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A Reality Shaken [Lit-Adv. Lit/ PG-13/ Set up]

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs A Reality Shaken [Lit-Adv. Lit/ PG-13/ Set up]
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 04:46 (11 Years ago)
There is a world beyond our own. A world of fables and fairy tails. A place with evil, yet still perfect. It is the land to inspire all the great fables and fairy tales, protected from our world for thousands of years.

But something has gone wrong.

The barrier between the worlds is slipping. In our world, fairy tail love is happening. Those most connected to the barrier, protectors from generations back, are feeling the first effects. The music star prince can fall in love with his pauper fan. Maybe that's good for us...

But on the other side of the veil, a perfect society is falling apart. Princes and Kings loose interest in their wives. Crimes unlike what that world is use to have grown. That happy ending that always worked itself out is crumbling, and people are panicking. Temptations of our world are not known to them, and the seven deadly sins run rampant. Mixed with the air of magic, they have taken Human forms, and have strong magical powers. They rally around a mysterious leader, a shadow that wants bogong more than to see this world burn.

Now, those of our world have a choice. Will the prince and the pauper help a world falling into fiery destruction? Suddenly yanked out of their own world to one through an old tapestry, will they be able to overcome the evil? Or will it destroy the confused real-worlders. And even if they do succeed, can they accept that their own fairytales will loose the magic, and likely crumble away?

Woo, first non-pokemon roleplay!
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 05:17 (11 Years ago)

Title: A Better Plot Explanation

As you have probably gathered, there are two worlds. One is what we call reality, just your normal world like you would step out your front door and see. The other is the land where fairy tales actually exist. Any great fairy tale or fable likely came from a traveler who accidentally found this land and returned to tell the story.

But, since we have discovered the other land, we also try to keep its secret from the world. Nearly all entrances were destroyed back in medieval times, save for one tapestry. This hangs on the wall in the storage room in a fortune teller's shop now days.

When the few people did travel between worlds, they found themselves forming an inexplicable link with the other world. No one has gone back and forth in a long time, and it is believed by the very select few who know of it now that a spell was cast, so only those blood decendents of the previous travelers can pass through, because they have already made a link with the other world.

The situation now is that the veil between two worlds is collapsing. Someone in the land of fairy tales, called Asgard, is forcibly causing the barrier to collapse. Because of this, magic is slipping into our world, seeking those first who are connected with Asgard. It effects all differently, but the common factor is the impossible. Fortune tellers suddenly can actually see the future. That teen idol finds love at first sight with a dirt poor girl. Someone actually finds their wishes coming true. At first, this may seem to be a good thing. Yet all are drawn to the tapestry. While the fortune teller(s) cannot travel between worlds, they have the ability to view the location of others in Asgard and communicate with them telepathically.

In Asgard, the villain of our story has seven followers, each one of the seven deadly sins. They have the power to instill sin in others hearts. And like someone exposed to a completely alien virus for the first time, they don't know how to combat these longings. The perfect world is falling apart, and it's fate lies in travelers from another world, predicted to come and save both worlds.

But these "saviors" have a difficult road and many hard choices. If they succeed, the magic surrounding them will fade away. That prince may find he doesn't like the pauper, and fortune tellers won't actually see the future anymore. Wishes won't be granted, and the world will return to normal.

Thus, you have a choice of characters. You may play as one of the seven sins, as a Traveler, or as a Fortune Teller. Normal people of both worlds are NPCs, and the big bad boss will remain an NPC until he becomes more of a major role, I which time I may assume his character or offer it up for grabs. I will go into more depth on characters in a later post.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 19:53 (11 Years ago)

Title: Character Type Info

There are three main groups of characters, the 7 Sins, the Travelers, and the Fortune Teller(s)


Travelers are people from our world that have some family history of a direct, long deceased relative having visited Asgard. When the veil starts collapsing, magic will be drawn to them. HOWEVER they cannot wield magic! In reality, they will find their lives suddenly twisting into a typical fairy tale, set in modern day. I will not limit how that happens (magical love, trees that grant wishes, evil stepmothers, amazing singing voices, a draw to animals... the list goes on).

These characters will be drawn or find themselves in some manner at a fortune teller's shop (1 SHOP!) where the sole tapestry between the worlds hangs. They have the ability to travel through the tapestry into the other world. There, they have the challenge of stopping the barrier between worlds from collapsing. Of course, they don't necessarily have to be the good guys, though. It would be in human nature to be selfish, and not want a good fairy tale life to end. They could turn away from the other world entirely, or choose to help it collapse.

Fortune Teller(s)

Fortune tellers are odd. They cannot seem to travel between the worlds, yet are affected by the collapsing veil. This may be because they are relatives, though not quite direct enough, of those who traveled before, or because they have no travelling ancestors, but proximity to the door between worlds has affected them.

The reason for the parenthesis is that I only really need one Fortune Teller, the one who owns the shop with the tapestry hanging in the back room. If the idea of being one of these characters is popular, I'm willing to accept multiple.

These characters can see the future, yet only relating to the Travelers, and only from how the fortune teller will view it. While they cannot go through the tapestry, they can see in the tapestry what Travelers and anyone else cannot: the position of any Traveler from reality in the other world. Any magical bonds between travelers will also be visible. To them, each traveler is represented by a colored spot of light (and bonds by a string between them). By the brightness of the light, they can tell how that Traveler is feeling health wise. If the light goes out, the Traveler is dead. If it is shining bright, they are uninjured, totally healthy and full of energy.

But the magic that fortune tellers possess takes a toll on them. They cannot help any visions, but each one is slowly diminishing their life energy and killing them. The only way to stop it is for the Travelers to repair the barrier between worlds.

(Should I get a lot of interest, I may pair Travelers with Fortune Tellers as well, so one Fortune Teller may be able to know about one or a few specific Travelers.)

7 Deadly Sins

There are only 7 of these characters, but, like Fortune Tellers, if I get a lot of interest and all 7 are taken, I will allow people to play subordinants of each sin, with either slighter powers of the same sin, or representing specific parts of the sin (Gluttony might have subordinants Food and Drink).

The 7 Deadly Sins, for those who do not know them, are: Greed, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Pride, Wrath, and Sloth. A brief description of each:

Greed: A love of that which you have, and unwillingness to give anything away.
Envy: Love of that which you do not have, and wanting something simply because it is possessed by someone else.
Lust: A love of... well, love. (This is usually taken sexually. However, this is a PG-13 roleplay. Anything with this character will be kept within the rating.)
Gluttony: A love of food and drink to an extreme
Pride: A love of self, and a feeling of being better than all others
Wrath: Hate, or anger. A lack of love of anything.
Sloth: A love of laziness. From not wanting to move to even not wanting to get up in the morning.

These characters were formed from the mixture of these sins entering Asgard and the magic in the air trying to suppress them. All have a (mostly) human form, but also a much less human form, that maybe something like a monster or beast or some grotesque being. They have the ability to control magic, (most strongly those relating to their sin) and instill that sin in peoples hearts. While it only take a small amount to cause a sin to run rampant in a person of Asgard who are not use to temptation, it would take a lot more magic to turn a Traveler, who is probably use to facing these temptations in reality. (Not to say the sins are not very powerful magic users. However, to give a Traveler enough inner longing to actually effect them could take time and/or a lot of energy.)

Also note: Magic does not require wands or any medium to cast, but some may choose to use these to either increase their magic or to help focus it.

Later, I will add the Villain as a playable character. All Asgardians and people of reality that are not Travelers or Fortune Tellers are NPC (non player characters) and thus can be used by anyone however they so please.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 20:34 (11 Years ago)

Title: Rules

-This is a Literate to Advanced Literate Roleplay, so I want sizable posts, good spelling and grammar, and writers who give a crap about more than just getting the basics of what just happened. (I'd rather hear the annoying details than just get a bunch of "She did this" or "He did that".)
---Also means, when in doubt if you have enough to post, the smart choice is to wait until you do. Quality is what matters to me, not how many posts you can whip off in a day.

-Until I find that we are short on people who want to join, only one Sin per user, but each user can have up to four characters. This doesn't mean you must have four, but for those who FEEL THEY CAN MANAGE IT, the maximum they may control at one time is four. A dead character does not count as a controllable character.

-Do not be afraid to ask me anything. If you are unsure of what is happening or if I will let you make a certain type of character, just ask. In the above post, I mentioned how some characters MAY be. Let's say I already have a fortune teller, and you're not sure if you can make a second, tell me you want to make one, don't just hope other people tell me they want more fortune tellers because nobody may tell me. (Same with subordinants of the Sins).

-Let's say you're reading this. Then you may put the word llama somewhere random in the middle of your character form. If you do that, I may just actually accept your form, because I know your reading this bullet, thus probably the rest of this. It will make me very happy.

-Don't be a hater. If you don't like some other player, don't knock on them just to be mean. Constructive criticism is one thing, being a jerk is another.

-When it comes to male-female ratios, I'm not a stickler about equality. However, I dislike extremes. This roleplay is made so there might be some romance/drama as well as action and fantasy. If I have 10 girls for every one guy, that's just not going to work.

-In your character form, the appearance section is a very open spot. You may:
1. Draw your own character
2. Use a picture from another place or ask another person to make your character, but please give credit where credit is due. (Even if it's just "I didn't make this")
3. Use an anime picture
4. Use a real picture
5. Simply write in a DETAILED description of your character. (Not just "Black hair, green eyes, and pale skin".)
6. Claim that you are in the process of creating a picture. If you choose this option, it better be darn well near done and uploaded, so you can send it to me and I'll add it to your profile. Otherwise, you can claim it is a WIP and write a description in it's place until the work is done, or find a picture on the internet and use it (possibly with some "Except this is actually..."s in there).

-No god modding or power play. No body can always throw unblockable hits, or cause their magic to make them impossible to stop. And the other way around, no one can dodge everything. Keep your character reasonably believable.

-Do not use other people's characters in your post. You may think that just that little action that you made them do (even in character) couldn't possibly hurt, but sometimes is really screws up that owner if they were a post already, or had an idea that that little thing screws up.

-If you simply cannot make a long enough post (Let's say it's a fight scene with another person's character), and you want to work with someone else to use their character, or work out a longer scene and have one of you post it, that's fine with me as long as you have the permission of the character's owner.

-This roleplay is PG-13 (American standards). If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. Swearing is permissible, but the f-bomb must be censored in some fashion (stars, symbols, [bad word here]s, what have you). This is a roleplay based on the fact that real life isn't always nice. Sorry, kids. Asgard might have been perfect, but our world sure as heck ain't.

-Posts don't have to be super fancified. I know some people get really into including pictures or backgrounds, but I honestly don't care about that. My concern is the content, and as long as I can read a good post, do whatever you wish.

-Not everyone can be posting 20 out of 24 hours every day. I've got a life myself, so you won't ever find me on that much. But for those who are online a lot and love to post, I understand that the roleplay gets intense, and you really want to keep going. However, coming back to read multiple pages is not exactly fun. I'm fine summarizing what happened, but this tends to make some annoyed when two or three people are the only ones posting for a huge string of posts. Especially if your character is somewhere in the midst of what's happening. Please be considerate. In the past, I have limited posts per day. It stinks, and the roleplay died after that. Please, don't make me go there.

-In the future, when you make your character, please include moose somewhere. It could result in me knowing that you are still reading these rules and that I didn't type this crap out for nothing. It may also prevent any unpleasant disciplinary actions in the future.

-You break my rules once, you got a warning. Break 'em twice, I start to get angry. Three times will be unpredictable depending on my mood. If your breaking the same rule constantly, you can bet money I will kick you out of the roleplay, and if possible in the future of PokeHeroes, ban you from the thread. That's how life roles.

-Be reasonable, and when in doubt, use your common sense. Also, possibly ask WWMD? (What would Mituna do? My apologies to anyone offended by me distorting the religious WWJD)

-I cannot stress enough, when in doubt, just ask. Me or any other member would be more than pleased to help you (And if you aren't willing to help other members when you can, I don't think this is the roleplay for you.) Seriously, anything is okay to ask, from summaries since your last post, to whether your post makes sense or is lengthy enough. I cannot bite you through the computer.

-These rules are subject to change or addition at any time should I see fit. And remember, dumb rules and instructions come from dumb actions.

-Have fun!
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Mon, 29/07/2013 23:12 (11 Years ago)

Title: Forms

Please do not start posting your forms until I post a status post, AND say that I'm ready for form submissions.


[center][b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Magic Effects: [/b] (basically, what has become fairytale-esque about their life)
[b]Background: [/b]
[b]Strengths: [/b]
[b]Weaknesses: [/b]
[b]Fears: [/b]
[b]Likes: [/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Orientation: [/b]
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]
[b]Other: [/b]

Fortune Teller

[center][b]Username: [/b]
[b]Name: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Background: [/b]
[b]Likes: [/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Orientation: [/b]
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]
[b]Other: [/b]

The 7 Sins

[center][b]Username: [/b]
[b]Sin: [/b]
[b]Nickname(s): [/b]
[b]Appeared Age: [/b]
[b]Appeared Gender: [/b]
[b]Mostly Human Appearance: [/b]
[b]Beast/Monster Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]
[b]Favorite Spells: [/b] (Any magic outside implanting sin you see your character using a lot.)
[b]Magic Accessory: [/b] (If any. Can be anything, from wands and staffs to jewelry)
[b]Strengths: [/b]
[b]Weaknesses: [/b]
[b]Fears: [/b]
[b]Likes: [/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Orientation: [/b] (Assuming they are at all attracted to anyone beyond the sin they embody)
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]
[b]Other: [/b]

Please remove any parenthesis before posting your form.

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:31 (11 Years ago)

Title: List of Characters and 7 Sin Availability

How to read: Username-Name(Nickname)-Gender-Orientation-Relationship Status

Mituna-Alexandra(Alex)-Female-Straight-Crush on Kyle

Fortune Tellers

7 Sins





Ufimtsev-Sova-Female-Straight-Not Likely



(Yes, this does mean you may reserve a Sin if the roleplay is not yet open or your profile is not completed yet. All sins are forgiven a first come, first serve basis. *shot* xD)

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:33 (11 Years ago)

Title: Master List of Profiles

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Username: Mituna
Name: Alexandra (goes by Alex)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: This is really close to what I want, and I doubt I could draw anything better. Just know her eyes are more of an icey blue, though.
Magic Effects: Has always been poor, raised by her mother who never really seemed to give a damn about her. Never really noticed in school until recently, because it seems like her beauty has started to grow with each passing day. (Also, her eyes were once a more natural blue, but the magic has made them a much lighter tint so that they stand out more).
Background: Her father left her and her mother before Alex could even speak. Her mother hit a low and tried to drown her in a canal. However, a passerby luckily caught her and called the police. When Alex was six, her mother was deemed safe and she left the foster care system (where she was passed around quite a bit) to return to her mother's tiny apartment. At her return, though, her mother quickly slipped into a raging alcoholism, and became abusive. Not wanting to go back into the system, Alex tolerated and hid her mother's crimes.
Strengths: She's great at keeping secrets, and can tolerate a lot (pain included). However, she won't stand to see other people hurt, and a life of running away and self defense has made her rather strong for a girl. She's speedy and resourceful.
Weaknesses: Well, she's still a girl, and stands next to no chance in hand to hand combat with a stronger man. She's rather naive, and will fall too easily to tricks. Also, her tolerance and secret keeping can tend to isolate others. Cannot swim. Her long hair is an easy way to catch her (her mother has used it often, but still she won't cut it).
Fears: Not being liked by her peers, people learning about her past, drowning
Likes: Sweets, music, certain flowers, especially lilies.
Dislikes: Spicy food, getting more than waist deep in water, people who pry too much into her background
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: Crush on Kyle
Other: She may be easily fooled, but know she has some street smarts. She's not going to dumbly walk into a obviously bad situation.

Username: InfinityLove
Name: Kyle
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He's nice and caring, but tough when need be. He's not afraid to fight to protect something or someone. He enjoys doing things that helps people, and isn't afraid to show it anymore.
Magic Effects: Being a mostly good guy all around, he starts becoming even more and more good, acting like a Knight. At first, no one noticed that he did all these things, but it's becoming more and more noticeable, making him a Knight in Shining Armor.
Background: His dad left his mom soon after he was born, so he never had a father figure in his life. His mom tried to date around, but she refused to actually stay with them, because when he told her how they all treated him she believed him and dumped them. Because of the fact that his dad left, he always tries to be better then him, and it's also because of his mother that he always tries to do good things. When he was younger they'd go and donate things to charity, go to animal shelters and walk and help feed the dogs and play with the cats. They did all kind of things that taught him to be who he is and a good person. Being a nice guy though, some people decided that he needed to learn 'a lesson'. So it's nothing new if a group of idiots tries to pick a fight with him. After the first time it happened, he demanded that his mom enroll him in a couple of martial arts classes so he could defend himself.
Strengths: He's at his strongest when protecting others and defending what he believes and knows is right. He can take pain because of fighting people through his life, and knows when things should be said and shouldn't. He feels that if his friends believe in him and have his back, then he can do things without worry.
Weaknesses: Because he's a nice person he tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, and that's not always a good thing. Sometimes he's easily tricked, and it always hurts him to know that he was betrayed.
Fears: Being left behind, and betrayed. He doesn't want to go through what his father put him through.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberry soda, good movies, animals, and ANIME
Dislikes: Him or his friends being talked down to, spinach, annoying loud music, and people who hurt others for fun.
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: Alex
Other: He wonders how llamas came to exist as well as moose.

Username: Rini00
Name: Lucy
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Credit to the artist
Personality: Sweet, a little quiet, becoming elegant, doesn't get angry and loves animals
Magic Effects: She is becoming more elegant and lovely. Her skin is getting paler and her lips are turning red as a rose. Her singing voice (which used to be awful) I turning into the most lovely voice in her school and is starting to attracting animals. llama
Background: Her father died when she was a baby and her mother died when she was 7. She was raised by her aunt and uncle who are kind but work a lot so she's often alone. Moose
Strengths: Her voice is enchanting and might take you over, she's good at hand to hand combat, is light on her feet and can jump pretty high.
Weaknesses: Weapon combat, animals in pain and people crying
Fears: Screaming and being alone in the dark
Likes: Animals, singing, other people talking to her and climbing tree
Dislikes: Mean people, bugs and darkness
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None (yet)

Username: Rini00
Name: Ichigo
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Personality: tough, won't let you get away with something you shouldn't do, loves being around others, has a soft spot for kids, not scared of much
Magic Effects: Has become increasingly good at sports and fighting.
Background: Was abused as a child which toughened her up and now she has foster parents.
Strengths: Fighting, sports, agilty
Weaknesses: being lady like, people in pain and snakes
Fears: Makeup and snakes
Likes: Fighting, sports, kids, animals (except snakes)
Dislikes: dressing up and Snakes
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None
Other: Doesn't know the difference between's llama's and moose

Fortune Tellers
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Username: InfinityLove
Name: Tsukiakari (Tsuki)
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Personality: Tsuki is sweet and calm, but slightly mysterious. She doesn't always answer questions given to her straight on. Sometimes she's just not able to answer the questions straight on, and she hates that fact. She doesn't really have a temper, and it takes a lot to get her angry, but get her going and it's like a disaster hit. She also tends to slap people if they're being rude, or said something that was completely stupid.
Background: As a young girl she fell in love with the idea of telling people their fortunes, and at first her parents let her, thinking it was a child obsession that wasn't real and would pass with time. But they started to fear her when after about 5 years, she didn't stop trying, and her fortunes started to become right. During school she was considered a type of exotic beauty. People thought that she was beautiful, but they didn't dare approach her in fear of what would be said, because the people who didn't care about her looks, labeled her a freak. She never cared, just continued to tell fortunes in a small shope she'd made, and once she had enough money from reading fortunes, she graduated high school, and promptly moved out of her parents house, much to their relief. She lives in an appartment complex and now has a brand new shop that she bought from someone who was thinking about tearing the building down. She did some repairs, and it looks good as new.
Likes: Fortune Telling, cute boys, good food, and good omens
Dislikes: Rude people, ugly people who think they're all that, bad food, spiders, and bad omens
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None
Other: Often ponders about llamas and moose...

Username: SummerLight
Name: Neo Daytime
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: I am working on this I swear but *distressive noises* spriting
Personality: Dodgey, jumps around questions, tends to forget details easily
Background: Has been deemed 'odd' for her minor visions and Hearings of the future, and alternate timelines, so she travelled most of her life after the age of eleven. She managed to forget her own last name out of pure dis-use and renamed herself.
Likes: Distractions and music, it tends to drown out the more scrabled screams of the future.
Dislikes: Quiet, being alone
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: none
Other: Moose likes juice and lives on the mooon with a Llama!

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Username: Mituna
Sin: Lust
Nickname(s): Lindsey
Appeared Age: Early twenties
Appeared Gender: female
Mostly Human Appearance: My own sketch. Please forgive the sketchbook binding and weird editing. I took the picture with my phone and edited with photobucket. I'm not skilled at uploading pictures...

Anyway, color wise her hair is blond with brown highlights underneath, and her eyes that isn't creepy-fied is red. The other is black and the pupil thing glows red. She wears a tight black tank that only covers her chest and black spankies. The tail and wings are both dark grey/black. She has the perfect tan. (In case you don't know, I styled her after a monster called a succubus, a demon that supposedly appears in men's dreams and seduces them. Some stories of them believe that a kiss would let them steal a man's soul for food.)
Beast/Monster Appearance: Art work will be made... eventually. For now, she becomes a large demonic beast, naked but with no gender indicating parts. Her lightly furred body is entirely black, with large wings and a tail, her head becomes bald, and both eyes look like her creepy one. The tips of her extremities are long and claw like, and her teeth are pointed and red, and always seem to drip blood, but actually are extremely full of poison. Her tongue is extremely long, and thin like a snake or lizard without the forked end. Standing upright (though she's usually hunched over on all fours like this), she would be about 8' easy.
Personality: Loves attention, and always wants eyes on her. Lindsey is almost as selfish as Greed when it comes to the spot light. Because of this, she's easily angered, though usually will blow off steam in her mostly human form, since she believes her beast form is hideous. Flirts with pretty much every one she sees. Spreading her sin is what makes her the happiest, though.
Favorite Spells: Illusions affecting her appearance (usually quite solid) and Poison related spells (A signature one is much like Poison Ivy from Batman: he lips become tainted with poison, causing anyone she can meet lips with die.)
Magic Accessory: She has a whip, but you won't see it until she gets really annoyed. At this point, it would only take a bit to nudge her into her beast form.
Strengths: Her good looks, a great ability to cast spells and use magic on the sly with no tools. Because she relies heavily on magic, she's grown a lot of stamina for casting larger and more complicated spells.
Weaknesses: In her preferred form, she's not very strong physically, and would rather risk losing often times than use her stronger form. Has quite the large mouth, so sometimes says things she really shouldn't have told her opponent. If you can render her magic-less, she'll turn tail and bolt.
Fears: Not being loved, dying (which will happen if the barrier is repaired), her beast form, being ugly.
Likes: Anyone that looks particularly cute, using illusion spells to make herself look even better (if that's possible).
Dislikes: Whenever someone isn't attracted to her (ESPECIALLY guys), having to switch to beast form, not being in the spotlight
Orientation: Bisexual. She'll take whatever she can get.
Crush/Lover: Everyone No one in particular currently
Other: I solemnly swear I will not go R with this character. If someone has some sick need to, I'm NOT PM roleplaying anything disgustingly graphic. You want your character to go there, there's going to be a large, blacked out time skip.

Username: Death
Sin: Wrath
Nickname(s): Ikari
Appeared Age: Late teens or early twenties.
Appeared Gender: Female
Mostly Human Appearance:

She's about average height, and wears a short black dress with black, over-the-knee socks. No shoes, for whatever reason. She claims they're "too confining" and refuses to wear them. Her eyes are always a piercing red, and sometimes her tails become visible when she gets startled. Her clothes and hair somehow manage to stay immaculate, no matter what she goes through.
Beast/Monster Appearance:

Personality: She enjoys using other people to her own amusement, and her sense of humor is a bit off, to say the least. For the most part she wreaks havoc just to rip people apart inside, then finish them when she thinks they've had enough of their misery.
Favorite Spells: Foxfire (rubbing her tails to make fire and electricity), fox lanterns (floating balls of fire), shapeshifting (into anything found in nature), illusions (solid and can be touched/used).
Magic Accessory: None.
Strengths: Determination - She will do anything to achieve her goals, and won't let anyone stand in her way. Distance - She isn't attached to anyone or anything, and can't be swayed with precious objects or hostages. Cunning - She can slip herself in or out of any situation like water through a net. She also enjoys killing and murdering people as if she were a stealthy assassin, although just killing outright is fine with her, too. Agility - Seeing as her true form is a fox, she's quite nimble and flexible, although she does have her limits. Since she can't take too much damage, she often uses her agility to it's full extent to avoid getting hit.
Weaknesses: Faith - People who posses large amounts of faith don't see her illusions, and can break them by touching them. Fragility - Despite her power and agility, she isn't the kind of beast that can take a hit and stay standing. Small attacks, she can take just fine, but weapons (such as taking an ax to the face for example) require her to retreat while she heals herself over a period of time. Overconfidence - When on the advantage, she often gets too confident in her ability to win, and may overlook small things that could give her opponents an edge.
Fears: Bugs (especially spiders), being confined, being overpowered, loud noises (those sensitive ears).
Likes: Fighting, chaos, disorder, and large mansions.
Dislikes: Peacefulness, having to "play well with others", anything that seems stronger than her.
Orientation: Asexual
Crush/Lover: "Get them out of my sight."
Other: Often silent, the other sins used to think she was a mute until she finally spoke.
*Pictures were not drawn by me*

Sin: Pride
Nickname(s): Sova
Appeared Age: Somewhere between the fine line of "teenaged" and "young adult."
Appeared Gender: Female
Mostly Human Appearance:
Like this, except closer to the description below:
Her eyes shine with a dull, golden color. If angered, the shade darkens until they are brown. Sova's hair is long, meticulously braided into countless streams, bearing a dynamic hue of violet. She stands tall for her appeared age at 5' 5" (1.7 m). The ears of a great lioness sit atop Sova's head, and likewise, a lioness' tail juts out from behind her.
Sova can usually be found wearing purple or gray short-sleeved shirts and skirts.
Beast/Monster Appearance: Like this, except a lioness. In this form, her eyes are a bright red.
Personality: Being the pure embodiment of Pride, her turn of phrase is both haughty and cocky. However, she has also displayed a certain...sympathy....and patience with dying creatures.
Favorite Spells: Silver Summon (summons a weak monster), Earth Force (immobilizes the target temporarily)
Magic Accessory: The two silver armlets that she wears have been imbued with strong magic. If she runs low on energy, these can be used in a pinch to summon a helper from beyond.
Strengths: Sova has a great amount of stamina and energy, thus lasting a long while in battles.
Weaknesses: She is weak to utter power and the forces of good- especially lovingkindness. Seeing others joyful also reminds her of how she feels to be in the state she is in.
Fears: Death, and being separated from others for eternity.
Likes: She lauds in achievements, appreciation, and seeing land animals (bear, moose, tiger, llama, alpaca, etc.).
Dislikes: Death, bluntly hurtful words, long arguments, and the like. She keeps busy lifting herself up, and she doesn't care for other people trying to bring her down.
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None, she thinks herself better than any would-be partner.
Other: Credit to ChickenSmoothie for the lion picture, and Puzzle&Dragons for the sprite, the latter being edited by me.

Username: InfinityLove
Sin: Envy
Nickname(s): N
Appeared Age: Between his late teens and early twenties.
Appeared Gender: Male
Mostly Human Appearance:
Beast/Monster Appearance:
Personality: He's very complex. Being Envy he's a sort of mixture of some of the others sins. He's mainly a dark kind of guy, who hates good things. He has a sort of sadistic outlook on things, and likes to cause as much pain as he can.
Favorite Spells: Illusions; he changes his whole appearance to copy anothers, gaining their strength, but not their personal abilities, and summons electric balls into his hands to launch at his opponent
Magic Accessory: A pure black choker with nothing on it.
Strengths: Large amount of stamina, strength, and will power. Because his illusions are actually him turning himself into a copy of another person, it recquires a lot of strength and will power especially in a battle.
Weaknesses: If he doesn't take a break doing illusions, he'll start to decay. Because it takes up so much power, it'll take a toll on the user if not given a break. When he transforms into someone with a lesser amount of strength then his human form, his physical strength decreases until it matches the original.
Fears: Being loved, even though that's what he really wants
Likes: Hate, Pain, and Desires for things people can't have
Dislikes: Goody two-shoes, and all around good people
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None, but he might consider kidnapping someone....
Other: Hates both llamas and moose

Username: Rini00
Sin: Greed
Nickname(s): Blaze
Appeared Age: 25
Appeared Gender: Female
Mostly Human Appearance: Not mine
Beast/Monster Appearance: Not mine either
Personality: Greedy(duh), fools people to get their money, will steal without a thought, uses illusions to get what she wants
Favorite Spells: Illusions spells
Magic Accessory: Her boots (taps the heels together)
Strengths: Tricks and Illusions
Weaknesses: Awareness of her magic
Fears: having nothing
Likes: Jewelry, money, robbing people blind, Priceless objects and collecting
Dislikes: when people steal from her, when she doesn't have anything
Orientation: Bisexual
Crush/Lover: None
Other: She can rob you blind and you wouldn't even know

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:41 (11 Years ago)

Title: Stats, Status, and Plot Updates

This section last updated: 8/8/13

Member count: 6

Character count: 11
-Travelers: 4
---Male: 1
---Female: 3
-Fortune Tellers: 2
---Male: 0
---Female: 2
-Sins: 5
---Male: 1
---Female: 4

This section last updated: 8/8/13

Roleplay here. Post at any time.

YOU MAY SUBMIT APPLICATIONS! Feel free to post them on this thread!

I will NOT take any more female sins, only male.

Fortune teller is now a multiple person position, but all new fortune tellers must work out how they fit into the puzzle with the current ones.

Would like guy travelers, please~
Plot Updates
This section last updated: 8/8/13

Time: About 3:00PM-ish, just after school would let out.
Location of Travelers: Reality

The Story Thus Far:
-School has just let out for Alex.
-Sins are in a meeting with their leader.

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:43 (11 Years ago)

To be a possible map of Asgard, similar to the tapestry that is the link between worlds. Don't expect it any time soon.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 00:43 (11 Years ago)

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 01:03 (11 Years ago)
Username: Mituna
Name: Alexandra (goes by Alex)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: This is really close to what I want, and I doubt I could draw anything better. Just know her eyes are more of an icey blue, though.
Magic Effects: Has always been poor, raised by her mother who never really seemed to give a damn about her. Never really noticed in school until recently, because it seems like her beauty has started to grow with each passing day. (Also, her eyes were once a more natural blue, but the magic has made them a much lighter tint so that they stand out more).
Background: Her father left her and her mother before Alex could even speak. Her mother hit a low and tried to drown her in a canal. However, a passerby luckily caught her and called the police. When Alex was six, her mother was deemed safe and she left the foster care system (where she was passed around quite a bit) to return to her mother's tiny apartment. At her return, though, her mother quickly slipped into a raging alcoholism, and became abusive. Not wanting to go back into the system, Alex tolerated and hid her mother's crimes.
Strengths: She's great at keeping secrets, and can tolerate a lot (pain included). However, she won't stand to see other people hurt, and a life of running away and self defense has made her rather strong for a girl. She's speedy and resourceful.
Weaknesses: Well, she's still a girl, and stands next to no chance in hand to hand combat with a stronger man. She's rather naive, and will fall too easily to tricks. Also, her tolerance and secret keeping can tend to isolate others. Cannot swim. Her long hair is an easy way to catch her (her mother has used it often, but still she won't cut it).
Fears: Not being liked by her peers, people learning about her past, drowning
Likes: Sweets, music, certain flowers, especially lilies.
Dislikes: Spicy food, getting more than waist deep in water, people who pry too much into her background
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: LOOKING! I'd love a partner who would be her knight in shining armor as part of how the magic is effecting her.
Other: She may be easily fooled, but know she has some street smarts. She's not going to dumbly walk into a obviously bad situation. And like I said above, I'd love to find her a knight in shining armor, like someone famous or well to do. PM me or post here if your interested!

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 01:57 (11 Years ago)
Sin: Pride
Nickname(s): Sova
Appeared Age: Somewhere between the fine line of "teenaged" and "young adult."
Appeared Gender: Female
Mostly Human Appearance:
Like this, except closer to the description below:
Her eyes shine with a dull, golden color. If angered, the shade darkens until they are brown. Sova's hair is long, meticulously braided into countless streams, bearing a dynamic hue of violet. She stands tall for her appeared age at 5' 5" (1.7 m). The ears of a great lioness sit atop Sova's head, and likewise, a lioness' tail juts out from behind her.
Sova can usually be found wearing purple or gray short-sleeved shirts and skirts.
Beast/Monster Appearance: Like this, except a lioness. In this form, her eyes are a bright red.
Personality: Being the pure embodiment of Pride, her turn of phrase is both haughty and cocky. However, she has also displayed a certain...sympathy....and patience with dying creatures.
Favorite Spells: Silver Summon (summons a weak monster), Earth Force (immobilizes the target temporarily)
Magic Accessory: The two silver armlets that she wears have been imbued with strong magic. If she runs low on energy, these can be used in a pinch to summon a helper from beyond.
Strengths: Sova has a great amount of stamina and energy, thus lasting a long while in battles.
Weaknesses: She is weak to utter power and the forces of good- especially lovingkindness. Seeing others joyful also reminds her of how she feels to be in the state she is in.
Fears: Death, and being separated from others for eternity.
Likes: She lauds in achievements, appreciation, and seeing land animals (bear, moose, tiger, llama, alpaca, etc.).
Dislikes: Death, bluntly hurtful words, long arguments, and the like. She keeps busy lifting herself up, and she doesn't care for other people trying to bring her down.
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: None, she thinks herself better than any would-be partner.
Other: Credit to ChickenSmoothie for the lion picture, and Puzzle&Dragons for the sprite, the latter being edited by me.

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[center][b]Ufimtsev: [/b]
[b]Sin:[/b] Pride
[b]Nickname(s):[/b] Sova
[b]Appeared Age:[/b] Somewhere between the fine line of "teenaged" and "young adult."
[b]Appeared Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Mostly Human Appearance:[/b]
[url=http://tinypic.com/r/2yo1f6a/5]Like this, except closer to the description below:[/url]
Her eyes shine with a dull, golden color. If angered, the shade darkens until they are brown. Sova's hair is long, meticulously braided into countless streams, bearing a dynamic hue of violet. She stands tall for her appeared age at 5' 5" (1.7 m). The ears of a great lioness sit atop Sova's head, and likewise, a lioness' tail juts out from behind her.
Sova can usually be found wearing purple or gray short-sleeved shirts and skirts.
[b]Beast/Monster Appearance:[/b] [url=http://static.chickensmoothie.com/archive/image.php?k=565E18C3D9D6736A8949B5A5883F107F&bg=cccccc]Like this, except a lioness.[/url] In this form, her eyes are a bright red.
[b]Personality:[/b] Being the pure embodiment of Pride, her turn of phrase is both haughty and cocky. However, she has also displayed a certain...sympathy....and patience with dying creatures.
[b]Favorite Spells:[/b] Silver Summon (summons a weak monster), Earth Force (immobilizes the target temporarily)
[b]Magic Accessory:[/b] The two silver armlets that she wears have been imbued with strong magic. If she runs low on energy, these can be used in a pinch to summon a helper from beyond.
[b]Strengths:[/b] Sova has a great amount of stamina and energy, thus lasting a long while in battles.
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] She is weak to utter power and the forces of good- especially lovingkindness. Seeing others joyful also reminds her of how she feels to be in the state she is in.
[b]Fears:[/b] Death, and being separated from others for eternity.
[b]Likes:[/b] She lauds in achievements, appreciation, and seeing land animals (bear, moose, tiger, llama, alpaca, etc.).
[b]Dislikes:[/b] Death, bluntly hurtful words, long arguments, and the like. She keeps busy lifting herself up, and she doesn't care for other people trying to bring her down.
[b]Orientation:[/b] Straight
[b]Crush/Lover:[/b] None, she thinks herself better than any would-be partner.
[b]Other:[/b] Credit to ChickenSmoothie for the lion picture, and Puzzle&Dragons for the sprite, the latter being edited by me.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 02:05 (11 Years ago)
Username: Death
Sin: Wrath
Nickname(s): Ikari
Appeared Age: Late teens or early twenties.
Appeared Gender: Female
Mostly Human Appearance:

She's about average height, and wears a short black dress with black, over-the-knee socks. No shoes, for whatever reason. She claims they're "too confining" and refuses to wear them. Her eyes are always a piercing red, and sometimes her tails become visible when she gets startled. Her clothes and hair somehow manage to stay immaculate, no matter what she goes through.
Beast/Monster Appearance:

"I eat llamas and meese for breakfast!"
Personality: She enjoys using other people to her own amusement, and her sense of humor is a bit off, to say the least. For the most part she wreaks havoc just to rip people apart inside, then finish them when she thinks they've had enough of their misery.
Favorite Spells: Foxfire (rubbing her tails to make fire and electricity), fox lanterns (floating balls of fire), shapeshifting (into anything found in nature), illusions (solid and can be touched/used).
Magic Accessory: None.
Strengths: Determination - She will do anything to achieve her goals, and won't let anyone stand in her way. Distance - She isn't attached to anyone or anything, and can't be swayed with precious objects or hostages. Cunning - She can slip herself in or out of any situation like water through a net. She also enjoys killing and murdering people as if she were a stealthy assassin, although just killing outright is fine with her, too. Agility - Seeing as her true form is a fox, she's quite nimble and flexible, although she does have her limits. Since she can't take too much damage, she often uses her agility to it's full extent to avoid getting hit.
Weaknesses: Faith - People who posses large amounts of faith don't see her illusions, and can break them by touching them. Fragility - Despite her power and agility, she isn't the kind of beast that can take a hit and stay standing. Small attacks, she can take just fine, but weapons (such as taking an ax to the face for example) require her to retreat while she heals herself over a period of time. Overconfidence - When on the advantage, she often gets too confident in her ability to win, and may overlook small things that could give her opponents an edge.
Fears: Bugs (especially spiders), being confined, being overpowered, loud noises (those sensitive ears).
Likes: Fighting, chaos, disorder, and large mansions.
Dislikes: Peacefulness, having to "play well with others", anything that seems stronger than her.
Orientation: Asexual
Crush/Lover: "Get them out of my sight."
Other: Often silent, the other sins used to think she was a mute until she finally spoke.
*Pictures were not drawn by me*

To make it easy for you:
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If you want URLs instead of images in the master list, just change the [ img] tags.

[center][b]Username: [/b]Death
[b]Sin: [/b]Wrath
[b]Nickname(s): [/b]Ikari
[b]Appeared Age: [/b]Late teens or early twenties.
[b]Appeared Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Mostly Human Appearance: [/b]
She's about average height, and wears a short black dress with black, over-the-knee socks. No shoes, for whatever reason. She claims they're "too confining" and refuses to wear them. Her eyes are always a piercing red, and sometimes her tails become visible when she gets startled. Her clothes and hair somehow manage to stay immaculate, no matter what she goes through.
[b]Beast/Monster Appearance: [/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]She enjoys using other people to her own amusement, and her sense of humor is a bit [i]off[/i], to say the least. For the most part she wreaks havoc just to rip people apart inside, then finish them when she thinks they've had enough of their misery.
[b]Favorite Spells: [/b]Foxfire (rubbing her tails to make fire and electricity), fox lanterns (floating balls of fire), shapeshifting (into anything found in nature), illusions (solid and can be touched/used).
[b]Magic Accessory: [/b]None.
[b]Strengths: [/b][i]Determination[/i] - She will do anything to achieve her goals, and won't let anyone stand in her way. [i]Distance[/i] - She isn't attached to anyone or anything, and can't be swayed with precious objects or hostages. [i]Cunning[/i] - She can slip herself in or out of any situation like water through a net. She also enjoys killing and murdering people as if she were a stealthy assassin, although just killing outright is fine with her, too. [i]Agility[/i] - Seeing as her true form is a fox, she's quite nimble and flexible, although she does have her limits. Since she can't take too much damage, she often uses her agility to it's full extent to avoid getting hit.
[b]Weaknesses: [/b][i]Faith[/i] - People who posses large amounts of faith don't see her illusions, and can break them by touching them. [i]Fragility[/i] - Despite her power and agility, she isn't the kind of beast that can take a hit and stay standing. Small attacks, she can take just fine, but weapons (such as taking an ax to the face for example) require her to retreat while she heals herself over a period of time. [i]Overconfidence[/i] - When on the advantage, she often gets too confident in her ability to win, and may overlook small things that could give her opponents an edge.
[b]Fears: [/b]Bugs (especially spiders), being confined, being overpowered, loud noises (those sensitive ears).
[b]Likes: [/b]Fighting, chaos, disorder, and large mansions.
[b]Dislikes: [/b]Peacefulness, having to "play well with others", anything that seems stronger than her.
[b]Orientation: [/b]Asexual
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]"Get them out of my sight."
[b]Other: [/b]Often silent, the other sins used to think she was a mute until she finally spoke.
*Pictures were not drawn by me*

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 02:46 (11 Years ago)
@Ufimtsev: My image of the difference between mostly human and beast forms would basically be that what you described as her beast form would be a mostly human form, and something more outrageous (like a full on Lion or maybe some distorted version of a lion) would be the beast form. I'll still accept you if your okay with that.

@Death: Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, but I think your profile is missing something... *hinthintnudgenudge*

@All: Here's my second character! I entrusted my self with Lust because this is a character that could very easily turn this from PG-13 to R. Because there is no Mature forum area, I'd rather be 100% sure that this will stay clean than see it get dumped because we broke some rules. I worked way too friggin' hard for that.

Username: Mituna
Sin: Lust
Nickname(s): Lindsey
Appeared Age: Early twenties
Appeared Gender: female
Mostly Human Appearance: My own sketch. Please forgive the sketchbook binding and weird editing. I took the picture with my phone and edited with photobucket. I'm not skilled at uploading pictures...

Anyway, color wise her hair is blond with brown highlights underneath, and her eyes that isn't creepy-fied is red. The other is black and the pupil thing glows red. She wears a tight black tank that only covers her chest and black spankies. The tail and wings are both dark grey/black. She has the perfect tan. (In case you don't know, I styled her after a monster called a succubus, a demon that supposedly appears in men's dreams and seduces them. Some stories of them believe that a kiss would let them steal a man's soul for food.)
Beast/Monster Appearance: Art work will be made... eventually. For now, she becomes a large demonic beast, naked but with no gender indicating parts. Her lightly furred body is entirely black, with large wings and a tail, her head becomes bald, and both eyes look like her creepy one. The tips of her extremities are long and claw like, and her teeth are pointed and red, and always seem to drip blood, but actually are extremely full of poison. Her tongue is extremely long, and thin like a snake or lizard without the forked end. Standing upright (though she's usually hunched over on all fours like this), she would be about 8' easy.
Personality: Loves attention, and always wants eyes on her. Lindsey is almost as selfish as Greed when it comes to the spot light. Because of this, she's easily angered, though usually will blow off steam in her mostly human form, since she believes her beast form is hideous. Flirts with pretty much every one she sees. Spreading her sin is what makes her the happiest, though.
Favorite Spells: Illusions affecting her appearance (usually quite solid) and Poison related spells (A signature one is much like Poison Ivy from Batman: he lips become tainted with poison, causing anyone she can meet lips with die.)
Magic Accessory: She has a whip, but you won't see it until she gets really annoyed. At this point, it would only take a bit to nudge her into her beast form.
Strengths: Her good looks, a great ability to cast spells and use magic on the sly with no tools. Because she relies heavily on magic, she's grown a lot of stamina for casting larger and more complicated spells.
Weaknesses: In her preferred form, she's not very strong physically, and would rather risk losing often times than use her stronger form. Has quite the large mouth, so sometimes says things she really shouldn't have told her opponent. If you can render her magic-less, she'll turn tail and bolt.
Fears: Not being loved, dying (which will happen if the barrier is repaired), her beast form, being ugly.
Likes: Anyone that looks particularly cute, using illusion spells to make herself look even better (if that's possible).
Dislikes: Whenever someone isn't attracted to her (ESPECIALLY guys), having to switch to beast form, not being in the spotlight
Orientation: Bisexual. She'll take whatever she can get.
Crush/Lover: Everyone No one in particular currently
Other: I solemnly swear I will not go R with this character. If someone has some sick need to, I'm NOT PM roleplaying anything disgustingly graphic. You want your character to go there, there's going to be a large, blacked out time skip.

Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 02:48 (11 Years ago)
*Gasp* I was so caught up in the magic of friendship character making that I forgot some important things! *Rushes back to the form*

EDIT: Fixed it. *cough* Check under the second image. *cough*

EDITEDIT: You know what I thought would suit the beast appearance of one of the sins? (Maybe gluttony or slothiness.) This... I don't expect anyone to use it, but just thinking about if they did makes me laugh. XD

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 02:56 (11 Years ago)
K, you're approved! :3 I'll add you to the master list now! *zooms off* PCHOOOO!

EDIT: Dang it! Stupid spoiler boxes hate me! So you guys know, the spoiler boxes for the sins are split up because the spoiler box refused to include all of Death's profile for no obvious reason...
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 40

Forum Posts: 403
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 03:21 (11 Years ago)
Okay, I fixed it. Is that better? I think I just spaced out or something.../D

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 03:28 (11 Years ago)

That's kind of weird because HAVE YOU SEEN the length of the master character list in my Lost Souls RP? It shouldn't be a length problem...

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 03:46 (11 Years ago)
@Ufimtsev: Okay then! I'll get 'er up in a minute!

@Death: :O *le gaspeth* The power...

I know, it's really odd. But I don't have any spoiler boxes in my profile, and I made sure the [/spoiler] was only after your profile... But every time, it cut off after your profile. I used a bar, then a bunch of dashes, then nothing, and NOTHING made it work! I would think it was the image size, but it started at the username! :/ Well, maybe I'll talk to Riako, see if he can figure it out. For now, I'll just do things how they work.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 30/07/2013 17:47 (11 Years ago)
Does he work for Knight in Shining Armor? x3 lol

Username: InfinityLove
Name: Kyle
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He's nice and caring, but tough when need be. He's not afraid to fight to protect something or someone. He enjoys doing things that helps people, and isn't afraid to show it anymore.
Magic Effects: Being a mostly good guy all around, he starts becoming even more and more good, acting like a Knight. At first, no one noticed that he did all these things, but it's becoming more and more noticeable, making him a Knight in Shining Armor.
Background: His dad left his mom soon after he was born, so he never had a father figure in his life. His mom tried to date around, but she refused to actually stay with them, because when he told her how they all treated him she believed him and dumped them. Because of the fact that his dad left, he always tries to be better then him, and it's also because of his mother that he always tries to do good things. When he was younger they'd go and donate things to charity, go to animal shelters and walk and help feed the dogs and play with the cats. They did all kind of things that taught him to be who he is and a good person. Being a nice guy though, some people decided that he needed to learn 'a lesson'. So it's nothing new if a group of idiots tries to pick a fight with him. After the first time it happened, he demanded that his mom enroll him in a couple of martial arts classes so he could defend himself.
Strengths: He's at his strongest when protecting others and defending what he believes and knows is right. He can take pain because of fighting people through his life, and knows when things should be said and shouldn't. He feels that if his friends believe in him and have his back, then he can do things without worry.
Weaknesses: Because he's a nice person he tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, and that's not always a good thing. Sometimes he's easily tricked, and it always hurts him to know that he was betrayed.
Fears: Being left behind, and betrayed. He doesn't want to go through what his father put him through.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberry soda, good movies, animals, and ANIME
Dislikes: Him or his friends being talked down to, spinach, annoying loud music, and people who hurt others for fun.
Orientation: Straight
Crush/Lover: Alex
Other: He wonders how llamas came to exist as well as moose.

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[center][b]Username: [/b]InfinityLove
[b]Name: [/b]Kyle
[b]Age: [/b]18
[b]Gender: [/b]Male
[b]Appearance: [/b][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-q0JnC7EpZDE/Tjx1VE45agI/AAAAAAAAB2c/oODeQHYF0Nw/s1600/anime%20vampire%20guy%201.jpg[/img]
[b]Personality: [/b]He's nice and caring, but tough when need be. He's not afraid to fight to protect something or someone. He enjoys doing things that helps people, and isn't afraid to show it anymore.
[b]Magic Effects: [/b]Being a mostly good guy all around, he starts becoming even more and more good, acting like a Knight. At first, no one noticed that he did all these things, but it's becoming more and more noticeable, making him a Knight in Shining Armor.
[b]Background: [/b]His dad left his mom soon after he was born, so he never had a father figure in his life. His mom tried to date around, but she refused to actually stay with them, because when he told her how they all treated him she believed him and dumped them. Because of the fact that his dad left, he always tries to be better then him, and it's also because of his mother that he always tries to do good things. When he was younger they'd go and donate things to charity, go to animal shelters and walk and help feed the dogs and play with the cats. They did all kind of things that taught him to be who he is and a good person. Being a nice guy though, some people decided that he needed to learn 'a lesson'. So it's nothing new if a group of idiots tries to pick a fight with him. After the first time it happened, he demanded that his mom enroll him in a couple of martial arts classes so he could defend himself.
[b]Strengths: [/b]He's at his strongest when protecting others and defending what he believes and knows is right. He can take pain because of fighting people through his life, and knows when things should be said and shouldn't. He feels that if his friends believe in him and have his back, then he can do things without worry.
[b]Weaknesses: [/b]Because he's a nice person he tends to give people the benefit of the doubt, and that's not always a good thing. Sometimes he's easily tricked, and it always hurts him to know that he was betrayed.
[b]Fears: [/b]Being left behind, and betrayed. He doesn't want to go through what his father put him through.
[b]Likes: [/b]Chocolate, Strawberry soda, good movies, animals, and ANIME
[b]Dislikes: [/b]Him or his friends being talked down to, spinach, annoying loud music, and people who hurt others for fun.
[b]Orientation: [/b]Straight
[b]Crush/Lover: [/b]Alex
[b]Other: [/b]He wonders how llamas came to exist as well as moose.

And do you know how HARD it is to make Envy?! x3 lol I swear, I'm trying to make his profile, and I'm like. It's like he's small mix of almost all of them! If he desires someone, they're taken so he'd lust after them. Wants things he doesn't have greedy. Hates that he wants things that he doesn't have or something like that is wrath.
I might be reading too much into it, but I think it's annoying. x3 lol He'l be a difficult character for sure. *fall over*