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Choose Your Way (A Choose Your Own Adventure)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Choose Your Way (A Choose Your Own Adventure)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Mon, 21/12/2015 02:00 (9 Years ago)
Sing, sing, the sparrow sings,
Feel the watery sunlight upon your grave,
Soon this will all be over,
Sing, sing, sing...

Behind each door, which do you choose?

Absol, Eevee, or Swablu?

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A confused Absol that has been shoved out of his family due to his strange ability to change into mega form without a trainer, or a stone, for that matter. He wanders the land, searching for the answer to his ability.
Level 54
Slash /|\ Sucker Punch /|\ Play Rough /|\ Swords Dance

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A normal Eevee living with her trainer with a good life. But when her trainer begins to disappear for long stretches of time, she has to investigate.
Level 6
Tackle /|\ Growl /|\ Yawn /|\ Tail Whip

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A young Swablu, who finds himself as the unlikely leader of his flock. Can you lead him to greatness?
Level 12
Sing /|\ Disarming Voice /|\ Peck /|\ Fury Attack

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A Choose Your Own Adventure is a type of "story", almost. A person chooses one of the options and the creator of the thread posts the reaction, along with other choices. If multiple people post, I'll choose the first person, unless that person had been chosen multiple times before hand.
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Thu, 14/01/2016 23:53 (9 Years ago)
Can I be Fiona?

Name: Sweet
Adopt one yourself! @[url=http://www.pokemon-adoption.de]Pok
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 15/01/2016 12:18 (9 Years ago)
is this still happening? I'd love to play with Oliver :3
Trainerlevel: 59

Forum Posts: 204
Posted: Fri, 15/01/2016 12:36 (9 Years ago)
Can I play as Oliver? :D
~ Hello ~


Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 573
Posted: Fri, 15/01/2016 23:33 (9 Years ago)
Since Fiona and Oliver is already taken,may i be Dusk
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 14:42 (9 Years ago)
(Also, anyone can choose an option for this, just make sure you choose one! You can't choose one for each path)


Fiona's ears perked as she heard the slam of a door. There her trainer went, leaving her alone in her house again. She shuddered, casting nervous glances at the walls. She knew that ghost pokemon were real, and generally unfriendly. Yet, the covers on the bed she was curled on made the perfect fortress against the real world.
A. Wait for her trainer to return
B. Follow stealthily


Dusk howled as he flung the opposing pokemon away from him. He charged, his claws growing long and slashed the pathetic Charizard across its middle. The Charizard roared angrily, coughing up a flame. The blast singed Dusk's fur and he felt a twinge of admiration for the pokemon. Rarely did any wild ones land a blow on him.
A. Finish the battle
B. Talk to the Charizard and see if the two can become partners.


Oliver glanced longingly at the serene blue sky and the uninterrupted puffy clouds. He sighed, knowing that only a month ago that he would have been up there, playing with the other Chicks. Shaking his head, he addressed the Altaria in front of him. "No, do not go out. We can't afford another loss. We can't anger the Braviary flock. They would slaughter us."
The Altaria shook his magnificent head. "Alright. But if they cross the border one more time-"
"We'll leave."
The Altaria huffed and left Oliver stewing. Escape tempted him and in the clouds no one would find him.
A. Remain with the flock
B. Run away
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 573
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 14:56 (9 Years ago)
(May i choose B)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 15:07 (9 Years ago)
(No Roleplaying required! I'm assuming you are going with Dusk so...)

Dusk haulted and shouted to the Charizard, "Hey! Wait!"
The Charizard paused and flicked his tail back and forth. "What?" The one word cane out in a rumble that shook the ground.
"You are a good fighter."
The Charizard barked out a laugh. "Hardly. I barely landed a blow on you."
"Most Pokémon do not."
The Charizard huffed and rolled its shoulders. "Let's just get back to our battle."
"Wait. I'm not sure I want to fight you. Join me and I will teach you to be a better fighter."
The Charizard looked tempted and eventually nodded. It leaned against a tree and motioned at Dusk with his claws. "So who are you?"
A. Tell the Charizard who you are
B. Carefully sidestep the question.
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 573
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 15:13 (9 Years ago)
(I choose a,don't want the charizard to be suspicious now right?
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Sat, 16/01/2016 23:41 (9 Years ago)

"My name is Dusk." He said gruffly, turning his head away. He felt the mega form take a drain on his energy, and he reverted back to his regular form. His back tingled where his wings had been and his claws ached.
"How do you do that?" The Charizard motioned at the now regular Absol.
"That?" Dusk laughed mirthlessly. "I don't know. That's why I'm out here." No point in being secretive about his ability.
The Charizard grunted, glancing at the growing night. "We should set up camp."
Dusk paused mid-nod. "I have a question to ask you..."
A. "Who are you?"
B. "Why are you out here?"
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 573
Posted: Sun, 17/01/2016 00:47 (9 Years ago)
(I choose a)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Mon, 18/01/2016 00:31 (9 Years ago)

"Who are you?" Dusk's eyes flashed with an emotion that seemed raw and burning.
The Charizard snorted. "Just a traveler. Not a bandit, if that's what you're wondering."
Dusk studied the Charizard and gave a decisive nod. The Charizard was smudged with dirt, but no telltale scars lined its body. Also, when fighting, it did not move with the grace or ease of a bandit.
"What's your name?"
"I don't have one."
Dusk brought his head sharply up, but the Charizard had its head angled away.
A. Press for information
B. Let the subject be

(Sorry for my long silence! I was kept away from a computer. ^^)
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 573
Posted: Sat, 23/01/2016 14:31 (9 Years ago)
(B please)
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 297
Posted: Tue, 26/01/2016 01:45 (9 Years ago)

Dusk shrugged and snorted. "All right, then. What should I call you?"
"I don't really care." The Charizard waved its claws dismissively, and nearly got Dusk to believe that it didn't really care. But then he caught the flash of sadness... and anger?
"Just... how about I call you..."
A. "I'll call you... *Write in your own*" [/center]