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Lucifer returning | Sign-up

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Lucifer returning | Sign-up
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 04/02/2016 18:21 (8 Years ago)
Sign-up: You're here
Roleplay: Clickity click


Alright, this RP is based on the TV show called Supernatural so you should be relatively familiar with the show to take part in this RP. You don't have to be an expert and know every detail though.

If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask them.

Also, I'm going to more or less pay no attention to things that happened after season 5. We're going to pretend the series ended when it was originally supposed to so we don't have to take everything that happened after season 5 into account in the RP.

In 2010 Lucifer was successfully resealed away in the deepest pit of Hell, the cage, along with the archangel Michael and their two vessels. Lucifer's vessel, Sam Winchester, escaped the cage after a year of earth time but the other three occupants remained in the fiery pit for another 73 years. After a few silent decades from Hell's part, the demons began preparing to set the rightful ruler of Hell free once again.

When Lucifer rebelled against God, Michael bound him in the cage and locked it with 66 seals. In order for Lucifer to walk free yet again, those seals must be broken. It had already been done in 2009 and the 66 seals broke again 74 years later in 2083, leaving Lucifer to roam the Earth freely. This marked the beginning of the Apocalypse.

This time, the Winchesters aren't there to stop it.

Heaven did nothing to stop the oncoming doom. With the reopening of the cage and Lucifer and Michael free, the original plan could carry on: The final battle between Michael and Lucifer takes place, which leads to the death of Lucifer and the destruction of Earth. This would allow the angels to create paradise.

However, not every angel is okay with letting the Earth and all the species occupying it, including humans, to crash and burn amidst the final battle. Therefore, a lone angel leaves Heaven to find a small group of people who are supposedly destined to prevent the destruction.


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>PH rules still apply.

>Respect each other, fighting is only allowed in character.

>No one-liners or chatspeak thank you. I'd like to see at least 3-5 good sentences with proper grammar per post. Though keep in mind I'm not asking for novels with flawless English.

>No god-modding, bunnying or Mary Sues allowed here. I can and will deny your character application if your character has no flaws whatsoever.

>No back and forth posting. Meaning don't start posting back and forth with only one person while the others are offline or otherwise unable to post in the RP. Give everyone a chance to keep up. It's okay to throw around few replies among two people though, just keep it moderate.

>Don't kill other people's character's without their consent. No excessive swearing, violence or gore either as this is a kid friendly site. The password is 'It's Tuesday' by the way.

>This is not a love story. Little romance is allowed if the owners of the characters agree on it but keep it to the sidelines.

>This RP is set in the future but don't go crazy. No teleports or houses on the moon. Just keep it believable. I'll tell you if you go too far and you're always free to ask whether something is okay or not.

Rules concerning characters

>You may reserve one of the character spots listed below. Unless you can provide me with a legit excuse, reservations expire if you fail to post a finished character sheet in three (3) days.

>'First come, first serve' doesn't necessarily apply. This means that if an user or users have posted a character sheet for a character spot that wasn't reserved and I haven't accepted any of the characters into the RP yet, you're free to post yours for the same spot.
>>If there's multiple characters competing for an open spot, I'll judge the quality of the characters (which means the whole character sheet, including grammar and fanciness) and decide on the one that seems most fit for the RP. So make sure to fill the character sheet properly before posting it. Hint: I'm three hours ahead of PH time and I do sleep like most people so you don't have to worry about me accepting a character for a spot you wanted while you're still writing your CS at certain times.

>I'd wish for all the characters to be hunters or otherwise know what really lurks in the dark. This is just so we can jump into the RP faster and easier instead of having to spend time to a bunch of characters learning and dealing with the fact that monsters exist.
>>If someone really wants to, I can deal with one of the characters being a clueless civilian until the start of the RP.

>I know there will be at least someone who goes "Hmmm, I'm gonna be really original and have my character be a vampire/werewolf/etc" and I'm not that thrilled about such an idea. Unless you have a good character that makes sense (aka. why would one of the monsters help the hunters?), I'm not gonna accept characters that are not human. (The angel spot obviously being an exception.)

>No kids or teens. I don't want this RP to be a drama llama where a bunch of 16-year-olds run around angsting about their parents and homework. Therefore, as an evil dictator, I hereby create this rule that no character is allowed to be under 18. (Unless you have a great reason to defy this and manage to blackmail convince me to allow it.)

>No forced pairings. No, your character can't be the daughter of Destiel's adopted son. Get out.

The Character Roster

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Alright, so this RP will basically revolve around a small group of people and they'll all have different skills so they'll work together nice and smooth. Not everyone can be a gun slinging badass.
(This also means this is an RP for a small group of players so be sure you can be active and want to write this story before hopping on board. With only few people, one person dropping out will affect the rest.)

The following are the character spots you can fill. Remember that your character should be more than just their role in the group.

>Rebel angel: This is the angel I was talking about at the end of the 'prologue'. This character will be mighty important in the beginning of the RP as they will seek out the other characters and gather them as a group. If I don't know you, could you kindly give me a link to a previous RP of yours when you submit your character sheet so I can see whether you're up to this task or not? Don't worry, I'm not expecting you to be a veteran RPer.
-Taken by Hell

>Ringleader: Someone charismatic, a natural leader with common sense. Basically a level-headed person who can keep the group together so it doesn't descend into anarchy even in tight spots. Doesn't sound like an important character, I know, but everything always falls apart without that one person who glues everyone together, a leader.

>Weapons expert: A person with a great amount of knowledge of guns and weapons, both theory and practise. This character would be the gun slinging badass, I suppose. You don't have to be a weapons expert yourself to play this character, just don't claim that you can fire a rocket launcher with extreme precision while running backwards.
-Taken by viki123

>Walking monster encyclopedia: This character knows everything there is to know about everything that goes bump in the night whether it be werewolves, demons, djinns or tulpas. Playing this character does in fact require a bit more knowledge of the Supernatural series than just the simple basics.
-Taken by Finhawk

>Medic : In case of injuries, someone has to patch the characters up and that is the job of this character. For some reason or another, this fella would have above average medical knowledge and would keep the others alive and as healthy as they can. Again, you don't have to be a medical expert to play this character. Don't have the character fix a nasty gash with a band-aid and a pat on the back though.
-Taken by stormalli

>Spy: A person who was supposed to be a part of the destined group but who turned their back on humanity and allied with the demons for some reason. This character would pretend to be on the 'good side' but keep an eye on the rest of the group and keep Lucifer and the rest of his goons up to date on what's going on. Keep in mind that this character should have a believable reason for allying with the demons. Bribing? Blackmail? Something else?
For this character you can also come up with an unique skill of your choosing. Agile and great at hand-to-hand combat? Stealthy and an expert escape-artist? Something else?
-Taken by Dean_Winchester

>Lucifer: This is rather obvious I think. However, this character won't be getting much screen time in the beginning so if someone was to play this character alone, they wouldn't have much to do for a good long while. I can play Lucifer when he becomes relevant but if someone really wants to play as him, I'm not stopping you.
-Taken by Hell

>Also Michael I guess. Same as above.

If you know anything about Supernatural (which you should since you've read this far), you know the series is filled with all kinds of monsters. This RP will mostly focus on the angels and demons and the apocalypse and so worth. However, that doesn't mean our characters can't run into any other kind of creatures along the way. Furthermore, you're more than welcome to include one or more of the cuddly creatures into your character's backstory.

Speaking of the characters, here's a thing you'll probably need:

Character Sheet

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[center]{You may place an image here. No anime pictures though. Optional.}

{You may place a quote from your character here. (Just something they could say that reflects their personality or something that they tend to say often.) Optional.}[/center]

[b]Species:[/b] (Human, unless you're applying for the angel spot or you feel like trying your luck and being a special snowflake.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (I'll kick your butt if you put any anime pics here. Photos or 'realistic art', remember to source and credit. A written description is fine too but no "average girl with brown hair and brown eyes" or "tall guy with lots of muscles". That's not enough info.)


>[i]Fears:[/i] (I'll hunt you down if you dare to put "nothing" or "losing his/her loved ones" here. Everyone fears something and everyone is afraid of losing those they care about.)

[b]Weapon of choice:[b] (If your character is a hunter, there's no need to list their whole arsenal. Just what they usually have on them at all times.)


[b]Role in the group:[/b] (The spot you're applying your character for goes here.)

And here's my character:
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"As if! I bet I can waste at least twice as many of those fanged creep-os as you can!"

Name: Raymond "Ray" Cooper
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Full-time hunter and a credit card -scammer. Used to take money from other hunters in exchange for his knowledge and expertise when it comes to nasty creatures. Not so much anymore since his charming personality doesn't exactly attract customers.

Appearance: Ray is a fairly pale young man and even though he is in a rather good shape, he's not really visibly butch. Combined with his height and his choice of clothing and hair style, Ray doesn't really come off as intimidating. Quite the opposite really, he's often regarded as a kid and not taken seriously in the hunter community.

The frail looking young man styles his hair in a mohawk and dyes it electric blue, which kind of makes it match with his blue eyes. He often wears worn-out jeans and T-shirts with a pair of converse. He doesn't go anywhere without his old loyal denim vest. Ray's choices when it comes to his appearance aren't probably the wisest in his line of work but he doesn't really care about that even though he probably should.
>Height: 166 cm (~ 5'5'')
>Weight: 63 kg (~ 139 lbs)

Personality: The lad is a rather talkative and energetic childish thing. Ray likes attention and tends to spew out random monster-facts if he feels like he's being ignored. He also doesn't like being underestimated and his eagerness to prove himself seems to stem from his insecurities about his height and age. And from insecurities in general. If he's belittled for some reason, Ray's almost certain to do something completely moronic to show people wrong. Which usually ends horribly and only makes him look even more incompetent. He can also be quite stubborn and unbelievably reckless.

Despite being an annoying little brat, Ray is a kind-hearted fellow and generally nice to you if you return the courtesy. He's a rather happy-go-lucky type of guy and usually chooses to see the positive instead of focusing on the negative. He's also very loyal, to the point where he becomes clingy if he happens to like you. He's pretty much like a lost puppy trying to earn anyone's affection. Don't call him a puppy though, he doesn't like that.

Skills/talents: Ray's greatest asset is the knowledge stored in his blue little head but he's also a quick little annoyance on his feet. His aim with a gun isn't horrible either.
>Weaknesses: Since he's not exactly Mc Muscly and he doesn't have the benefit of size, physical strength isn't one of Ray's good attributes. His tendency of not shutting up and his eagerness to prove himself usually don't help him either.
>Fears: Claustrophobia (fear of being confined in small spaces) and a general fear of failure. Also fears being left behind/abandoned. And werewolves, he hates them and he's afraid of them.

Weapon of choice: Beretta 92 accompanied by iron or silver bullets according to the situation. Also a pair of silver knives and a pocket flask filled with holy water. Other weapons depending on the situation.

History: There's nothing interesting in Ray's early childhood. He had great loving parents and the innocent freedom of childhood. However, when he was 12, all of that changed. Due to sheer bad luck, a newly turned werewolf stumbled upon the small family's home and couldn't pass up a little late night snack. Ray's father didn't know what hit him, only that it hurt. His mother locked the two of them in the master bedroom but the door didn't hold the creature for that long. Ray hid under the bed as his mother died. The kid would've been nothing more than an insect to the monster if a hunter hadn't shown up conveniently in time to save his tiny butt. The hunter was named Michael Green but Ray came to known him simply as Mike.

Mike had no plans to get to know the kid who he had saved, Ray was supposed to get dumped on his relatives and Mike could go on his merry way and keep killing things all on his lonesome. But when do things ever go as planned? Ray was a kid, he was absolutely terrified. But he was also curious. He wanted to know more about the thing that killed his parents, he needed revenge, as melodramatic as that sounds. So when the guy who saved his life just left without any explanation whatsoever, Ray followed him. Mike sure as heck wasn't pleased when a helpless little kid glued himself to him and did his darnest to get rid of the pocket-sized human safely. However, when nothing seemed to be working, Mike finally gave in and began teaching Ray everything he knew. Mostly just because the kid would've went after the monsters in the dark with or without Mike's help and the man could at least try to keep the moron alive.

During the following years, Mike ended up saving Ray more times than anyone could count and some serious tension built between the two of them as Ray went through puberty. Mike had become emotionally invested in the kid and said kid appeared to be far too eager to get himself killed where ever they went. Ray was especially skilled in soaking up all the knowledge Mike could pour on him and even beyond that but Mike's teachings of 'how to stay alive' just didn't stick to the boy. Eventually, when Ray was 17, he almost got himself killed again. However, that time was worse than the previous times. If Mike had hauled Ray's sorry behind to a hospital mere minutes later, the kid would've been a goner. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, or Mike's in this case. Ray was confined to a hospital bed so he couldn't really follow when Mike proceeded to go his own way.

When Ray was on his feet again, He didn't try tracking his partner in monster hunting down even though he most certainly would've found him eventually. He was too stubborn to go crawling back to the older male like a dog after he had been left behind. Instead, he teamed up with some other hunters but none of them tolerated the self-destructive lad for too long. He did manage to learn how to be less suicidal over the years but no one likes a clingy brat who clearly has issues with needing to prove himself. He currently hunts by himself since he had a falling out with his latest team up.

Role in the group: walking monster encyclopedia
>Really likes cats.
>Doesn't really like being alone.
>Hates cold weather and isn't a fan of rain. Sunshine is more his thing.
>In the closet. If you know what I mean.
>Some people have daddy issues, Ray has Mike issues (aka teacher/mentor/savior/older brother issues).


Ezekiel | Rebel angel | Hell

Alex Jones | Weapons expert | viki123

Ray Cooper | Walking monster encyclopedia | Finhawk

Faelan Elizabeth George | Medic | stormalli

Holly Ashwood | Spy | Dean_Winchester

Lucifer | Hell
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 04/02/2016 18:27 (8 Years ago)

Title: Saving Spot

“I like your jacket…give it to me.”

General Details

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Name: Ezekiel
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Angel (Rank: Power )
Occupation: {Power} Defined as - Mid-High Ranking Angel who is tasked with preventing the ‘fallen angels’ from taking over the world and keeping the Universe in balance. They are also seen as the Angels of birth and death.Being warrior angels, they oppose evil spirits, especially those that make use of the matter in the universe, so they don't do as much harm in the world as would otherwise, usually casting and chaining evil spirits to detention places. They are usually represented as soldiers wearing full armor and helmet, and also having defensive and offensive weapons such as shields and spears or chains respectively. The primary duty of the "Powers" is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies in order to ensure that the cosmos remains in order.


>Height: 6’2
>Build: Muscled
>Eyes: Cold Grey
>Hair: Blonde
>Skin: Medium pale
>Romance/Sexuality: Has yet to discover
>Wing Color: Blonde and white
>Angelic Form: When in heaven each angel has an inhuman form. Ezekiel appears as a great,three headed, pale, celestial horse the same color as his human hair. He has three sets of wings (total of six) and his eyes are chiseled diamonds.
>Vessel: The first Vessel Ezekiel held was once a young aspiring priest. He found him holed up inside of a sanctuary in the early years of the Byzantine Empire. The second Vessel he held was a young princess from Rome that was a devout woman. The third Vessel was a man with a young wife and no children, who was a direct descendant of the Apostle Peter, and is the vessel that is to become his final and true vessel.
>Ruling Planetary Body: The Cygnus and Pegasus Constellations.
>Ruling Animals: The Horse and the Swan


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Personality: While he clearly has the personality of a long experienced warrior, he tends to miss many of the subtleties of humanity making him come across naïve at times. He does seem to pick things up quickly. He tends to bounce between being fascinated with and being disgusted by human nature, and could even be deemed curious, although his prideful nature would likely not allow him to admit this. He is usually very open about what he thinks. 100% task driven.

+ Gift of resurrection special gift {Ability to come back from the dead: God promised this angel that he would never truly die. }
+ Angelic possession [ can take over host bodies]
+ Astral Projection Angels can project shadowy forms of their wings onto surfaces at will. If one is killed by an Angel Blade, its wings are burned onto the surface on which they died.
+ Holy White light [A particularly lethal power, angels can unleash a highly concentrated blast of pure energy from their palms to incinerate or destroy targets. The level of destruction can be controlled.]
+ Electronic Manipulation [easily manipulates electricity]
+ Regeneration/ Healing [ quick healing of self and others unless weakened]
+ General Immortality [ If killed, unless destroyed, returns to heaven]
+ Localization [ Can find most people ]
+ Reality Warping [ Ability to bend reality]
+ Chronokinesis [ Time Travel]

+ Holy Fire
+ Angel Blade
+ Death
+ God
+ Leviathans
+ Separation from his bonded Angel Blade


+ Deeply afraid of being without purpose.
+ Afraid of failure
+ Afraid of God's wrath and or disapproval
+ The concept of human sexuality


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Weapon of choice: Ezekiel carried a special holy relic Angel Blade known as "Angel Ear" , it allows him to do a few special things that other angel blades cannot do.

+ Imprison the essence of demons within it
+ Gather human souls within it (but only if demon souls are not already inside)
+ have access to his special gift of Resurrection, upon the destruction or power blocking blade his Death would be final.
+ Any damage to the blade is direct damage to him.
+ Being separated from the blade makes Ezekiel little more than human

{Why is this blade so important, and what is it?} Unlike most angels, Ezekiel's grace is not held within his body, but is instead located within his angel blade. Upon his creation God tasked him with bringing balance to earth, promising that so long as he served him he could never be destroyed. This difference is what allows him to challenge the fallen angels, the demons, and the corrupted of the earth and gives him the unique ability to convert damaged souls back to their original form so that they become purified and are able to go to heaven. This does not always work as planned, but is the general purpose of his unique gift. This makes him vulnerable when not armed.

His Past

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The Angel Gadreel once claimed to be this angel because Ezekiel was known to be a strong fighter, trustworthy, and glorified under God. Gadreel was caught in this lie by the notorious Castiel for the real Ezekiel had perished in the fall to earth when all of the Angels were cast out of heaven. Ezekiel did not die crashing to the ground, he died clinging to the gates of heaven, using his powerful body as a barrier to keep other angels from being sucked out by the spell. When the gates finally gave way, Ezekiel was pulled apart by the force of it. This was not, however, the end of the angel. As one of God's special order of angels [The Powers] Ezekiel was given a special gift at the moment of his creation. His gifted power was that of eternal resurrection, and this he laid in the dirt of the earth and waited for God to call him awake: For God had promised him. This was not the first time Ezekiel had died, he had been killed and then resurrected three times since his creation. The first time he would self destruct in order to help God form the mountains when the world was new and formless. The second and third times he gave his life fighting with God against other great forces. Baal and Lucifer being the ones that struck him down. Each time he died God immediately raised him from destruction and yet....this time.

years passed...

more years passed...

Until finally, Ezekiel heard the voice of God ringing in his ear again [Wake up]

Role in the group: The Rebel Angel: Ezekiel has been summoned from his grave to stop the apocalypse. He cannot do this alone.


+ He still prays
+ He believes that he is on God's shit list
+ He has a painful past with Lucifer
+ He believes he has earned God's hatred
+ He becomes attached to people more easily than he cares to admit.
+ He doesn't know how to handle feelings of affection.

Password: *Sings Asia"heat of the moment"*

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 03:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: Holly

“You say it’s not my fault? I can’t accept that. It will always be my responsibility.”

General Details

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Name: Holly Ashwood
Age: Twenty-Seven
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Marine Infantry Veteran

Appearance: Grief is a physical trait on this woman, pain always looming behind her monochromatic grey hues. At one point in time Holly was a woman with a warm heart and genuine happiness but all of that has been pulled from her, leaving her as a dusky shell of her former self.
From her years as a Marine, Holly is in reasonable shape with a pleasantly toned physique but not overly muscular. Vanilla, unblemished flesh blesses her, something she worked hard at through terrible teen years, the only thing marking her skin is two old scars, one on the front near her collar bone, and one to match in the same area on her back, created by a bullet wound.
Holly mainly likes to keep her hair natural brunette and above her shoulders, something that was instilled upon her during her service, she also feels that too long of hair will just get in the way of things. And Holly’s style reflects her military background, preferring to be comfortable than fashionable, though she is not without fashion sense.
> Height: 5’8
> Weight: 135

What Are They Like?

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Personality: Holly’s recent past has taken a major hit to her personality, silencing the charm that she used to possess. Now she has become rather closed off, finding solace at the bottom of an empty glass of strong liquor, which barely takes effect anymore.
Showing a kind heart is not her strong suit anymore but she knows how to be civil to others and show respect where it is due. Holly is not that much of a strong talker displaying that she is a little more introverted, however she will find enjoyment in a stimulating conversation which could give a chance to the person she is communicating with to actually see what she used to be.

Skills/talents: Holly is like a Swiss Army Knife when it comes to basic tactics and fighting. When she was in the Marines she participated in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and became knowledgeable in sixteen different forms of marital arts. She also has a tolerance to chemical weapons after being exposed to them during her training. She also was the top student in her tactics class, even putting research into motion on a new attack tactic she came up with during her exams.
> Weaknesses: Basic Mortality, though she has been shot once she got lucky. She also has a pretty decent case of PTSD.
> Fears: Hellhounds and going back to war.

Weapon of choice: Being a veteran it only makes sense to carry a gun on your person so she carries a SIG Sauer P226. For more intimate situations she also carries on her a MTech U.S.M.C. Scrapper with the name of Lil’ Prick engraved on the handle.

Read Their Biography

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History: Born to a family of legacy in the United States, Holly Ashwood is the great granddaughter of the Captain of the Seal Team 6, the same team that killed the infamous Osama Bin Laden in 2011. Ever since then almost everyone from that generation onward was a marines family, encouraging their sons and daughters to excel in the military lifestyle and hope to one day save the lives that are the dearest to you. This same concept was instilled into the mind of young Holly. The daughter of a marine general, Holly grew up on military bases all over the world and learned many things in her experiences. This wondrous childhood of discovery led her to the same path her father took, just as his father did before him. After junior high school Holly found herself eager to join into a military academy instead of a normal high school. From there she attended the Virginia Military Institute for her college education where she began research on a new assault tactic that she had made up during her exams and continued this research well into her time in the Marines actually leaving for basic training on the day of her 21st birthday joining in instantly as an officer.

During her time she was deployed twice and on her first trip overseas to resolve international conflicts she met a man, a wondrous man. He was a Colonel and she was serving as his major at the time, though during times of being off duty the two were inseparable. They drove each other wild for a year then they both resigned from their officer positions and eloped in Taiwan the day after their resignation was approved. The marriage was perfect every day like a fairytale, it was the happiest she had ever been in her life, and as long as she could share her life with him nothing could bring her down….

That was until one cold night when she woke up to the sounds of her husband pacing back and forth in front of the bed his eyes looking frantically at the door. Before she could even ask what was wrong the door exploded into splinters and her husband was ripped apart by some invisible force, right before her eyes. When it was over and her husband lay lifeless on the floor, a man stepped through the door a sickening feeling overwhelming her. When he looked at her in the bed his eyes were revealed to be as red as her husband’s blood, splattered on her skin. She remembers not being able to move like she was being held in place and the man came over and wiped the tears from her face. The man revealed to her everything that she was blind to during her time of love and happiness. For one, she had come to find out that her husband had sold his soul to become a warlock so he could in turn put a love spell on her and charm their commanding general into officiating their resignations form the military, and now that his ten years were up, it was time for him to face the hellhounds. What her husband didn’t know was that the spell he put on her was short term ranging to basically last only a couple of days, other than that she really fell in love with him. Pleading to the man she begged for him back and he told her he save her husband’s soul from eternal damnation, it’s just that his boss would like a favor from her first….

Role in the group: Spy
Password: 'It's Tuesday'

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 04:59 (8 Years ago)
Faelan Elizabeth George | 21 | Medic

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"Whats the point of life if you don't take risks?"

Quote from "Nice to meet ya!Name: Faelan Elizabeth George
Age: Twenty-one, though to many she looks too young
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Bartender

Appearance: Fae is a petite girl with auburn hair and dark hazel eyes. She has creamy pale skin with freckles across her cheeks and nose, her shoulders, and the top of her thighs. Her athletic and lean build helps her move around quickly and agile when hunting. Faelan has deep scars on her chest from a Werewolf and also bites on her neck. She also has two tattoo's on each shoulder that look like this and of course she has an anti-possession tattoo on her hip.
>Height: 5'1 [small but quick]
>Weight: 105 lbs [keeps her light on her feet]

Quote from "A little bout me?"Personality: Fae is a girl full of passion and charisma. With natural confidence, she pushes other's in the right direction. She takes great pride to guide others to improve themselves or the group. Faelan radiates authenticity, concern and altruism, unafraid to stand up and speak when they feel something needs to be said. She finds it normal to communicate to others, with it she is intuitive and can see through almost everyone. She can also be vulnerable, Fae can put her trust in everyone and she puts all her focus on others and often doesn't take care of herself.

xxx-crowds [behind the bar she has some personal space at least]
xxx-pain [she hates when people are hurt]

Weapon of choice: She likes to keep a lot of poisons on her but she also keeps a dagger that is cleansed with holy water

Quote from "What makes me, me?"History: Faelan has thought to be born in a poor neighbor hood to a drunk and a prostitute. She was raised to be obedient and told to keep her head down. She absolutely hated it and absolutely disposed it. When she misbehaved, there were consequences. It was one night when she came home to her parents dry of blood. She might of hated them but they didn't deserve to die in such a way. The Vamps almost got her too before the hunter hunting them protected her. They took her under their wing and taught them the way of the real world and taught her how to fight. On her own she read medical remedies and the like and soon became knowledgeable about what could heal what.

Role in the group: Medic
xxx-has a mild nightmare disorder
xxx-keeps a journal on her that helps her know what medicine she should use on a wound/injury
Password: "It's Tuesday"
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 11:32 (8 Years ago)
Oh my, you all went so fancy. So much fanciness. :o

And all of you have been hereby accepted to the RP.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 15:28 (8 Years ago)

Title: When do we start?

Dean_Winchester and I were up all night editing our profiles. Good times.

I was wondering, are you going to want all the characters filled before we begin, or do you think you have enough people for us to start?

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 15:35 (8 Years ago)
My original idea was to wait for all the spots to be filled before starting but I guess that isn't really necessary for us to start. Though I'd still prefer to wait for a little while longer (because I'm feeling lazy right now) before getting this rolling. I'm thinking I could post the in character thread and kick this thing off tomorrow. :d
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
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Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 17:27 (8 Years ago)

Title: *Thumbs Up*

Works for me, Moose

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 17:58 (8 Years ago)
Yay, thank you so much for accepting ^^ I can't wait to start tomorrow

stormalli // smol cat lady

i'm in high school and an aspiring

female pronouns
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 01:07 (8 Years ago)
Aaaaaand here's the roleplay thread. I'm not that late am I? I mean, the reset was just an hour ago so I didn't break my promise too badly. :b
(I got a bit carried away with Ray's little hunt. Yes, that is my excuse.)

Ezekiel may start rounding people up in whatever order he prefers whenever he feels like it. In the meantime, the rest of us can wait for our turns, do our own thing, or "accidentally" run into each other. Or something.

I'm gonna sleep now so if you have any questions, you'll have to wait for answers for a while. :,D
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 02:28 (8 Years ago)
I am excited to see it. I'll look it all over tomorrow morning

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 13:03 (8 Years ago)

Title: proposal

I'm also assuming that even though we are ignoring most of what happened after season 5, you've approved the angel's being cast out of heaven as canon for the rp considering it's a part of my character profile. Considering this, I was thinking that perhaps the angel fall be caused by Lucifer instead of the original reason, this would better align it to fit into the story line without bringing too much of later seasons into it.

This would be my proposal.:
When Lucifer was released from hell, the person that released him found a way to cast the angels out of heaven, thinking that it would make it easier for Lucifer to rule if the angels were debilitated.

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 13:56 (8 Years ago)
The problem did occur to me when I accepted your character but I brushed it off quickly. Plot holes and inconsistency are everywhere anyway.

This suggestion of yours sounds rather great though. I'm all in for it. If anyone has any objections, you're free to voice them.

(Apologies for the hasty reply, my phone is running out of battery. :b)
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 16:05 (8 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 13:07 (8 Years ago)
Holy macaroni, Ezekiel is such a friggin' vandal. Thanks for the laughs. :,D
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 17

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 15:20 (8 Years ago)

Title: Lol.

I messaged Dean afterwards and was just like "....sorry about your car, bro."

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 17:43 (8 Years ago)
Is Stormalli going to post?

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 19:07 (8 Years ago)
I PMed Ultra_Magnus regarding her post in the RP thread.

Just ignore the post made by her. Hopefully no unnecessary confusion was caused.

(Like I told her in the PM, she is welcome to join here.)

Also, no more pure OOC posts in the roleplay thread, thank you.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 01:08 (8 Years ago)
sorry that i havn't been posting, i have no muse and i have some family problems going on. but now that i have a 4 day weekend off, i should be able to post soon

stormalli // smol cat lady

i'm in high school and an aspiring

female pronouns
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 12/02/2016 01:24 (8 Years ago)
It's fine. Our muses are sneaky things that like running away and real life always goes first. Take your time. :]
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.