Forum Thread
Death by Purple (Ninja Bird)
Forum-Index → Diaries → Death by Purple (Ninja Bird)A bit about myself:
Name: Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All
Gender: Female
Age: Teenager
Likes: Video games, animals in general, Doctor Who, ice cream, sleeping late, writing, roleplaying, drawing, The Legend of Zelda, pwning at video games, zee Captein, My Little Pony, and symmetrical stuff.
Dislikes: Cleaning, "homemaking", mosquitoes, getting told what to do, getting interrupted while playing a video game, annoying little siblings, and potatoes.
...animal: Mantis shrimp Stardust game: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. (Although I'll play anything.)
...TV series: Doctor Who
...anime: Soul Eater German pancakes (with whipped cream and strawberries, ohhh so good...)

Unfortunately, I still only got under 3 hours of sleep. And I was probably one of the kids that slept the most on the bus. Most everyone just pulled all-nighters.
I can't complain, though. We went to Disneyland and Six Flags, and it was pretty fun to be away from home, hanging out with
I never got that chance.
As soon as the Le Bus pulled into the parking lot, and we got our stuff unloaded, my family dragged me off to Lake Powell to go camping. I didn't even get to go home to pick up clean clothes. They had packed for me. And by now, I'd gone a week without a shower. Luckily there were showers at the Powell camp site, but I only got to get one on the last day.
We own a boat, which we brought to the lake, so it was fun, and I made a statue of a cat out of sand, but I was already vacationed out from the previous week. I think that's what ruined it for me.
If I had gotten to stay at home one day after the Jazz Band trip, or, heck, had even KNOWN AHEAD OF TIME about the trip to Lake Powell, I might've been fine, but no.
Me: Ah, it feels good to be back. I'm going to take a nice long shower when we get home.
Little sister 1: Hey, hurry, get in the car, we're going to Lake Powell!
Little sister 2: *shrugs* Come on, we're leaving now!
Me: Now?
LS 2: Yeah! Come on!
To be edited later.

No new roleplay posts...
Some one posted in one of your subscribed threads...nope, just a bump.
Everyone in your roleplay is currently offline.
Opening up your fanfiction and forgetting what you were going to write in the new chapter
Forgetting to subscribe to a thread.
Realizing you forgot to subscribe to that new roleplay you joined, and having to read through pages of text when you realize it a week later.
No new interesting threads...
Getting ninja'd.
Writing a long and emotional post about your character in a roleplay or fanfiction thread, and your browser crashes or your device runs out of battery, making you start from scratch.
Seeing how much better everyone else is at writing stories and creating art makes you feel depressed.
Just a few of my many forum issues...