She heared screaming , she quicky dropped her bag of berries and
looks around " Anybody Here .. ? ! " She quickly runned and
followed that scream ... Her strong legs makes eath shakes a little
with every step . Then she jumped out of bush and sees Ty and Angel
" Whats Wrong , I heared screaming . Does anyone need help ? " She
quickly runs closer and tripped , she falls on ground near Angel
and sees her wounds " Uff ! .. Is everyone alright ?! " She was
scared .
" What ... What Happened ? " she slowly getted on her legs and and
looks at Ty " You seems tired .. Sorry i forgott the name . " She
sitted on ground and tryed to make a cute smile , she was happy to
see everybody alright .. " Angel , are you Okay ? " she was scared
" Can i Help ? " She wanna be helpfull but she was scared ,
something dont seems right .. " But ... What happened ? " Her cute
red eyes was filled with fear . She sniffs blood .
OC Ty-
Its a long story, but i dont think you gonna be affected any more,
as long as im in OverCharge any wounds that come from your visions
should go directly to me!
She looked at Typhlosion with confusion .. " How is that even
possible .. Soo much power .. Wait , i losted my berry bag . I will
be back soon , dont panic ! " She quickly turned her back and runs
to forest but she again tripped . Ground shakes a little when she
falled again on ground " Offf .. Those rock are everywhere !" then
she runs to forest and dissaper .
( Wait .. We have a phones :D ) She arrived behind Ty " Hey , I
Found My Berry Bag " she showed a bag full of berries to him "
Wanna Some ? " She smiled and showed her sharp fangs " And .. Can
you please tell me what happened to Angel , i would like to know
that "
"Forgotten Treasures Astroth speaking," he says answering the
walks through the store piling things into a cart. His other spoils
left outside. He made sure to grab a lot of meat and fruits. He
stopped to stare at the spices trying to remember what they have.
" Well ..." She opened a bag and throws a Pecha Berry in her mouth
. She is normally a carnivore but she really likes Pecha Berries "
I remember , your name is Ty , right ? " She smiled and looks at
him "You seems strong , you must be the strongest of all fire
Pokemons ! " She cant stop talking , she is soo exited from her new
friend .
"hmm, nope I don't he headed out late last night and hasn't
returned yet. i could tell him to call you though. His all nighters
are rare but he does them often enough." astroth said wondering
what was going on.
He moves to the check out lane. While his items were being scanned
he started to count out his PD.
Grrrr! Tell him when he gets back, that i need to talk to him
Urgently! I'll be by later in a differnt car as seeing how my bike
was totalled last night!
" Kmeek ! " She maked a very hight noise , she was scared of Ty for
a moment becouse he seems very angry but she feels fear in his aura
. " Sniffs.. Sniffs..." Its too much for her so she lay on ground
and watched him , trying to not fall asleep .