Forum Thread
Wish List
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Wish ListPeople hatch eggs under 20-30 minutes because maybe they interact a lot, and they have premium and a flute.
See, anyone can buy themselves premium or a flute, In fact, interacting is free.
You cant expect Pokemon to get to level 50 straight away in one day. It wont happen in the real games, why should it happen here?
[i]"Shinah. It means
Or starting a trade-thread where you offer items you don't want/need?
You can't just expect everything to fall into your lap without doing anything, they didn't get 'famous' because they sit around all day, they actually DO things...
I'm not quite sure what you're suggesting, but if it's what I think it is, no support.
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!
Or if you want to go by the "famous" route just make yourself known then. Actually talk to people, maybe join a club or two, try going to hero chat every now and then, add people to your friend list and interact with them. Do something like CatLady said.
Besides people give gifts to people anyway. Be it out of kindness or pity doesn't matter, people still do it. What you're suggesting is something that already goes on around here, maybe not to you right now, but it does.
So no support.
Actually, I did it twice xD But to be fair they were x2 days and I clicked...a TON. Or at least, a ton by my standards :p
But anywayyyy....
It sounds to me like you're asking for people to give you stuff to hatch eggs/level Pokemon faster. People don't always randomly give gifts (they do if they're nice/generous), they usually do it to good friends. I'm not saying for you to go make friends so they can give you stuff, that's messed up :I But seriously, you should try harder.
Then again I'm assuming this wish list is a list of Pokemon the user wants clicked. Either way people would still be begging and since the point of this was to even some sort of playing field with the "famous" user and the "not famous" user that isn't a good reason to have a wish list. It's more the difference between being active and not active, like other users have said just be active and your eggs will get hatched.
you don't need to be 'famous' to have them clicked a lot, you just need to do a lot of clicking to get on peoples' 'unreturned favors' list
I'm not sure what the complaining in the first post is all about, though. I don't like the fact that some users can hatch eggs x10 faster than me, but that can't be helped. I could, however, change that by buying a Premium, flute and clicking a lot.