Ask ate three quarters of a whole pizza, and Jahegathan ate the
other two slices. They were stuffed! They both waited for the
others to finish their meal.
"I know of a landmark near here..." Ask burped. "If we travel
north, we'll be on the route where the champion, Brendan,m started
his journey. Wanna go?"
Jin just swatted away at Tailow as he still reads. Walking to the
wagon and hopping in the Back as Diamond helped pull the wagon as
Nincada sat on his shoulder.
After what Ask told him,Fe was pretty sad about those hacked
pokemon in the Pc
He hoped they were fine...
Also,a little bit hugry,since he only Ate some berries there...
Then,he sent out his two pokemon
"Partners!"He said,with a smile in his face"Time for training!"He
He may think about catchig another pokemon,after all,he can only
have six,so he decided to check what pokemon were there and then
decide to catch them or not...
Jin was walking when he looked up at a tree and saw a tan sloth
hanging on the branch. Jin sent Nincada to use scratch. The Slakoth
fell and Jin chucked a Poke ball at it.
Slakoth was caught.
"I will call you Teddy..." Jin whispered as he held the ball.
Colton Battled with tailow against a carvhana.
"Come on, It's up to you if we catch it!" he told tailow.
He threw a pokeball.
He was caught!
Colton went on to train with his 3 pokemon against magikarps.
(Sorry for rushing that.)
Jin saw that Colton had three pokemon.
" you want to battle with our new pokemon?" Jin
asks with his three pokemon standing next to him.
Bella looked at her Doduo. "I'm gonna name you..... Nothing. Your
not gonna have a nickname.. for now." Bella said. The Doduo nodded
her head, like saying "yes".