Hello, welcome ♥.
As you have already read, I'm doing a shiny mega Sceptile hunt in
the future, for that I'm going to prepare everything I might need,
which is basically, Grass gems.
That's it, literally, I wanna buy all your Grass gems and you can't
say no, come on, I made a nice banner for this. However, I have
some rules you must follow, so we can make it clear from the start
and not have any trouble in the future. ♥
[♥] I'm usually online from 13.00 to 16.00 & from 02.00 to
05.00, if you post here at any other time I'll be either sleeping
or at work, so I won't answer right away. You can post at
any time, but remember I'll answer at the hours stated above!
[♥] Be polite, rudeness is not appreciated.
[♥] Any trade will be arranged here, which means no PM or PalPad
messages, and we'll always use Delibird Item Delivery, I
think it's easier and quicker.
[♥] I'll ask you to please send the Gems first, and then I'll send
the payment. If you have a problem with this, then we're not doing
the trade.
[♥] Please, please don't double post or advertise your shop
or anything like that ♥.
<<What I'm offering>>
[♥] I'm paying 400 each Gem.
[♥] If you sell me +150 Gems, I'll pay 500 each.
[♥] I'm paying x1 Dragon gem for 100 Grass gem. (2 in
[♥] I'm paying 50 for 250 Gems. (none in stock, sorry.)
[♥] I'm paying a Shiny slot* for 500 Gems. (of any shiny I'm
currently hunting)
*this might take some time since I usually hatch them and sell
them, but you'll get them soon enough.
I have lots of Larvesta for trade, and I can breed Snivy + evo for
you after my hunt, as well as Archen. And I can evolve some Litwick
for you for Chandelure and Lampent.
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
Larvesta for 3k? I already got a Serperior so I'd only need Snivy +
Servine and that would be 4k more. And I'd only need a Litwick
since I had 2 Lampent in a box, I haven't seen them before lol.
That would be 8k. is fine with you? :]
Yep, that's fine. You really don't
need to send money for anything but Larvesta and Litwick? nah
it's free right now, considering my current Litwick
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up