhere along the line.)

No support: Needs to be recounted
Support: Needs to be recounted
Neutral: 0

Other possible additions:
Quote from BourkeyYou could put a notification if someone on your black list posts on a feed for you to accept or deny that comment that way if it is useful you can keep it. If not then it just doesn't post.

Quote from TheBeast It would be cool if Block Lists would allow people you blocked to send you Plushies however they can't send messages with the Plushies. This is so you wouldn't get a Plushie from somebody you blocked saying, "Can you please Unblock Me? I promise do the thing I did that made you block me."

Quote from EditPalpad would be affected by this the same way that PMs are.

Or it could do a message like:
"This user doesn't accept messages from you"
Similar to the "This user only accepts messages from friends" message

Quote from Edit againBlocking users from being able to offer on your trades to prevent harassment would be a wonderful addition as well.

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 17:43 (10 Years ago)
This has been suggested here and got little support.

"You can simply ignore the person" was the biggest reason in that link why this wouldn't be implemented. You don't have to get along with everyone, I hope, but as for blocking just ignore them. The best block without having to get a new feature made.
Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 17:45 (10 Years ago)
Ignoring would be fine, if the user didn't post annoying feeds that you'd have to see if you look through any of the feed types on the new layout. And blocking said person from being able to pm you or bother you in any way would be a nice addition to the site.

Ignoring only works so far, you know? However I did not see that other suggestion when I skimmed through, so thank you for that link.

Edit: Upon reading the other thread, that's specifically about friending and not about anything else mentioned in my post. So I don't think it'd be right for me to post to add on to that suggestion.

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 17:52 (10 Years ago)
Quotecan ignore/block user. I think that makes some things easier. :\
was mentioned in the suggestion and ignoring the person is still a valid answer to your suggestion. And since your biggest point was seeing feeds that thread still applies by saying ignore them.

But if you want to make this a new suggestion based off that one then fine.

If you don't want to see their feeds then unfriend them obviously. No reason you should see them if they aren't on your friends list. But as for the new layout such as relevant feeds, the most popular feeds, etc. seeing that person's feed although annoying isn't life threatening. Just ignore it, I'm sure we all have that one user we don't like seeing but I'm not going to go explode if I see their name. Just don't read the feed or post, a lot about blocking is self control. As for PMs, ignore them, if they harass you then report them, if they are mean to you report them.

Just like in real life let's say in school, we don't have a block list but we avoid that person and move on with our other friends and family and lives. Just don't let it get to you, especially when that person probably doesn't even notice you. Life's too short to be mad about online people you've never met and probably never will making you mad every time you happen to see their name or their words.
Trainerlevel: 117

Forum Posts: 388
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 18:29 (10 Years ago)
Quote from Queen_PumpkabooJust like in real life let's say in school, we don't have a block list but we avoid that person and move on with our other friends and family and lives. Just don't let it get to you, especially when that person probably doesn't even notice you. Life's too short to be mad about online people you've never met and probably never will making you mad every time you happen to see their name or their words.

Well, thats exactly the point of this suggestion. we aren't at school and we aren't at work on PH. we spend our freetime here. and in our freetime we should be able to IGNORE every throll we want to. or do you give your phone number to people that you don't like? I guess no. ;)

here we haven't the choice to hide content from people. we don't have to be friends to read other people feeds or the "about me" part in profile. everything that isn't written in a PM is not private here. thats a big deal in my opinion. Yeah I know.. all of us on ph are a big happy family - thats a really wonderful idea and I cherish the thought - but its utopian.

on my opinion: I don't wanna get Pms by persons I don't like. I would really like to have a Blacklist.
full support on the suggestion.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 331
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 18:44 (10 Years ago)
What do you think we are sturmtochter, Aliens? we are all Humans and have to ignore People like we regulary do. Should this be a site where we can have a life like millionaires, I don´t think so. I give full suppport onto Luna´s reasons.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 18:47 (10 Years ago)
Actually you should be able to ignore every troll you want. That's the point. You have the skills to ignore people, and if someone is a troll as in spamming or being annoying report them, that's what mods are for. If we just ignored everyone on the site what's the point? What if someone ignores you but you didn't ignore them? They could just as easily talk trash to you and insult you, ignorance is bliss and all that.

You "ignoring" a troll doesn't solve anything. Report them if they are a troll.

If you're ignoring someone you don't like because of, I don't know, their name, their favorite color, they don't like the same Pokemon as you, maybe they backed out a trade you wanted to do, etc. then walk away. Ignore them. It's not worth having a blocking feature that I think would cause more problems just because you can't look away from that person's feeds or just can't help but look at that person's profile every time you see their name.

Self control: don't like a person? Don't talk to them. Don't like seeing their feeds? Don't look at them. Don't like getting PMs from someone? Ask them to stop and if they don't then report them. We have mods for this reason. If someone is harassing you report them. You don't need to PM them and they don't need to PM you. Simple as that. No need for a black list of enemies.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 18:58 (10 Years ago)
I can't really follow the argumentation of most people on this thread as this looks to be shot down again.
I personally would LOVE a blacklist. Not as a mod but as a user. As a mod I surely can't have one because I have to listen to all complaints but if I were just a user and somebody kept, say, messaging me over and over and didn't stop even after I asked them to and didn't stop after I reported him and they got told to stop by the mods - I would love to simply put them on ignore so I don't have to read their messages again.
I think it's even better to put someone on a ignore list than to start a fight with them. And this is not about self-control. It's about my personal right to keep people out of my life who are just driving me crazy.
It could be one-sided, too. And you would still see their forum posts, etc. Also you'd still be able to visit their profile if you wished to do so. But they wouldn't be able to message you.
If they would put you on their blacklist you wouldn't be able to message them. Or comment on their feeds. And that's it.

I'd support a feature like that any time.
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 19:16 (10 Years ago)
QuoteI think it's even better to put someone on a ignore list than to start a fight with them. And this is not about self-control. It's about my personal right to keep people out of my life who are just driving me crazy.

This is exactly why I made the suggestion. Thank you for wording it rather nicely right there. And it's nice to see a mod support this, even if they can't use it.

I think the best way to put it is even the most patient person can have that patience worn down to almost nothing with enough time and effort. So this gives a way to stop that process before it gets bad enough to require the mods to step in.

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 19:40 (10 Years ago)
I don't know, I just don't think turning a blind eye to a user solves anything. If they're a disturbance, if they're doing something bad, if they are harassing you then report them. Don't just let them keep doing what they're doing without you looking. And what happens when a person gets blocked? How many times can a person get blocked without feeling personally attacked?

What if you block someone because you don't like them posting feeds? Then you block someone else for not agreeing with your suggestion? What if you block someone for not being good at RPing? There is no "guideline" or "rule" to blacklisting. You could blacklist anyone, everyone, no one would stop you. I could see so many people getting blocked, feeling hurt because of it, unsure why they were blocked, and even cry over it. Parents get involved and say "My son is crying because they were blocked, why?" Now we have crying kids being blocked by other people.

Is it that hard to just ignore someone and let the feeling be mutual instead of making a whole feature anyone could use for any reason? Who's to say people would use this responsibly? You could block a whole bunch of people and make them feel like trash just because they out bid your auction. Just because they snatched an egg from the lab you wanted. I say think of every PM you've gotten people mad about auctions, people mad you didn't accept their trade, people mad in general over stupid stuff and blocking you. You may not care, but someone out there might. Someone out there might feel personally attacked by being blocked, maybe by a user they consider a friend, and again if we get kids crying to their parents we have a problem.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 19:54 (10 Years ago)
I think you're seeing drama when there's none.
You should still report a user if they keep harrassing you and/or breaking the rules. But I don't see why you shouldn't be able to block them in the same heartbeat.
And you're right there's no limit as to why somebody is being put on a blacklist. If I were a normal user I could just block a user for not liking their avatar and it would be totally fine because it's my business and nobody elses.
I do not have to be forced to deal with people I don't want to deal with if there's just an option to ignore them to have my peace.
And of course the feature should be used responsibly but as I said you'd still be able to see another persons forum posts. And if somebody blocks you, you should usually know what you've done wrong.

So no, "just ignoring" somebody wouldn't help here. And I don't see any kids crying to their parents. What about my rights? What if I feel personally attacked by being spammed? Is that worth nothing?
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:02 (10 Years ago)
I've gotten a PM over a kid getting upset because I told them to read from a mother. If someone is upset over that then I am sure people will be upset if they realize people are blocking and ignoring them. Some of us are adults, some of us are children, I'm saying the adults on this site should be the bigger "men" and just ignore the children. And I don't even mean age here I mean maturity level, I've met plenty of mature young children here and some pretty immature adults haha.

My point is you just said if you feel personally slammed you should block them. If you're being personally slammed you should report them, to yourself or another mod, not just plug your ears and shut your eyes. It doesn't solve anything. I've been told countless times by other mods to work things out, to talk things out, and if that doesn't work then report people.

This suggestion undermines all of that by saying "no don't talk things out. No don't try and handle things. No don't report the user. Just ignore them." That's not a great way to handle a situation. It's just avoiding it. Not handling it.
Trainerlevel: 57

Forum Posts: 321
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:03 (10 Years ago)
I would love a blacklist, too. In my last suggestion i din't say anything more to this theme, because the most of the user don't liked the idea of a ignoring feature. ú__ù
I still agree with Sturmtochter and Honigdieb - thats exactly what i think, so..:
Full Support for this idea!

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3

(c) by Pein
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:05 (10 Years ago)
I don't think you read what I wrote?
I said you should try to talk to them if that doesn't work report them. And if they still go on I don't see any reason why I shouldn't be able to block them.
And no, "I could hurt somebody's feelings" really isn't an argument for me.
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 117

Forum Posts: 388
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:07 (10 Years ago)
talking about self-control. mh. isn't it interesting, that you don't use your self-control to accept the point of view of other people? Well, I'm able to accept yours - but my opinion is an other and I don't have to discuss that.

you should think about something: we're different. We interpret situations different. everybody. everytime. you can't take decisions for other people than your own.
You're trying to say no - and everybody should see it like you. that is not an open-minded point of view (and that is not a try to fight you, btw.).

but there are a few reasons more, why a blacklist would be useful.

I guess we're all united in one important point: as long as pokeheroes is basically a site for kids, they have to be save here, protected.

the most of us are... 16+? - the most of us are thinking they would know about everything in the WWW. and let me tell you the most of us are wrong with that opinion. they haven't seen everything cruel/troll/and so on. this is not a question about your personal opinion - this is a question about how to protect kids and of course older people too from such bad experience. we can't protect everyone, thats okay. but we can do it a little better than we do now. with a blacklist. why? because everyone has the choice to do what they feel better with. this is important. nobody have to use a blacklist. but there should be the possibility if somebody wants to.

nobody have to be stalked on the internet. nobody have to be a vicitim, because they don't want to report a person that tries to be mean to them for some reason. nobody have to feel hurt because of somebody that wants amusement.
nobody have to .... there are a lot of things.
there will come definetly times when there is no mod online that can handle a fight between kids or between an adult and a kid.

what do people then? is a person with 8 years old enough to cut a conversation permanently? I am not in a position to answer this.

well I'm sure there are a few mistakes... sorry for that. :D
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:13 (10 Years ago)
I have to ask to keep this on topic and not to get personal, though. This should be a friendly and open minded discussion.
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 1,363
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:17 (10 Years ago)
No I read what you wrote, but having a blacklist is like saying "don't solve the problem or try to talk it out, just blacklist that person." That's what I'm saying. I feel it would make reporting almost obsolete because why report when I can just ignore the problem? Someone insults me, I'll just blacklist you know? Someone is being mean in feeds, why report them when I can blacklist? It's easier than me going out my way to report someone and get all involved when I can just ignore them? Granted I wish a site could exist without mods and we were all polite and got along but having a blacklist, although might stop personal reports, wouldn't solve problems. If you want a blacklist that's fine, I'm just stating negative effects that I see as apposed to the positive ones.

I know people I'd like to block sure. But I don't, and won't, because to be honest I tell that person "Look, I don't want to talk to you and we don't get along." And they accept that, if they don't and harass me I report them and that solves the problem easy as pie. I don't see any problem that can't be solved through talking it out and reporting that this blacklist would solve. I just think that's an easier more effective solution than silently blacklisting someone. I suppose if they had a reason why they blacklisted to show the person that'd be better but even then getting blacklisted wouldn't solve anything.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 1,019
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:24 (10 Years ago)
Still if other people would want to use the blacklist there's no argument I heard so far that would convince me to tell them that they can't.
You're free to not use the blacklist if it should get implemented. And of course it could lead to people rather ignoring than reporting even if it shouldn't be done that way.
But then there are people who're just ignoring begging PMs and insulting PMs now rather than reporting them and I don't see how those people would change their behaviour even the slightest with a blacklist.
Sure it would be nice if people could get along and everyone could just be nice to each other but sadly it does not work and as big as our community has gotten those instances will get a lot more.
But I guess we exchanged our arguments now so I'll leave it be and see if somebody else can contribute to this. :>
[center]Disclaimer: This is my signature. This is not directed to you personally but to everyone.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 576
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:38 (10 Years ago)
I only skimmed through these rather large comments on my phone but I get the main content of what's being debated.

Either way I would like for this to be implemented. Just so I can stop getting the same people posting spammy things on all of my news feeds even after I've asked them to stop countless times. It does get quite annoying and makes me delete the feed and start over again and then they just do it again.

So an ignore / blacklist would be great.

Even if you could put a notification if someone on your black list posts on a feed for you to accept or deny that comment that way if it is useful you can keep it. If not then it just doesn't post.

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 1,838
Posted: Tue, 08/04/2014 20:47 (10 Years ago)
I added the suggestion of still getting a notification that you can then approve or reject to the first post. That's a good one, Bourkey, so thank you.