Forum Thread
How I got My username
Forum-Index → Diaries → How I got My usernameFirekirby is my main usernames to any of the pokemon rpgs i play
(so is mind freak but firekirby started in 2007 when i played runescape)
Also LightYagami is my favorite character
And Somehow LightYagami + Firekirby just goes together like what an villain would call his name before a fight
The Story
i was playing n64 super smash bro while my cousin was teaching me hwo to play runescape told me to come up with a username
and the first thing i see is Kirby head on fire and basically it was the thing that came out of my mouth was firekirby
we laughed and he said that it would sound good with 211 at the end so that is my runescape username firekirby211
eventually i got bored of firekirby i changed it to LightYagamiKira But today