We be starting NOW :'D sorry guys...Time zones are a pain //shot
"Hey Peri, you wanna prank pearl?"
It was a pleasant day, amethyst and peridot were outside watching
the clouds i guess... the other gems were probably in the
temple and amethyst couldent find steven earlyer.
"and...finished!" Pearl says, cleaning the last clothing.
"now I need to see if the plates are clean...ohmygod Amethyst is
such a mess..." she says, teleporting to the temple
(apparently the Wash thingy is on one of the temple's arms?)
Amethyst peeked though the window of the temple
"oooo we should go in her room and dump a ton of garbage in it!
ha-ha! follow me peri!"
amethyst opened the door, glancing at pearl and running to the
temple door she opened it to her own room
"come on peri!" she wispered
"uh yeah... its a bit messy" amethyst blushed
she then ran over and jumped face first into a pile of junk
"oooo a smoke mashine!- peri look around for random annoying
amethyst set the smoke mashine down on the floor and dug deeper
into the pile, throwing random items out as she kept looking.
amethyst jumped out of the junk pile and stood on top of it
"hey look IM PEARLLL" she shape shifted into pearl and pretended to
stab a gem monster with the sword
amethyst fell off the pile and crashed onto the floor, causing a
really loud noise.