Forum Thread
Nightmare Land [SignUp]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Nightmare Land [SignUp]But here, every single nightmare given to you, it can become reality in the blink of an eye. And you never know what to do. Whether a Mutated Bulbasaur, or a swarm of Demon Volcarona, the possibilities are endless. And your goal is to end all this fear, once and for all...
RP Page

1. Please get things right in your
form please. It's annoying when people don't.
2. Speaking of forms, POST THEM HERE. [RP Page: [x]]
3. Humans only. They can have Pokémon, but I would prefer teams of 1-4.
4. Try to mmmmNEVER be OP, Mary Sue or Gary Stu. No god-modding or bunnying either please.
5. N O to the Legendary Pokémon. Unless they're Nightmares.
6. I guess the Nightmares would have to be a bit overpowered but try not to go too far with the Nightmare power.
7. also no megas or shinies for this matter (^:
8. please stay active this is the best idea I have had in a while
9. remove the things in parentheses *()* when working on the form I cant stress this enough.
10. Self romance is not recommended but I guess it is allowed.
2. Speaking of forms, POST THEM HERE. [RP Page: [x]]
3. Humans only. They can have Pokémon, but I would prefer teams of 1-4.
4. Try to mmmmNEVER be OP, Mary Sue or Gary Stu. No god-modding or bunnying either please.
5. N O to the Legendary Pokémon. Unless they're Nightmares.
6. I guess the Nightmares would have to be a bit overpowered but try not to go too far with the Nightmare power.
7. also no megas or shinies for this matter (^:
8. please stay active this is the best idea I have had in a while
9. remove the things in parentheses *()* when working on the form I cant stress this enough.
10. Self romance is not recommended but I guess it is allowed.
FORM777777 im done

[center] [b]RP Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (at least 19)
[b]Pokémon Team:[/b] (Maximum of 4 Pokémon)
[b]Worst Fear:[/b]
[b]Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares:[/b] (Guns, Knives, etc.)
[b]Extra Info:[/b] [/center]
[b]Age:[/b] (at least 19)
[b]Pokémon Team:[/b] (Maximum of 4 Pokémon)
[b]Worst Fear:[/b]
[b]Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares:[/b] (Guns, Knives, etc.)
[b]Extra Info:[/b] [/center]
My Character Children

RP Name: Leliana
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Pokémon Team: Larvesta, Dragonair, Servine, Zebstrika
Appearance: [x]
Crush: n/a
Worst Fear: Demon Hypno, or even just Hypno.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: None
Extra Info: Theme song right here.also, if Ceres joins and makes him, Teddren
Demione's younger sister.
RP Name: Claude Emiyth
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Pokémon Team: Milotic, Magneton, Unfeazant
Appearance: [x]
Worst Fear: Being eaten by an Onix.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares:a v small
Extra Info: He doesn't necessarily care about any of this anyway...
RP Name: Jay Mieshina
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Pokémon Team: Mandibuzz, Tyrunt
Appearance: [x]
Crush: open
Worst Fear: Freezing to death, especially by Kyurem or Aurorus.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: several Ninja Stars...don't question this baby.
Extra Info: He just wants to get rid of these fears before he decides to try and attack every Ice-Type he sees. also why Leli doesn't use her Aurorus.
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Pokémon Team: Larvesta, Dragonair, Servine, Zebstrika
Appearance: [x]
Crush: n/a
Worst Fear: Demon Hypno, or even just Hypno.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: None
Extra Info: Theme song right here.
RP Name: Claude Emiyth
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Pokémon Team: Milotic, Magneton, Unfeazant
Appearance: [x]
Worst Fear: Being eaten by an Onix.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares:
Extra Info: He doesn't necessarily care about any of this anyway...
RP Name: Jay Mieshina
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Pokémon Team: Mandibuzz, Tyrunt
Appearance: [x]
Crush: open
Worst Fear: Freezing to death, especially by Kyurem or Aurorus.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: several Ninja Stars...don't question this baby.
Extra Info: He just wants to get rid of these fears before he decides to try and attack every Ice-Type he sees. also why Leli doesn't use her Aurorus.

-Leli Demione (-TheSans-)
-Claude Emiyth (-TheSans-)
-Jay Mieshina (-TheSans-)
-Eve Fallow (MoonwatcherEverdeen)
-McKenna Good (MoonwatcherEverdeen)
-Faolan Grey (MoonwatcherEverdeen)
-Amber Mett (GoatChild)
-Kasai Okami (stormalli)
-Claude Emiyth (-TheSans-)
-Jay Mieshina (-TheSans-)
-Eve Fallow (MoonwatcherEverdeen)
-McKenna Good (MoonwatcherEverdeen)
-Faolan Grey (MoonwatcherEverdeen)
-Amber Mett (GoatChild)
-Kasai Okami (stormalli)
Gender: f
Age: 19
Pokémon Team: Larvesta, Dragonite, litleo, fletchling
Appearance: a small girl with freckled face and long curly light red-brown hair.
Crush: Faolan
Worst Fear: trade-evolve pokemon.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: nope
Extra Info: cousin of McKenna
Gender: female
Age: 19
Pokémon Team: Umbreon, Delphox, Ninetales, Alakazam
Appearance: A tall girl with short curly copper hair. McKenna has freckles and usually wears an infinity scarf as well as a hoodie and jeans.
Crush: open
Worst Fear: psychic type human like pokemon that aren't the abra line.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: a katana
Extra Info:
Gender: male
Age: 20
Pokémon Team: Greninja, Poochyena, Growlithe
Appearance: a tall guy with black hair, fair skin, and dark brown eyes. He wears a t-shirt and jeans most of the time.
Crush: open
Worst Fear: The move dreameater and drowzee/hypno.
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: two swords
Extra Info: ~
Gender: female
Age: 19
Pokémon Team: Sneasel, Shuppet, Vibrava
Appearance: a small girl with honey-blonde hair and hazel eyes, often dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with boots
Crush: none/open
Worst Fear: being faced with a threat that requires her to make a tough decision to protect herself and/or others from danger
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: She has a knife, which she keeps hidden in her boot.
Extra Info: Amber acts a bit spacey at times- not seeming to pay attention to things or react a bit slower than others, though this is largely due to her thinking about things a lot.
never again will you be able to return... ♪

never again will you be able to return... ♪

Gender: female
Age: 19
Pokémon Team: Absol and Hounddoom
Appearance: click
Crush: open
Worst Fear: cutsie pokemon with instant death moves
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares: normally carries a wooden katana with her but she also has a 9mm
Extra Info: doesn't trust most trainers and sticks to her pokemon like glue
stormalli // smol cat lady
i'm in high school and an aspiring
female pronouns
Pokémon Team:Druddigon, Honchcrow, Dewgong, Aegislash
Appearance:a flat topped man with a genetic disorder in which he has one black eye and one blue eye, he still wears his "charm" with the pentagram, his hour late watch, his army shorts, and his black shirt but he decided to actually wear shoes this time, and wasn't his goatee shorter before?
Crush:bi and open
Worst Fear:he has two actually, one is he feeling of being truly alone, the other being fairy types strangely enough
Any Gear for Fighting the Nightmares:he always carries his dagger now that he's forced to being serious.
Extra Info:anti-social and a bit demented... Okay a lot he, has a tendency to switch from being kind and friendly to wild and almost insane, he could be a great person to hang out with ... that is if you don't mind being randomly tackled.

laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared
They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun
And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared
They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun
And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly