Forum Thread
[CLOSED] TheRealMossi's Shop (Items and Pokemon!)
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → [CLOSED] TheRealMossi's Shop (Items and Pokemon!)Here you can buy items and pokémon, PokeDollars (
For price in nuggets, please do this: [Price Pokedollar ÷ 1250]
Prices are not official until advice.
1.- You should pay me first BEFORE i
give you the item(s)/pokemon.
2.- Don't spam me please
User: Hi! i want 2 zinc.
TheRealMossi (me): Ok. 2 zincs cost ..... . Its ok?
User: Yes.
TheRealMossi (me): Ok. I already send you the item. Please go to deli...
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
TheRealMossi (me): Please dont spam.
User: Yes. (Btw password its "MyDittoLost:(")
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
3.- Please, if you're going to buy, please not ignore if you're online. Example:
User: Hello! Do you have any water gem?
TheRealMossi (me): I have 2 water gem, each 450 PD :)
(minutes later)
User: Ok i want the 2 please ;)
TheRealMossi (me): ok. my rules says that you have to pay me first. Ready?
(days later)
TheRealMossi (me): Hello? Are you here?
(User dont reply me again)
4.- No request donations please.
5.- If you are going to leave PH for days, please tell me.
6.- Don't say the password = warned. 3x Warned = Banned
2.- Don't spam me please
User: Hi! i want 2 zinc.
TheRealMossi (me): Ok. 2 zincs cost ..... . Its ok?
User: Yes.
TheRealMossi (me): Ok. I already send you the item. Please go to deli...
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
TheRealMossi (me): Please dont spam.
User: Yes. (Btw password its "MyDittoLost:(")
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
User: Yes.
3.- Please, if you're going to buy, please not ignore if you're online. Example:
User: Hello! Do you have any water gem?
TheRealMossi (me): I have 2 water gem, each 450 PD :)
(minutes later)
User: Ok i want the 2 please ;)
TheRealMossi (me): ok. my rules says that you have to pay me first. Ready?
(days later)
TheRealMossi (me): Hello? Are you here?
(User dont reply me again)
4.- No request donations please.
5.- If you are going to leave PH for days, please tell me.
6.- Don't say the password = warned. 3x Warned = Banned
*Stock updated 20/08/2017
Mystery Boxes:
Red Mystery Box (0x) 12,000
Pink Mystery Box (0x) 12,000
Green Mystery Box (3x) 12,000
Purple Mystery Box (0x) 12,000
Light Blue Mystery Box (9x) 12,000
Dark Blue Mystery Box (13x) 12,000
Brown Mystery Box (6x) 12,000
GOLD Mystery Box (0x) 20,000
Mistery Keys:
Red Mystery Key (4x) 10,000
Green Mystery Key (0x) 10,000
Pink Mystery Key (0x) 10,000
Dark Blue Mystery Key (0x) 10,000
Brown Mystery Key (0x) 10,000
Purple Mystery Key (2x) 10,000
GOLD Mystery Key (8x) 15,000
Battle Items:
X Attack (0x) 25,000
X Defense (0x) 25,000
X Speed (0x) 25,000
X Sp. Def. (0x) 25,000
X Sp. Atk. (0x) 25,000
X Attack 2 (0x) 50,000
X Defense 2 (0x) 50,000
X Speed 2 (0x) 50,000
X Sp. Def. 2 (0x) 50,000
X Sp. Atk. 2 (0x) 50,000
Dire Hit (0x) 25,000
Leftovers (0x) 20,000
Big Root (1x) 22,500
Power Weight (0x) 65,000
Power Bracer (0x) 65,000
Power Belt (0x) 65,000
Power Lens (0x) 65,000
Power Band (0x) 65,000
Power Anklet (0x) 65,000
Electric Gem (18x) 750
Grass Gem (36x) 500
Fire Gem (1x) 500
Ground Gem (41x) 500
Poison Gem (20x) 500
Rock Gem (43x) 500
Steel Gem (7x) 500
Water Gem (6x) 500
Fighting Gem (92x) 500
Ghost Gem (12x) 550
Psychic Gem (4x) 550
Flying Gem (23x) 650
Dark Gem (12x) 650
Ice Gem (14x) 700
Bug Gem (0x) 2,000
Fairy Gem (1x) 2,000
Normal Gem (33x) 1,000
Dragon Gem (0x) 57,500
Evolution/Form Change Items:
Mega Stone (0x) 600,000
Gracidea (0x) 50,000
Dawn Stone (2x) 2,500
Weather Balloon (3x) 12,000
Spray Duck (2x) 2,500
Zap Plate (0x) 25,000
Meadow Plate (1x) 25,000
Insect Plate (1x) 25,000
Flame Plate (0x) 25,000
Red Meteorite (0x) 50,000
Blue Meteorite (0x) 50,000
Yellow Meteorite (0x) 50,000
Burn Drive (0x) 35,000
Douse Drive (0x) 35,000
Shock Drive (0x) 35,000
Chill Drive (0x) 35,000
Dubious Disc (3x) 3,000
Whipped Dream (3x) 4,700
Seller Clothes (0x) 80,000
Black DNA Splicer (0x) 60,000
White DNA Splicer (0x) 60,000
Shell Bell (0x) 150,000
Energy Root (0x) 150,000
Misdreavus Cosplay (0x) 70,000
Red Orb (1x) 160,000
Blue Orb (1x) 160,000
Green Orb (1x) 180,000
Enigma Pearl (0x) 180,000
Reveal Glass (0x) 150,000
Griseous Crystal (0x) 100,000
Lawnmower (0x) 40,000
Refrigerator (0x) 40,000
Electric Fan (0x) 40,000
Washing Machine (1x) 40,000
Microwave (1x) 40,000
Summon Items:
Ruby (0x) 120,000
Sapphire (0x) 120,000
Emerald (0x) 120,000
Enigma Stone (0x) 100,000
Resolute Stone (0x) 130,000
Star Piece (4x) 65,000
White Powder (0x) 80,000
Griseous Orb (0x) 70,000110,000
Dark Orb (0x) 170,000
Lustrous Orb (0x) 180,000
Adamant Orb (0x) 180,000
Magma Stone (0x) 180,000
Red Lunar Wing (0x) 230,000
Light Rock (0x) 150,000
Cold Rock (0x) 150,000
Hard Rock (0x) 150,000
Other Items:
Honey (260x) 80
Super Honey (1x) 10,000
Iron (1x) 2,000
Zinc (3x) 2,000
Protein (4x) 2,000
HP Up (1x) 2,000
Calcium (0x) 2,000
Carbos (0x) 2,000
Rare Candy (0x) 5,000
Skull Fossil (0x) 20,000
Cover Fossil (0x) 20,000
Dome Fossil (0x) 20,000
Helix Fossil (3x) 20,000
Jaw Fossil (4x) 20,000
Root Fossil (1x) 20,000
Sail Fossil (2x) 20,000
Poke Ball (60x) 160
Great Ball (7x) 350
Ultra Ball (13x) 600
Moomoo Milk (197x) 200
Lemonade (245x) 750
Soda Pop (189x) 750
Mystery Boxes:
Mistery Keys:
Battle Items:
Evolution/Form Change Items:
Summon Items:
Other Items:
General Pokemon (By Rarities):
Easy - 200 - 500
Medium - 500 - 750
Hard - 650 - 1,250
Rare - 1,400 - 2,750
Special - 1,750 - 2,500
Unown - 20,000 (Unown "!" and "?" 25k)
Starters - 1500 - 2500
[FEMALE] Starters - 3800 - 4200
This ranges are from their first stage to third stage.
You can search your pokémon in my boxes:
"Sell/Trades "
"Sell/Trades 2"
"Sell/Trades BEST"
- You can offer pokemon that i dont have too :)
- ALL my pokes are for sale. :D
- Other Pokémons (Events) are in my Event Breeding Shop.
Easy - 200 - 500
Medium - 500 - 750
Hard - 650 - 1,250
Rare - 1,400 - 2,750
Special - 1,750 - 2,500
Unown - 20,000 (Unown "!" and "?" 25k)
Starters - 1500 - 2500
[FEMALE] Starters - 3800 - 4200
This ranges are from their first stage to third stage.
You can search your pokémon in my boxes:
"Sell/Trades "
"Sell/Trades 2"
"Sell/Trades BEST"
- You can offer pokemon that i dont have too :)
- ALL my pokes are for sale. :D
- Other Pokémons (Events) are in my Event Breeding Shop.
Berry Market:
To order:
Hi! My name is (Your Username)
I want to buy: (Whatever You Would Like To Buy) + (How Much You Would Like To Buy Of The Item/Items)
Hi! My name is Riako
I want to buy: 4x Zapdos, 5x Moltres, 666x Florges
Pass: This pass arent the password
I want to buy: (Whatever You Would Like To Buy) + (How Much You Would Like To Buy Of The Item/Items)
Hi! My name is Riako
I want to buy: 4x Zapdos, 5x Moltres, 666x Florges
Pass: This pass arent the password
How you can receive the item?
Delibird Item Delivery: You give me
the money in "Gift some pokedollar" in my userpage and then you go
to the Delibird Item Delivery to receive the item.
Sell me YOUR items!!!
You can also sell me your
Now im looking for:
- Boxes/Keys
- Pokemon that i DONT have (btw i know that pokemon arent items :p)
- Event Pokemon that i dont have
Now im looking for:
- Boxes/Keys
- Pokemon that i DONT have (btw i know that pokemon arent items :p)
- Event Pokemon that i dont have
Contact Me:
You can contact me ONLY in this Post.
AFTER i receive the order, i will Pal Pad you.
Thanks very much for visit TheRealMossi's Shop!
Completed Purchases:
TheEeveeSquad (5x
TheBluePsyduck (15x Normal Gems, 1x Fire Gem and 5x Flying Gems.)
Kimie (6x Bug Gem, 19x Fighting Gem, 9x Grass Gem, 5x Ground Gem, 1x Poison Gem, 6x Rock Gem, 2x Water Gem, 2x Dark Gem, 12x Fire Gem, 1x Ice Gem, 17x Steel Gem, 1x Fairy Gem)
Dark_Mewtwo (4x Brown Mystery Boxes, 1x Light Blue Mystery Box, 1x Pink Mystery Box, 1x Purple Mystery Box, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Key, 1x Green Mystery Key 2x GOLD Mystery Box, 1x Green Mystery Key, 1x Brown Mystery Key, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Box)
Disturbedstacy (1x Enigma Stone)
Posey (1x Weather Balloon, 2x Rary Candy)
AllyBear (1x Weather Balloon, 6x Dragon Gems)
Godfred (1x Rare Candy, 1x Normal Gem)
Andrewanlol (1x Brown Mystery Key, 2 Green Mystery Keys, 2x Dark Blue Mystery Boxes, 1x Red Mystery Key, 9x Fire Gems, 19x Electric Gems, 3x Normal Gems, 6x Water Gems)
TDAT_keldeoboy (2x Green Mystery Keys, 1x Red Mystery Key, 1x Light Blue Mystery Box, 1x Purple Mystery Key)
Talula18 (1x Pink Key, 2x Green Mystery Keys, 1x Red Mystery Key)
Entei_Soul (2x GOLD Keys)
jdd5611 (3x Light Blue Mystery Boxes, 2x Pink Mystery Boxes, 3x Brown Mystery Keys, 2x Green Mystery Keys)
TheSilverFox (1x Star Piece)
Accident (1x Weather Balloon, 1x Unown T)
Legendary_Latias (3x Dragon Gems)
Professor_Mac (2x Dragon Gems)
Professor_Sycamore (4x Ice Gems, 5x Dark Gems, 8x Ghost Gems, 10x Psychic Gems)
-Sen (1x Rare Candy)
Devil0356 (21x Ghost Gems)
pranjal12 (1x Carbos, 1x Iron)
Alex27558 (10x Grass Gems, 14x Poison Gems)
ducdavis (1x GOLD Mystery Key)
BlackPhoenixark (3x GOLD Mystery Keys, 1x Brown Mystery Box, 1x Red Mystery Box, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Key)
Suvam (7x Normal Gems)
WolfStorm (3x Brown Mystery Boxes, 3x Purple Mystery Boxes, 4x Red Mystery Boxes, 1x Light Blue Mystery Box, 2x Dark Blue Keys, 1x Green Mystery Key, 2x Pink Mystery Keys, 1x GOLD Mystery Key)
MaleAi (1x Green Mystery Box, 1x Pink Mystery Box)
LittleUphir (2x Dragon Gems)
Shiala (4x Red Mystery Boxes, 2x Brown Mystery Boxes, 9x Light Blue Mystery Boxes, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Box, 1x Green Mystery Box, 3x Purple Mystery Boxes, 8x Pink Mystery Boxes, 8x Red Mystery Keys, 12x Purple Mystery Keys, 9x Brown Mystery Keys, 6x Pink Mystery Keys, 7x Green Mystery Keys, 1x Light Blue Mystery Key, 3x Dark Blue Mystery Keys, 31x GOLD Mystery Keys.)
FaeKat (2x Rare Candy, 3x Water Gems, 10x Steel Gems, 20x Rock Gems, 13x Psychic Gems, 4x Poison Gems, 7x Normal Gems, 2x Ice Gems, 24x Ground Gems, 31x Grass Gems, 2x Ghost Gems, 3x Flying Gems, 16x Fire Gems, 5x Fightning Gems, 6x Electric Gems, 18x Dark Gems, 8x Bug Gems.)
Dokku (1x Relic Cooper)
Ampha (4x Dragon Gems)
Girafarig (10x Normal Gems)
MisaAmaneDemonSlayer (6x Fairy Gems)
EmmyFalcon (3x Ice Gems)
rosewhip43 (7x Rare Candys)
Nymphrasis (8x Fire Gems, 13x Ice Gems, 25x Flying Gems, 4x Electric Gems)
Itachi_ (8x Normal Gems)
ONIKITSUNE (1x Dire Hit)
monca2014 (22x Dark Gems, 7x Bug Gems, 20x Grass Gems)
unirainbowkitty (1x Ice Gem, 15x Water Gems)
Barska_Blade (2x Rare Candies)
akari013 (1x Red Orb)
-Mew (6x Electric Gems)
Gleyre (1x Electric Fan, 1x Lawnmover)
FrenchVulpix (25x Ghost Gems + 24x Poison Gems)
jeber88 (4x Normal Gems, 3x Flying Gems, 12x Grass Gem, 1x Ground Gem, 1x Poison Gem, 2x Rock Gem, 6x Water Gem, 2x Ghost Gem, 2x Ice Gem, 5x Fairy Gem, 16x Dragon Gems) [1x Heracross ★]
Melissa54923 (17x Ground Gems, 20x Normal Gems, 19x Psychic Gems, 20x Rock Gems, 6x Steel Gems, 6x Electric Gems, 5x Dragon Gems) [1x Electabuzz, 1x Clamperl, 1x Relicanth, 1x Conkeldurr, 1x Floette (White)]
YoloTrainerRed [1x Linoone]
Graceful64 [1x Carracosta]
ShadowTriad [1x Unown P, 1x Unown V, 1x Unown Y]
carrot84 [1x Unown Y]
Dark_Knights_Goddess [1x Fearow]
Leapy [1x Unown R]
DarkerinDrachen [1x Empoleon]
Umbreon_DarkPrince [1x Hoothoot (Retro)]
Seer_Of_Mind [1x Unown ?, 1x Slowyore]
Wandy [1x Mankey, 1x Hitmonlee]
Bussola [1x Goldeen, 1x Floette (Red), 1x Sandile]
orukedxx [1x Unown A, 1x Unown C, 1x Unown D, 1x Unown F, 1x Unown H, 1x Unown I, 1x Unown J, 1x Unown L, 1x Unown O, 1x Unown R, 1x Unown T, 1x Unown Y, 1x Unown ?]
pikachu004 [1x Charizard ♀]
ShadowAbsolZ [1x Absol MEGA-ABLE]
Yolshy [1x Cottonee]
Kirito27 [1x Electabuzz]
Argentis1412 [1x Bagon, 1x Shelgon]
Aozora_no_Ange [1x Honchkrow]
Asato [2x Zebstrika]
Green_Oak [1x Blastoise]
NOTE: (Items) [Pokemon]
NOTE 2: Other Pokémons (Events) are in my Event Breeding Shop.
TheBluePsyduck (15x Normal Gems, 1x Fire Gem and 5x Flying Gems.)
Kimie (6x Bug Gem, 19x Fighting Gem, 9x Grass Gem, 5x Ground Gem, 1x Poison Gem, 6x Rock Gem, 2x Water Gem, 2x Dark Gem, 12x Fire Gem, 1x Ice Gem, 17x Steel Gem, 1x Fairy Gem)
Dark_Mewtwo (4x Brown Mystery Boxes, 1x Light Blue Mystery Box, 1x Pink Mystery Box, 1x Purple Mystery Box, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Key, 1x Green Mystery Key 2x GOLD Mystery Box, 1x Green Mystery Key, 1x Brown Mystery Key, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Box)
Disturbedstacy (1x Enigma Stone)
Posey (1x Weather Balloon, 2x Rary Candy)
AllyBear (1x Weather Balloon, 6x Dragon Gems)
Godfred (1x Rare Candy, 1x Normal Gem)
Andrewanlol (1x Brown Mystery Key, 2 Green Mystery Keys, 2x Dark Blue Mystery Boxes, 1x Red Mystery Key, 9x Fire Gems, 19x Electric Gems, 3x Normal Gems, 6x Water Gems)
TDAT_keldeoboy (2x Green Mystery Keys, 1x Red Mystery Key, 1x Light Blue Mystery Box, 1x Purple Mystery Key)
Talula18 (1x Pink Key, 2x Green Mystery Keys, 1x Red Mystery Key)
Entei_Soul (2x GOLD Keys)
jdd5611 (3x Light Blue Mystery Boxes, 2x Pink Mystery Boxes, 3x Brown Mystery Keys, 2x Green Mystery Keys)
TheSilverFox (1x Star Piece)
Accident (1x Weather Balloon, 1x Unown T)
Legendary_Latias (3x Dragon Gems)
Professor_Mac (2x Dragon Gems)
Professor_Sycamore (4x Ice Gems, 5x Dark Gems, 8x Ghost Gems, 10x Psychic Gems)
-Sen (1x Rare Candy)
Devil0356 (21x Ghost Gems)
pranjal12 (1x Carbos, 1x Iron)
Alex27558 (10x Grass Gems, 14x Poison Gems)
ducdavis (1x GOLD Mystery Key)
BlackPhoenixark (3x GOLD Mystery Keys, 1x Brown Mystery Box, 1x Red Mystery Box, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Key)
Suvam (7x Normal Gems)
WolfStorm (3x Brown Mystery Boxes, 3x Purple Mystery Boxes, 4x Red Mystery Boxes, 1x Light Blue Mystery Box, 2x Dark Blue Keys, 1x Green Mystery Key, 2x Pink Mystery Keys, 1x GOLD Mystery Key)
MaleAi (1x Green Mystery Box, 1x Pink Mystery Box)
LittleUphir (2x Dragon Gems)
Shiala (4x Red Mystery Boxes, 2x Brown Mystery Boxes, 9x Light Blue Mystery Boxes, 1x Dark Blue Mystery Box, 1x Green Mystery Box, 3x Purple Mystery Boxes, 8x Pink Mystery Boxes, 8x Red Mystery Keys, 12x Purple Mystery Keys, 9x Brown Mystery Keys, 6x Pink Mystery Keys, 7x Green Mystery Keys, 1x Light Blue Mystery Key, 3x Dark Blue Mystery Keys, 31x GOLD Mystery Keys.)
FaeKat (2x Rare Candy, 3x Water Gems, 10x Steel Gems, 20x Rock Gems, 13x Psychic Gems, 4x Poison Gems, 7x Normal Gems, 2x Ice Gems, 24x Ground Gems, 31x Grass Gems, 2x Ghost Gems, 3x Flying Gems, 16x Fire Gems, 5x Fightning Gems, 6x Electric Gems, 18x Dark Gems, 8x Bug Gems.)
Dokku (1x Relic Cooper)
Ampha (4x Dragon Gems)
Girafarig (10x Normal Gems)
MisaAmaneDemonSlayer (6x Fairy Gems)
EmmyFalcon (3x Ice Gems)
rosewhip43 (7x Rare Candys)
Nymphrasis (8x Fire Gems, 13x Ice Gems, 25x Flying Gems, 4x Electric Gems)
Itachi_ (8x Normal Gems)
ONIKITSUNE (1x Dire Hit)
monca2014 (22x Dark Gems, 7x Bug Gems, 20x Grass Gems)
unirainbowkitty (1x Ice Gem, 15x Water Gems)
Barska_Blade (2x Rare Candies)
akari013 (1x Red Orb)
-Mew (6x Electric Gems)
Gleyre (1x Electric Fan, 1x Lawnmover)
FrenchVulpix (25x Ghost Gems + 24x Poison Gems)
jeber88 (4x Normal Gems, 3x Flying Gems, 12x Grass Gem, 1x Ground Gem, 1x Poison Gem, 2x Rock Gem, 6x Water Gem, 2x Ghost Gem, 2x Ice Gem, 5x Fairy Gem, 16x Dragon Gems) [1x Heracross ★]
Melissa54923 (17x Ground Gems, 20x Normal Gems, 19x Psychic Gems, 20x Rock Gems, 6x Steel Gems, 6x Electric Gems, 5x Dragon Gems) [1x Electabuzz, 1x Clamperl, 1x Relicanth, 1x Conkeldurr, 1x Floette (White)]
YoloTrainerRed [1x Linoone]
Graceful64 [1x Carracosta]
ShadowTriad [1x Unown P, 1x Unown V, 1x Unown Y]
carrot84 [1x Unown Y]
Dark_Knights_Goddess [1x Fearow]
Leapy [1x Unown R]
DarkerinDrachen [1x Empoleon]
Umbreon_DarkPrince [1x Hoothoot (Retro)]
Seer_Of_Mind [1x Unown ?, 1x Slowyore]
Wandy [1x Mankey, 1x Hitmonlee]
Bussola [1x Goldeen, 1x Floette (Red), 1x Sandile]
orukedxx [1x Unown A, 1x Unown C, 1x Unown D, 1x Unown F, 1x Unown H, 1x Unown I, 1x Unown J, 1x Unown L, 1x Unown O, 1x Unown R, 1x Unown T, 1x Unown Y, 1x Unown ?]
pikachu004 [1x Charizard ♀]
ShadowAbsolZ [1x Absol MEGA-ABLE]
Yolshy [1x Cottonee]
Kirito27 [1x Electabuzz]
Argentis1412 [1x Bagon, 1x Shelgon]
Aozora_no_Ange [1x Honchkrow]
Asato [2x Zebstrika]
Green_Oak [1x Blastoise]
NOTE: (Items) [Pokemon]
NOTE 2: Other Pokémons (Events) are in my Event Breeding Shop.
Pending Purchases:
For ever:
I can't contact, and banned for ever too
NOTE: Also all person who blocked me are BANNED because i cant contact them.
NOTE 2: A person can be in "For ever" and "I cant contact, and for ever too" sections at the time.
I can't contact, and banned for ever too
NOTE: Also all person who blocked me are BANNED because i cant contact them.
NOTE 2: A person can be in "For ever" and "I cant contact, and for ever too" sections at the time.