Oh! That's a global goal. Geez, I thought how much clicks... well
literally 15k clicks I would have to do in such a sort time.
But yeah, that's way faster. Tho does it have to reload after 10
clicks? As far as I understand, it loads 10 pokemon/eggs to click
and then loads 10 new one after the previous ones have been
interacted with. Yes/no?
Hmm, haven't tried on the phone either.
Have a friend coming over tomorrow most likely, but I think he can
wait that 10 minutes without me when the event is taking place. :D
I believe that happens only if you finished interacting with every
pokemon in the clicklist, meaning it only happens with the "Online
Userlist" & "Unreturned Favors" clicklists.
Art made by Charingo! Please do not
Poke tags made by Queen Pumpkaboo!
@Book, hmm. I usually have it the other way around. Event page
shows more clicks than in the clicklist bar. And the only other
clicks I do in the mean time is on the index page, but getting 10
clicks in about 10 minutes is not impossible but not always the
case. *shrugs*
Tegari: Feeding a berry gives you 2 Interaction Activity Points
Book: Maybe you double-clicked on the "Warm"/"Train"-button. This
has been fixed yesterday but it may still be cached on your
computer. (Hit CTRL + F5 on the Lite Pokémon Page to fix it)