Forum Thread
Slovenski klub/Slovene club
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Slovenski klub/Slovene clubPo veliko tuhtanja sem se odločil da naredim klub za vse Slovence tukaj. Mogoče nas ni veliko, vendar verjamem da lahko združimo moči in postanemo enakopravni kot ljudje iz drugih držav!
English: After thinking for a while, I've decided to make a club for all the Slovene people on here. There might not be many of us, but I believe we can all team up and be equal as people from other countries!
This club is for Slovene people, but if you have anything related of Slovenia to say you may post no matter your homeland/language.
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1.All PH Rules apply.
2.Please only speak in Slovene.
3. Don't be racist
4. Respect other people and their opinions.
[SIZE=12]Most importain rule: Have fun.
1.All PH Rules apply.
2.Please only speak in Slovene.
3. Don't be racist
4. Respect other people and their opinions.
[SIZE=12]Most importain rule: Have fun.
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Do you know how to speak Slovene?:
About yourself:
Why did you join this club?:
Do you know how to speak Slovene?:
About yourself:
Why did you join this club?: