Wow! So many orders, I didn't think I'd get this busy so
I have added you all to the list c:
Just a question for ZorgedLikesFroakies, what type of piano would
you like? A grand one (like in the chikorita sprite) a keyboard
(like ampharos) or a normal piano?
And a big thank you to everyone who tipped me!
Edit: PokemonTrainerM, here's your sprite! You didn't tell me a
color for the guitar so I just made it green (I think it stands out
quite well from Pichu's yellow body) but I can change the color if
you want, just let me know c:
Another Edit: Lilwan, here's your sprite. Is that what you meant by
a dark aura? I wasn't sure. If it's not right, let me know and I'll
try to fix it.
Many apologies to those waiting for a sprite. My computer decided
to throw a tantrum and delete an entire afternoons worth of saved
work. :,( I'm redoing them now, but if I don't get finished tonight
it might be a day or two before I have another chance to work on
them as I have a rather busy weekend ahead. I promise they will be
done as soon as I can.
It was a bit faster this time around, since I already knew what I
was doing:
Claus, here is your sprite. Let me know if you want anything
Thanks Lilwan, I'm glad you like it. It was a bit tricky as it was
my first trainer/pokemon sprite, but it was a good challenge for me
to increase my skills c:
\r\nMy Pokemon is in a Band!\r\nPokemon:the pokemon in my
avatar\r\nInstrument: Grand Piano (black)\r\nDetails:
make it look cool..... With 3 black musical notes flying out of
it.... with eyes closed...
Lilwan, I will try this but it will be rather tricky as usually
when I do these sprites I have a few different sprite bases I can
get reference from, and in this case I will only have one. I only
started spriting a couple of weeks ago, so things like this would
be stretching my abilities.
However, I will add you to the list and give it my best shot. :)
ZorgedLikesFroakies I'm working on yours now but I need to
know whether you prefer a normal piano, grand piano or keyboard. Or
I could choose for you... ;)