"Hey Guys!I finally got it"Fe said,with his newly catched Bagon
between his arms,watching around,like if he doesn't know what is
"Pretty,huh?"Fe said,proud of what he caught....
Ask felt sorry he literally couldn't battle Jin. But he felt great
for Fe. "Hey, nice!" Torchic's eyes were wide at the sight of the
dragon, with perhaps as much potential as it, if not way more.
Jin and Sableye stood up. Sableye climbing on Jin's back. Jin pets
Sableyes ear.
"You're just Sableye okay..." Jin says softly to Sableye. Sableye
just smiles.
"Anyone else wanna battle or wanna go back to the lab to show the
Prof his Pokemon are safe?" Duo wanted to get up and go. He wanted
to make more friends, though Jahegathan was awesome.
"So...A nickiname,huh?"He said to himself,and then he looked to his
Bagon,who seemed to want one
"So...How about...Raul"He said
Bagon answered with a disgusted look,he didn't liked that name
"Oh well,how about Juan?"
Bagon did the same answer as before
"And...How about....Bianca...?"He asked,wondering if he was male or
Bagon look changed to a happy one,she liked that name
"Well then,since today you are...Bianca"Fe Said,happy that his
Bagon liked it
Ask went up to his room quickly, showed his parents his Torchic,
grabbed a Potion, and went outside. "Anyone have anything they need
to do before we go?" Torchic was pacing, he was so impatient.
Sableye tugs on Jin's shirt.
"What?" Jin asks.
"You want a nick name too?"
"Okay how bout Diamond?
"Okay Diamond it is.."